Nobody's COB Perpetual: Various Strains & Some Edible Fun At Times In A Tiny Tent

AK47 (A) - Day 58
White Widow (PFem) - Day 21
HSO Raspberry Diesel - Day 2
HSO og kush (A) - soak

TB-@ 86hrs


Yesterday around 9pm, I had the wonderful psyc craving for some was soooo cute. Did my work, came home and ate, put on some, wheres my bowl....haha...I am fine. I have a couple cheeba chews that are what I thought to be 100 CBD, but they could also be 1:1. I might try an eighth of one tonight. Maybe.

Light will be here today, might flip the AK on Sunday to 12. I will get some photos of the light later when it's in.

Today I pulled out the AK and removed more fans and larf sites. It got misted with the Pro-Tekt (Si) bc I mixed a batch to mist the WW and the RD. Going to try and not water today, but the plant is taking up what I am giving it pretty good. I might try another feeding today as I see no stress anywhere.

Our Iron Maiden friend-farside05- has a grow using Pro-tekt as well, believe to be sponsored. It's a pretty simple nute program he is using. Simple is better right!?

Here is the OGK....still waiting. Hardhead. I have about a dozen more seeds and it's an auto, so no stressing if this one is a problem child. But since three plants are up, I will give this one some time. I do see another auto drop this week possibly regardless of outcome.

We have a weekend coming up...hope everyone has a graceful friday!
Yeah, pretty exciting for me. The HSO R. Diesel seed looked as tiny as a little basil seed, about 1/3 size of a regular seed.

Small seeds wig me out.

I needed some weed smell so I pulled the AK and whipped a few more lower larfy spots off. Felt pretty light to the touch so I decided to give it a liter with 1ml Ca/Mg, 1ml seaplex kelp pH to slightly under 6.5.

I have done a few applications of the seaplex, and I like it. Plants leaves seem a bit more even in color and condition.

I am thinking when the new light from timber gets here, I will move the two little ones outside of the tent to veg and flip the lights to 12 for the AK. It's 107 and 68rh outside now (tired of fighting temps), and I think this plant has most of it's growning behind it. I feel like my past autos I have kinda let them do there on thing at 18 hours, that is fine, but I feel like I end up with a dead plant as soon as the buds are clear. Trying to be more aggressive to flower and hopefully we can go into bloom a touch earlier.

Listening to this classic piece of music right now, one of the best teenage songs ever...remember it from being a young skaterat.

I go, "Mom, just get me a Pepsi, please? All I want's a Pepsi"
And she wouldn't give it to me
All I wanted was a Pepsi
Just one Pepsi
And she wouldn't give it to me
Just a Pepsi!

Suicidal tendecies! Nice choice of music. I remeber being in highschool and being a rebelous lil the time...early to mid 80' was my go to music while smokin a j.
Suicidal tendecies! Nice choice of music. I remeber being in highschool and being a rebelous lil the time...early to mid 80' was my go to music while smokin a j.

Man, I was totally into that stuff as a teen too, that is still an incredible LP to this day. More adults then should have actually listened to it.

As we should listen to our children.

Nice defol on the AK, plant structure looks great :thumb:

Man, I have only done it once. White stuff was showing well 9/15 for me. But my plant was 100 days old the cuttings were taken from, so that could have something to do with it.
Si for a few times in mist...keep em damp after that is all I did, cover at night. After 2/3 days I left them uncovered most of the day.
They got cut on Tuesday night and the plant dates from February, though I can't say how old those stems are. I'll start to let them dry out a bit tonight and then this weekend I'll try more uncovered than covered.
Watching Wilco on ACL (tape)....and drooling over their guitars.

Just got the veg light, at it's lowest setting, 13w at wall, it would need to be about 6-8 off the plant per my crappy meter. Plenty o light at half setting 20" off the plants.

I have moved the WW and the RD under it for the time.

Thinking of flipping the AK, it's not photo, or should I just wait a bit. Don't want to 'let it go' on it's on and end up with dying auto and unripe buds. I have never flipped an auto, just let them do their thing on there own.

Watching Wilco on ACL (tape)....and drooling over their guitars.

Just got the veg light, at it's lowest setting, 13w at wall, it would need to be about 6-8 off the plant per my crappy meter. Plenty o light at half setting 20" off the plants.

I have moved the WW and the RD under it for the time.

Thinking of flipping the AK, it's not photo, or should I just wait a bit. Don't want to 'let it go' on it's on and end up with dying auto and unripe buds. I have never flipped an auto, just let them do their thing on there own.

13 watts? That's efficient! As long as you're getting the coverage without the heat, keep it low and cheap :).

Wait, the AK is an auto? What do you mean by flip then? 20/4 or at least 18/6 if you want it to live up to its potential.
If by flipping you mean going to 12/12, I'd lay money on the fact that the only difference is smaller buds. Even photo growers try to get away with 13/11 by adding a red spectrum array for a few minutes at lights out. Auto growers have the pleasure of running 24/0 if we want!

Replacements - Hootenanny

My reasoning, is that at 70 days in soil, this plant has had all the veg time it needs. I don't ever plan to run 24 straight. I tried it and felt that with temps it just was a constant a perfect world I would use 1000w of MH or S.

One could easily reason that if autos are good for x number of days, having a longer bloom might be of benefit.

I have a friend who has about 200 acres of greenhouse for wholesale to HD, Lowes, etc. She mentioned this to me as a thought.

I agree on either side. Longer veg / better, but that is assuming that we can flower as long as we need to.

I might just flip a coin. Still trying to understand autos.

Meant to post photos of the new light earlier....

Looks bright! Nice choice :thumb:

I'd still lay money that if you took two auto seeds and run one at 12/12 after 70 days and one at 18/6, they would finish at statistically the same time with statistically greater weight on the 18/6 plant (well maybe not that big a weight difference starting at 70 but still...). You don't get to flower an auto longer based on hours of light any more than you can get it to veg longer. It will flower when it's gonna flower and ripen when it's gonna ripen. That's what I think, but science away for the greater good!
yeah, that is at the lowest setting.

Your probably right that there is little difference in the time frame. I wish I could do that test. I am just curious if I can sacrifice some yield for quality.

Cause we know I be cuttin' back and all!
AK47 (A) - Day 59
White Widow (PFem) - Day 22
HSO Raspberry Diesel - Day 3
HSO og kush (A) - soak

It's just fucking stupid hot careful if your on the roads out there, shit buckles in this weather.

Last night I did some tweaks to the tent, longer air intake, lowered fan speed, etc. It was hot as shit and I got the temp in the tent to stay under 79 for the day. I also upped the lights to 165w in the process. Big deal going forward....

I am not trying to grow the strongest bud out there with the most trichomes on it. A few of yall have been privy to discussions and know about some minor issues I am having with overindulgence. I was looking for seeds over the past couple days with THC below about 17%-and I would prefer something even closer to 14. I found a couple and ordered them.

These 28% thc varieties are great and all, but to me, it makes nobody dull and some of it just gives me a headache.

I want a smoke to rival all smoke in taste. Half of the enjoyment of weed for me is just sitting on the porch and having a smoke.

Today I gave the AK 1.25l of 6.5pH, with 5ml of the pure blend pro, .8ml Ca/Mg, .8ml seaplex.
It's 110f out my back door right now... stupid hot is a mighty good description!

Question for you. When you are cloning, how much root do you look for before planting in soil?
clone roots.jpg

Do you think that is enough?
Damn that's what MINE are supposed to look like coming out of the bucket! Instead of this:

What's your secret?

Oh, I'd wait a bit longer but I have heard that as long as you have the secondary fish-bone roots you're good to pot. I'm more conservative than that and probably wait unto the main root was another 2-4 inches. I'm just talking from what I've seen others do as I have never gotten a root in my aero bucket cloner.
Thanks shed. My secret was watching a video of a guy saying you need the water to be 60f or colder. I was getting no roots until I cooled the water way down. I'm using about 5 quarts of water in the bucket and I keep putting a frozen quart in there several times a day. I'm using a dewey mister and an extra air stone in the bucket with 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off.
Just got done doing the yard. My neighbors think I am an idiot. I save the easiest work for last.

None-I have never used the spray underneath. I have seen a few commercial cloning ops for ag stuff...never seen it done that way. But those roots look nice so far. Temp may be a big factor. If I had those, I might put them in some seed starter that is pretty mild now. (but that could be wrong).

Yall know how I cloned, I just covered the plug in soil.
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