No Signs of sex

Spring water is definately better than tap water, but it may contain minerals that you don't want in there. So... I'd wait a couple of days to let it dry out a bit, then flush with the spring water if it's all you have, but don't add any of the aquarium stuff to it.. (I bought that stuff myself when I first started growing, but it didn't seem to do anything to the PH anyway..)

Hopefully it will help..

ok... im going to work soon... but tomorrow the soil should be dry. ive ben giving them an extra day of dryness... but im not gunna wait this time... ill start flushing out the soil tomorrow. before i start my next grow im going to get my money up and buy a ph meter, up & down and some better nute etc, etc. are there any cheap, but RELIABLE meters out there... maybe i can afford to buy one before this grow is done wit.

P.S. could this problem really be the cause of the mutated leaves? that is just really bugging me alot. lol
ok so here is the pic of the healthy plant...

Wow she sure is pretty! You've got green thumbs 4iLLEsT2bTCH0. :adore:

The leaves "loosing" fingers is a sign of stress... sometimes a plant is just weaker than another. Natural selection at work.. :smoke2: (But hopefully this will get straightened out)

thanks mc!! this is my favorite plant bc its the first marijuana seed i have ever planted... im very proud of her :) i hope the other one is ok... ill be upset if somethin happens to her.
thanks blowin.endo! she doesnt look half as good as your girl, but hopefully shell get close. im kinda worried about the size of the buds, they seem small, but then again im only using cfls and they both still have a good month and a half to go.
well i started flushing the plants today... i qam flushing both bc if there is a buildup or whatever the problem is with the one plant, i assume there has to be the same problem in the soil with the second one... id rather be safe than sorry if u kno what i mean.... so after the first gallon, the soil was taking a LONG time to soak it up, so i took that as a hint and backed off... i dont want to drown them... so for the next few waterings im just going to use plain old spring water, but im going to use WAY more than normal. im hoping that this makes a difference in the one plant, it doesnt look any better than it did before and it smells like hay. yet the other one smells so good i cant wait to try it.
yep this would be my first grow! thats why im so worried about everything. thanks alot!! but in a couple days im going to really flush them and then if that doesnt help this other plant than idk what will. if it doesnt help then im just going to stop worrying about it and just let it do its thing.
not really, she is kinda starting to get her smell back just a lil... but, o well... what are ya gunna do. another thing i noticed is that she kinda stopped growing.
It'll take her a little bit of time to recover from stress and the flushing. If the smell is starting to come back, that's a good indication she's starting to uptake nutrients again. (very cool!) At 17 + days into flower her stretching period is close to over, so you probably won't notice anymore upward growth.

And its good to have an "oh well" attitude towards the sick plant. Your other plant is doing beautifully so don't second-guess your skills or spend too much time worrying over the weaker one.... you're doing waaaaaaaaaaaay better than I did on my first grow ... :smoke2:

thanks mc... you always have something nice to say.

so i was thinking.... with about a month or so left until i harvest... YAY.... i decided that i want to start another plant ASAP so when the other plants are ready for harvest the seedling will be ready for flowering. so last night at 3:30 am i started germintating a seed. only one... i have 3 of these seeds... skunk that my bfs friend got from a seed bank. (its legit bc my boyfriend saw the lil pouch that the seeds get shipped in.) i figured if this one turns out to be female than this one plant will have all the light all the room etc. if it turns out male im going to let it mature and get pollen off of it. the last time i germinated seeds using the papertowel method i only had one out of 7 actually crack, and then i put 6 seeds in a shallow glass of water and almost all of them popped. so that is what im doing this time hoping that this seed actually cracks. i just checked on it not too long ago and nothing yet. hopefully sometime today!!
awesome... and the cycle keeps on going on... hopefully you get some females

so does this mean you're gonna start a new journal after this harvest? (that'd be dope)
im seriously thinkin about starting a journal for this plant... to be honest i was orginally going to start a journal for the plants i have now. but for some reason i never did. ok... final decision... the journal will start when the seed cracks... hopefully its today!!!!!!

o quick question... the seed has a little white hole but it hasnt cracked....does this mean its ready to plant or that its no good?
i also want to kno if anyone has any idea of when i should stop nutes and start flushing them out... i want to be totally prepared for this!! so im planning way ahead of time.

but seriously tho, does anyone kno about the white hole in the seed? ive never seen that on any of the other seeds ive germinated.
ok well since no one answered me im just going to go ahead and plant this... hopefully it will grow.
4iLLEsT2bTCH0 said:
i also want to kno if anyone has any idea of when i should stop nutes and start flushing them out... i want to be totally prepared for this!! so im planning way ahead of time.

but seriously tho, does anyone kno about the white hole in the seed? ive never seen that on any of the other seeds ive germinated.

When you feel that you are about a week or two from harvest, flush. It takes some practice sometimes, and you come up early or late until you get really familiar with a certain strain taht you like. Go for it!

By hole do you mean at the seam or on the side? If it's open/exposed the embryo inside may have dried out and died. Doesn't hurt to try it might get lucky.
well unfortunately i couldnt get any organic nutes so im using chemical... so ill start flushing 2 weeks before. thanks for your help... as for the seed the hole is on the seam where it would normally crack open you kno what i mean? like on the pointy part lol. i think that is the start of a crack bc it wasnt there before i germinated it.

i am extremely disappointed... i found dingleberries on my girls :(

i pulled all of them off of the smaller plant. i did a thorough search and got all of them i think.

the bigger healthier plant was a different story... i only found one pollen sack on her, but because that one is more filled out than the other, im not so sure i got them all. im going to go back there later and search a little better.
i was hopin not to have any seeds at all but, if i get a few, whats the big deal?

btw, will they grow back? should i keep an eye out for more in the future?
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