No new leaves emerging

Yeah...I didn’t wait to top her. Post transplant she never skipped a beat and the two lower branches were wanting to shoot up but couldn’t per her programming.

She’s pushing now but have noticed some signs on her first leaves so she will obviously be my problem child this run...seems every run has that one plant...

Anyway I’ll keep an eye on her and the others. Start adding some kelp & fish and keep with the silica and CM @ 6.4

I’ll add a pic in a while to show her progress since cutting that non-top.
I still don't remember what strain it was that did that to me. I know I never had any more problems with it I would have remembered. The fact that I have no idea of which plant did it proves that. Cal/Mag is all I have ever had to add to plants that size. When I get leaf problems that early Lilly Miller B-1 Plant starter usually solves it.
The one seed I had that came out with only one round leaf. Actually lived. I saw a tiny leaf formed at the center where it should be so I left it. It took a long time but the plant came around. It was the only female of the strain so it ended up mothering all my Jacks Cleaner 2 f-2 seeds. It took so long to get started. By the end of flower it was 12" tall. I didn't have a good female but the males were over 3 foot when I killed them.
So here she is post cut. She’s healthy but not sure how she will mature with everything pushing from the first node.


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A quick update on this quirky girl. She’s plugging along, smaller than the rest but doing her own thing apparently. Not sure what I’ll get from her in the end but a pretty cool defect.

I also included a pic of her sister and one of the Liberty Haze with three tops.

And yes, they are all overdue to be potted up which will hopefully happen today. Into 3 gallon nursery pots, I’m liking them a bit more than grow bags.


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Just a quick update on this girl in case anyone is curious.

She’s spread out and waiting for the flip in about a week or so.


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