No new leaves emerging


Well-Known Member
This is a Cinderella xx Brothers Grimm. Sprouted perfect but seems to have stalled. There’s no sign of it pushing new leaves. Not really worried since it appears healthy and will grow. I’m just curious as to why or what solutions.

All the other plants are fine and her sister plant is normal.


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Here’s the Liberty Haze with its double top.

She’s heavy from her first good watering.


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Well...still no movement on this plant and not sure what’s going on. I guess I’ll leave her for now unless someone talks me into topping her after the first node.

Calling @Jackalope
@Emilya @SweetSue and all others. Ever seen this?


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@Chris Scorpio I like the way you think. I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere without topping. I just don’t want to stunt the plant. I thought a top would have been trying to push out by now.

Has anyone topped at the first node? What were the results?
I've Fd up before, and they did great

But that's NOT a true seedling, it's much older , right?

There is nothing on top that resembles new growth, so force the lowers to take over

What do ya have to loose
I think you are rootbound in that cup. Uppot, give her 3 days, and then top. This is not a race.

Oh yeah.... that sounds good too. :battingeyelashes:
I say top it

Force those lower growths to take off
I agree completely, if you’re not seeing the growth you want, it’s nearly large enough for topping anyway. May stunt the growth slightly, but looks like that’s happening anyway. Plus then you’ll have more colas triggered to grow, so win win in my opinion
@Chris Scorpio I like the way you think. I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere without topping. I just don’t want to stunt the plant. I thought a top would have been trying to push out by now.

Has anyone topped at the first node? What were the results?
Bad idea imo, heavily stunted growth unless it’s already fairly far along with a strong stem and the other growth is already taking off near it, but would be a bad idea with very few nodes. However since you have so few nodes and would pretty much have to, I would opt to F’IM it
Well I’m taking all the great advice!!

I up potted all the plants to 1 gallon containers. None were root bound but roots were swirling around the bottom of the cup. The only plant whose dirt somewhat fell away was the Pineapple Express which was expected since she’s almost a week younger.

I will give her till Sunday to show some activity and if there’s none then she will be topped. What about grabbing the top leaves and anchoring down to trigger the lowers? I’ve got no fear of scissors but like to look at options.

Actually it’s getting to be topping time for all soon. Next I not top the Liberty Haze which popped two tops naturally?

I feel like this is a circus freak tent this run and I’m the clueless ringmaster. Lol
I had something similar happen at one time. I forget exactly what the situation was. The end was the same. There was no place for growth to start at the top of the plant. Mine happened near the same time I think. They were still in cups at the time. At first I thought it was something else. Now not so much. I looked close at the top of the plant. It looks more like the center of a leaf than a growing top. It doesn't look like you have many leaves below it for topping to do any good. There has to be places for branching to start. I will look back and see if I can find the picture. I know I posted it now. Thing is I was growing Grimm genetics when it happened. Now I have to go back and see what strain it was that did it.

The more I think about it. The more I think it was the exact same thing that happened to me. Mine happened with the first single leaves right after the round ones. Leaving me in the same situation. No place for new growth to start. Going to take me some time but I will find the picture and the strain if I can.

Found it. I will have to go a lot farther back to find out what strain it was. Very well could have been because of Grimm genetics. I had Killer Queen going at the time. They both are made with the same reversed female. As you can tell mine branched on its own. I am sure the plant did fine. I let it get pretty big before I topped the plant. No new growth ever started where it should have.
@Jackalope. I’ve been reading your posts and following your grows since I joined. Been using a lot of your tricks in my grows. I remembered you growing Grimm in the past. @SweetSue I think has grown it as well.

Really appreciate your feedback and pics. Yeah the plants look almost identical. The branches below are starting to grow and the top leaves are reaching as well.

They all look happy post transplant so I’ll give her till Sunday and then chop the top.
I have to admit. It is great to be tagged and have the answer for what you were tagged about. I guess I have seen a lot of shit LMAO.

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