NL5 Fems & Bagseed Fluxes On 12-1 600W MH 4x4

NL5 Fems & Bagseed Fluxes On 12-1 600W MH 4x4

Good day and generous gardens to all!

@Pantagruel Thanks for coming through and I appreciate the kind words as they will encourage my work to perhaps be great one day lol

@islander Thanks for subbing and I too think it's interesting although "saying the least" is hard for the loquacious so I'll just spill it instead lol. I wake up before everyone so excuse zany coffee spliff talk. I tend to wax poetic. BEast mode is what I need guidance on lol. I'm trying for a solid foundation at this point for the fluxes and still considering training options for the 4 northern lights #5 amongst other tweaks so I'm all ears so to speak!

@freak Isn't a good flux just satisfying? Like there's something about the seedlings symmetry even that I feel people growing from clone miss out on. Thank you for your kind words and I am indeed happy when growing .
So I'm in the room anyway, being quiet as a Christmas mouse while the fam sleeps so I should maybe journal some more lol

Dear diary, lol

So I have two analog timers for my GLR 12-1 lighting situation.
I have my main 600w mh (that I just turned up to 75% power today after a few weeks adjusting from CFLs and being low for the seedlings)
And I have a soft white 45w big CFL in the middle to supplement a little during the day but most importantly to break the night up into two halves to stop flowering. Well I decided to only have it on at night now and my eyes are thanking me already!

Turning the bulb intensity up didn't cause much heat difference. I cracked the window per usual and temps are at 76-79f.

Still under 20% rh. Hmmmmm.

I wonder if it's harder to keep a tent humid? Transfer of air effect humidity? Heat is my main concern so I'm waiting for more info through research or insight from one of you fine fellows on how to proceed with tent vent.

It's been 3 days since last watering. It's getting easier to wait on giving them a drink now that I have the sprouts along. I think I overwatered and pampered the Bagseeds to a fault when they were younger but live and learn lol.

I'm considering sips in trays in the bottom of crates with custom square smart pots on top of that. All on wheels. Would this help humidity ? Lol

These seedlings are so stretchy under the metal halide compared to the CFLs I had right on top of the Bagseeds but now that I'm into topping and stripping underneath I figure I can rub aloe on the stem and bury it for 6 inches of new roots! Eh?

I'm loving the different characteristics of the phenos showing from these babies already. They can't be more than 2 weeks but they are vigorous. I think I might flux the long sativa looking ones and do something different with the bushier two. What do you think?


And why are these leaves so wonky???? Lol

You guys rock! See you soon and thanks for chiggity checkin me out
Hey Bud! I'm sure Duggan missed your question about ventilation because he loves reccomending a specific combo. I know the filter is Can 33 and it's a little pricy at $133 on the zon plus you must purchase the flange separately for about $18. The fan I use and like very much (I have 2) is the iPower 6" 442 CFM which is about $65. That all together is over the $200 but what I may suggest is that you don't really need the carbon filter until you flower your ladies so get the fans (instead of passive intake, you may consider a big box fan, I think they're about 150 CFM and $15 or $20) the ducting, clamps AND a speed controller, which should be set at about 70%, again, Duggan is going to tell you this is a must because it will greatly extend the life of you fan and filter! I'm gonna post this over in the dungeon too.

I think you may have the same HID light that I have (not in use) but can you vent through it? If so, you'll need to start at the filter (when you get it) then a couple feet of ducting to the light (that is 2 clamps) then from the light to the fan which is another 2 clamps and depending on if you mount the fan inside or outside the tent 2+ feet of ducting then ducting from the fan leading out the top of your tent so another clamp. I used to mount the fan outside of the tent but now have the fan mounted directly to the filter (since I now have an LED instead of the hid) and then out the top of the tent with an intake fan with about 6 or so feet of ducting on the outside of the tent currently hung at the top of the tent to grab a little heat because it was getting cold in there at lights out. Sorry for the long post.

Let me know if you have any questions.
NL5 Fems & Bagseed Fluxes On 12-1 600W MH 4x4

Thank you so much mr meoff .

I was beginning to think my format too far out and scatter brained lol. There's naturally a lot to say as I've been mulling over my secret garden for months and my girl got tired of hearing me blab about it immediately and even my homies that are privy just kinda say good job as they scratch their head because they mostly deal with clones for quick lol

So great idea waiting on the filter until flower (around 2 months? Maybe shorter?)

Those ipower fans are right in range money wise and the speed controllers are a great suggestion, making it so I can control how fast the air swaps out, maybe lower fan speed the easier it will be to keep RH in check? Do you think I need a hood with a dedicated fan for heat? Or were you suggesting a box fan would cool the light enough if the air was refreshed at a fast enough rate?

Shoot, if I only need the intake / outake fans and accessories for the bare bulb I can afford docs kit maybe. Especially if I get a lil love in a Christmas card lol
Re: NL5 Fems & Bagseed Fluxes On 12-1 600W MH 4x4

Thank you so much mr meoff .

I was beginning to think my format too far out and scatter brained lol. There's naturally a lot to say as I've been mulling over my secret garden for months and my girl got tired of hearing me blab about it immediately and even my homies that are privy just kinda say good job as they scratch their head because they mostly deal with clones for quick lol

So great idea waiting on the filter until flower (around 2 months? Maybe shorter?)

Those ipower fans are right in range money wise and the speed controllers are a great suggestion, making it so I can control how fast the air swaps out, maybe lower fan speed the easier it will be to keep RH in check? Do you think I need a hood with a dedicated fan for heat? Or were you suggesting a box fan would cool the light enough if the air was refreshed at a fast enough rate?

Shoot, if I only need the intake / outake fans and accessories for the bare bulb I can afford docs kit maybe. Especially if I get a lil love in a Christmas card lol

Sorry, I assumed you had the same light which I see you do not now, I don't know about needing a hood, that is just what I have. Your gonna need a humidifier to get that up. Doc's and others 1st advice is to dial in the environment. I read in someone's journal that you can get the speed controllers at the box stores in the router section for 1/2 price, I need a 2nd one so am going to test that idea soon.

Doc has free shipping for the holidays right now I think and it is never gonna get much better than that already very low price. Don't forget you'll need the pro mix, about $50, the totes or a big garbage can (clean) and earth worm poop, for me about $37.

You should pull the trigger! The support is unlike anything available anywhere else, heck doc himself will help you.

When you get a chance, pop over to my neck of the woods and scan the last few pages to see what I have going on.

And ween, my man. About your long post.....
I love long posts!!!! Which makes this even more embarrassing lol. I didn't even see your second and most helpful paragraph lol!!!!! DOH!

No I don't have a hood, only the wing reflector. So having the same light, you're saying heat would be a problem without a hood? I was almost betting it would be so I was thinking dealing with bulb heat and scent filtering / tent air exchange as two seperate issues. Hnmmmmmmmmm
Re: NL5 Fems & Bagseed Fluxes On 12-1 600W MH 4x4

I actually never mentioned a box fan, I was talking about an inline duct fan at the box store but you will need a couple fans on there.

I suspect the wonky leaves are from the torture you put her through....?
Re: NL5 Fems & Bagseed Fluxes On 12-1 600W MH 4x4

You will not know how hot it'll get until you set it up. The 442 CFM fan should pull a lot of the heat out. Do you have AC in that room? If not, just crack a window assuming it's cold where you are. When I ran the hid, I tied the intake duct to the front of a window AC to help keep heat down.
Thanks again ween !

Man that free shipping is making my trigger finger itchy but even if I pulled it id be shooting blanks until payday lol

I have a window cracked for now and it 75f and 29 RH but I'm trying to dial in my tent environment so by the new year everything will be transplanted into high brix and in their new home with the heat and humidity on point. So first and foremost: FANS! Thank you and I'll report back ASAP as to what I'm thinkin.

As to the leaves going every which way being a result of the torture lol. Most of the heavy stuff was around topping time if you don't count regular defol and the occasional hasty handling.

I was thinking too much light? (300w at around 30" away tho?)
Too little light? (Growing in all directions looking for more?)
Maybe a deficiency or acidity? Bugs?????

Anywho thanks again and I'll pop by your grow today!
NL5 Fems & Bagseed Fluxes On 12-1 600W MH 4x4

So it's been a wild 24 hours lol

Last night I noticed a drip coming from my ceiling tile right above my light! It was right near lights out so I shut it down and waited. Still dripping and gaining speed, kinda bowing a tile. Crapping myself, I hollered at my neighbor upstairs (very politely lol) and he shrugged so I quickly disassembled and moved everything into another room and called maintenance (reminds me of a bigger grow and u haul but that's neither here nor there lol). Turns out it was the upstairs radiator leaking. Quick fix, dry ceiling, big relief.


I set er back up this morning but away from the wall / radiator and noticed a little improvement in humidity (30%). Temps stayed at 75f all day with the 600w MH turned up to 75%. I had it low for the CFL transition and the seedlings but they all seemed adjusted enough to give them more light!


Speaking of seedlings and light, it was brought to my attention that seedlings in clear solo cups is a no no so i got some red stripes as a shout out to Duggan and his much needed Jamaican vacation or as they say vay cay in the J. A.

Lol anyway thanks for the tip (even tho it's common sense lol) one of them came untaped and the roots are cascading down the sides already when they were just kinda peeking out before. No more light pruning I swear lol

Speaking of pruning, the moon is in waxing crescent so it's time for a defol. They were getting out of hand trying to tuck and I think competing for space was doing more harm than good with the big picture in mind.

Bagseed 1 before:

And after:

And Bagseed 2:

And after:

Not all my leaves are wonky lol

I'm loving the distance between the nodes of Bagseed 2 and hope the northern lights grow like that. The compact structure of Bagseed 1 makes it hard for it to get out of her own way.

The big picture for Bagseed 2:

I like that losing a limb early made it so I can kinda make that one in the middle be a center, taller cola. It'll be a sight to see if the fates allow lol

Oh and another thing, I have bugs. Spider mites I think. That's what they look like after picture comparison. Probably why my new growth is different and why I get little holes in my leaves:

I'm wanting something organic. Been looking around and medfarmer has a Rosemary recipe on here and I also read about tobacco tea and habenaro foliar sprays. Any preferably homemade ideas before I choose one of these?

Thanks for stopping by!
Evenin to ya Buddy. Glad ya fixed those little ones. Got a couple more things today,...please try and leave as many leaves on the plant as possible. The plant will do far better with , than without. Next time start the seeds in one gal pots , instead of solo cups...just my thoughts Buddy. Please excuse me , if you know this stuff's just my way...wanna see you succeed , all...:passitleft:..a lil Devils Carnival..:yummy:
Merry Christmas Buddy , friends and 'gang'..:Namaste:

sent from my the future!:ganjamon::party:
NL5 Fems & Bagseed Fluxes On 12-1 600W MH 4x4

Dug! Your way is admirable for sure, sir! If you're referring to your bedside manner, I love it! Exudes experience without mincing words. Sure you've seen your fair share. Thank you for your support!!! You've been a big help bud.

Ive got 2 one gal smart pots and a couple big ones. I need more soil so I might as well get a couple more pots at the local hydro store. I want to start fresh next round with docs kit. It'd be nice to eliminate all the guessing. But for now.....

My meager understanding is that plants undergoing regular defoliation have shown lower brix buds when compared to ones left alone. These plants already brixing low due to soil, but when I build nodes upward after the undercarriage is formed proper I will probably be leaving them alone aside from really shady fans. Would the brix build as the nodes stack untouched or is it not even like that? Lol learning!!!!

Devils wHat now? Don't mind if I do! :Rasta: Merry Christmas to you too my man! Thanks again!
Hope all is well in your world.

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