Aaah I see I have the heat shrink with the solder in it not that I'll need it but it's good to know my light is the FCE and never goes ubove 75% so probably never have an issue.For the connectors we just took them out and Sparky soldered them and sealed with that rubber shrink wrap.
After then first two sets burnt out last year dunno prettybsure ai said get rid of them. They’re actually not needed.
Leave the driver attached - put the cable through a vent hole to the plug.
Place the driver outside tent - pass the driver through the duct.
Not feeling the soldering then those cut off bricks - two brass screws in join like that and wrap in electrical tape or heat wrap. Anything is safer than those connectors. Is yours FCE or FC 6500? They have very different cable setups. And I guess would you mind sending me a picture of it? Just dump
It in my OT?
Manifolds! Yeah I did a run through of my setup in the contest thing and could’t find ours somised them as an example. Our come with coloured rings inside, regulate the flow, 2l/4l/6l we remove all of them.
All pur drippers/emitters are Netafim and regulated to 2L/hr we have the mushroom shaped black and red ones not spikes like yours
BUT - in solos we use 2 drippers so its 4/L
You have Netafim Netbow same as us, right?
The 12.5 dia have 4 2/L an hour drippers in them for 8L per hour and the 25cm ones 8 for 16L per hours.
Only found that out a couple of weeks back.
So we just take max pressure at the manifold head and rely on the delivery Netafim to distribute it. 3mm Netafim pipe but the manifold is 4mm so take your favourite clipper lighter and get busy!
Your straight down pipe design looks preferable to ours where they are on the horizontal and can get knocked about.
Mine is covered a bit in the video I posted yesterday.
I have pics in my first post I think you can see everything.
I saw your manifolds and thought it would be so much easier so found some locally but even with those plug's out I'm not getting enough pressure to my misters. the pipework is 3mm but the hole the pipe connects to is still only 1 or 2mm never straight forward I'll drill it out
If I give up I'll be expecting a couple of manifolds to be in your suitcase when you visit
This grow I have hard pots.. 3gal filled with 1.5gal Coco then wanted two mister drippers in each to act like rain fall.. and hit every bit off Coco from the top down.. the extra space at the top to prevent spill.
That straight down bit was a extra as it used to have a T fitted to it for garden hose or something.