Nick Hardy's Skunk Works #2 The Giant SIP Outdoor Soil: Thailand!

Ye of little faith! Lanky!


I do need to start weighing those branches down asap though!

First night outdoors on her own in the bag. She looks nice and perky too!

Azi - tape was just to visually line up for the airholes as yet undrilled. Its not holding anything

Awesome! Good luck! Moving forward I recommend getting a myco powder you can roll your seeds in.. This will get your myco up and running way before you go to flower which will help build P for the transition. If you prefer to stay with the granular dynomyco You can also go with sprinkling myco into the hole you plant in. This way as soon as the tap root comes out the myco can grab on.
Hey @Keffka - I’m just catching up here. I also use Great White. How exactly would one “roll the seeds?” Would the GW work for this? And are you talking specifically for seeds put directly into the ground without sprouting them first? I have always done the soak and paper towel thing. Not sure if the myco would just wash right off as soon as I put it in the cup of water? Sorry for all the questions, and thanks so much.
Up potted the 4 girls in with a shout of making the SIP. Tbh - their alternative life is ok. @Grand Daddy Black was asking after Italian cooking. Can do used to own a pizza restaurant and a couple of others.

This evening I made a tray. It’ll get you baked 😂 its just a perlite filled tray, thinking about table top grows. This was my quick and dirty solution. Normal setup but added some wood chips and magic volcano rocks as an experiment.



Sold roots already of the hydro style. Maybe gonna add a layer of tin/aluminium foil to not lose too much to evaporation but tomorrow. Its fool proof watering. Just pour in until the perlite just just starts to float up. Looks like its bulging. Then when it shrinks back then you can water again. Its probably a solution for a problem that wasn't there

They’re in the big girls room, going on a box tomorrow for some elevation. Think we can ball them out by next weekend.


EDIT - Airholes going in sides tomorrow. That was me and & Co in twenty minutes flat. @Carmen Ray forgot to tag ya.
Nick & Co
Hey Nick just got here and catching up. Is the wood chip layer your experimental buffer layer?
Hey Nick just got here and catching up. Is the wood chip layer your experimental buffer layer?
It was sort of a experiment foisted upon me by the coco peat vendor! I’ve been buying this “Premium Cannabis Coco Peat” since my first grow. Just hitting “Reorder” from the same original 200L order. Used to come in clear plastic unlabelled zip lok bags of 10L. Now its got all fancy and comes in 20L bags. She randomly snd nit even with Thai labelling throw in extra bags of wood chips much darker premium coco peat and opther rocky type stuff completely at random. So with the little grows and as this grow is meant to be Organic “friendly” chucked it in!

Beat me to it! Wondering the same!

The vertical doesn’t have that much room. Want to go sideways more.


(No idea it was buffered until this batch actually has a label arrived!)
Exactly! When it arrived with that label on I was “Wtf?! Has it changed?”

It performs same as before so guess it always was.

It an iron (bet I’m wrong) wash they buffer it with? Need to check - not that it necessarily means that's what this!

Edit - I was wrong!

Buffering of coconut fiber is a chemical process consisting of replacing sodium and potassium with calcium, washing away excess waste. The recommended buffering ratio is: 1,000 litres of water mixed with 7 kg of Calcium Nitrate will buffer 5 Cubic Meters of coco peat.

This is likely what they do.
Honestly IDK! I put 2ml/L in every single time anyway. Since they put a label on informing me of this buffering witchcraft I haven’t changed my approach. Plants look the same happy green I’m generally used to.


Last night in the main grow under house lights. I’ve tried starting them lower at 1-1.5ml early in the grow but always show def in a day or less.
Keffka mentions how low you can go with Myco and they can see it. Since he wrote that I think I’ve learnt how too.

The roots are rougher to touch. I’ve stopped blending it in the medium. Just a single spoon (rather than several mixed through every pot) directly under the root on each up pot from tap root to 5 gallon. I reckon its still overdoing it. NB I use the non water soluable @DYNOMYCO
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