Newty’s Perpetual Pantry Party & Outdoor Grow Show

Congrats on the harvests. Those branches were getting heavy, love when they all fall down like that. Sometimes I tie em up and other times I just chop em down.

Thanks Mr. Brown! I’m glad I waited it out but she was sure ready:D
Remember that strains don’t always follow the breeders description. Like my Blueberry tastes nothing like Blueberries. It’s more like damp forest soil, kind of musty. That’s part of the fun is searching for what you like.

Lol for real I'm noticing that as well cause I've gotten a few different strains now since I've started growing an a few I've gotten bassed on how they wud taste an they turned out nuthing like the name suggested lmao. But still turned out to be some fire ass smoke. I'm getting close to having my first highbrix harvest. Well closer then I was anyway lol it's my gorilla glue#4 auto that is almost half way threw flower. An man she is starting to look nice even with me fuckn up some where along the line she still ended up over double the size of her sister lol. But a few people over on docs Q an A thread said the damage I got on her is just from environmental issues with it being to dry. So I'm working on fixing enviro factors versus buying xtra fans and different grow methods. I'm jus guna stick with docs kit for my whole garden. Then fix my garden up to as perfect as I can get it. More sealed in and jus get proper types of fans like extraction fans or whatever else there is lol i gotta do alil research still but it's coming 2gether slowly but surely lol.
Temp and humidity is key!

Speaking of key, do trichomes mature at the same pace with all plants or do trichomes on different strains take more/less time? My northern lights has about 5% ambers yesterday, with less than 1% on my CBD Mass, will they mature at the same pace? I.e. if my 5% ambers take a week to become 30% on my NL, will my Mass also take a week to get that much from when she also has 5% ambers? Or just a case of check everyday?
Thank you PW :) I'll check every other day.

I couldn't bare to throw those 2 auto's I have, felt sorry for them, flushed them and fed very lightly, they're still awful little skinny runts, but they smell quite nice now with some leaves turning purple :) flushed them and ppm is now 39 & 77, planning on using them to test my drying, which should start in a day or 2 on those 2 plants. I thought it better to try out on those 2 so that I don't ruin a bigger 1
If you have a humidifier you can dial in, wouldn't it make sense to start low (to remove the threat of mold) and then raise it over the course of a week to 65%? Then you could leave them hanging as long as you wanted to clear the chlorophyll out and not worry about over-drying them.

Mine are so thin thin that I'm worried about them drying too fast if I start low. Can you please have a quick look at my thread tell me what you think? They're the autolimes, I've got pics near the end of my thread.
Temp and humidity is key!
I sure learned that this grow!!
Yeah that’s definitely getting into the genetics of the plant. Too many variables. Unless you grow a certain strain for a long time and know exactly how it’s going to respond to your environment and care...yo. :battingeyelashes:
Haha Like this one professional gg grower I know :D
Thank you PW :) I'll check every other day.

I couldn't bare to throw those 2 auto's I have, felt sorry for them, flushed them and fed very lightly, they're still awful little skinny runts, but they smell quite nice now with some leaves turning purple :) flushed them and ppm is now 39 & 77, planning on using them to test my drying, which should start in a day or 2 on those 2 plants. I thought it better to try out on those 2 so that I don't ruin a bigger 1
I’ve gotten some fiiiire from small autos, even as small as 8 grams TOTAL :D #mobyfire
Sounds like a plan, low and slow with the drying works wonders.
yepppp! I like to think all the plants I’ve taken down early have been totally fixed when I dry/cure this way. Speediness gone!
Mine are so thin thin that I'm worried about them drying too fast if I start low. Can you please have a quick look at my thread tell me what you think? They're the autolimes, I've got pics near the end of my thread.
I think it’s very shocking the first time to see how much they shrink. They lose about 70% of their weight (water) during this process. If it’s only a couple days you can try to slow it down by hanging them in a small box and burp it once a day. That always increases my drying time.
Keep in mind that buds can't get any drier than the ambient RH, so if you're worried about over-drying, keep it at 65% the whole time. I just dried a harvest and the RH was about 65-70% so I just left them hanging with a gentle breeze and never even bothered to check on them for a week!
Great info!!
One fan at the bottom should do it. What's the RH with the dehuey off?

Problem is I have a larger dehuey in my 4 x 4 which is in the same room, but my optic 6 sends the temp soaring to 30+ Celsius (over 86F) so have to keep it open to keep it around 23 -25 (73 - 77), but because it's open the dehuey dries the whole room and not just the tent.

Will 19 Celsius (67F) be too cold for the flowering plants? Otherwise I'm going to have to find somewhere else to dry them.
I sure learned that this grow!!
Haha Like this one professional gg grower I know :D

I’ve gotten some fiiiire from small autos, even as small as 8 grams TOTAL :D #mobyfire
yepppp! I like to think all the plants I’ve taken down early have been totally fixed when I dry/cure this way. Speediness gone!
I think it’s very shocking the first time to see how much they shrink. They lose about 70% of their weight (water) during this process. If it’s only a couple days you can try to slow it down by hanging them in a small box and burp it once a day. That always increases my drying time.
Great info!!

That great newty! I actually have a vacuum cleaner box that'd be perfect for that! :)
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