Newbie Intro

watching the crop :hookah:


I should have done this sooner since I have already posted a question for support. Let me say, I am very grateful for all the helpful and kind responses!

I am not a big consumer of cannabis. I might take a couple of hits with my hubby between 2 to 4 times a month at nighttime when we are alone and trying to spend some time together. My hubby on the other time is a big consumer and my parents are hippies so I have been around it for as long as I can remember. I am also a super picky consumer when I do decide to partake. I will only smoke really good stuff and it needs to be a hybrid. Too much indica and I am couch-locked and too much sativa and I am paranoid. And I have baby lungs. The only thing I like to smoke out of is a little bong we have that is the size of a juice box.

I am currently doing my first grow. My husband came home with a plant one night and just sat it on the counter in front of a window, giving it water now and again. The poor plant started leaning toward the window for more light and was only growing branches on the one side closest to the window. So, I decided to intervene. After making every mistake possible I finally started researching growing and became hooked, which has led to me buying a tent kit, soil, and seeds. I currently have 8 plants in the tent that are 4 and a half weeks old. Which I believe puts them in either week 1 or 2 of veg. They are looking great thanks to the help from this community. I wish I had a current pics to post but the other plant I mentioned earlier has spider mites. That one was in a bathroom closet and is now outside. I am in the middle of dealing with that so I am not opening my tent right now except when I need to give water to try to lower the chances of cross-contamination. And I will only water them right after I shower.

I am looking forward to being a member of this forum and taking in everything you experts have to share!
I Love your Story on how you started growing! Once you learn more about the Cannabis plant it literally consumes you and your thoughts😂😂 there are dozens If Not hundred ways of how you can Change your plants for the worst/best and the fact that you almost have to watch them Daily and Care for them Like Babys is Just Something that makes me Happy😂🤷🏻‍♂️
I Love your Story on how you started growing! Once you learn more about the Cannabis plant it literally consumes you and your thoughts😂😂 there are dozens If Not hundred ways of how you can Change your plants for the worst/best and the fact that you almost have to watch them Daily and Care for them Like Babys is Just Something that makes me Happy😂🤷🏻‍♂️
I think my husband is jealous of all the attention the plants get sometimes! And let's not even discuss the amount of money spent! I keep reminding him I am not even the smoker here, he is, and it's for his benefit. I smoke 4-8 times a month probably. He smokes several times a day. At least the only thing I need for round 2 is more food for the plants!
I think my husband is jealous of all the attention the plants get sometimes! And let's not even discuss the amount of money spent! I keep reminding him I am not even the smoker here, he is, and it's for his benefit. I smoke 4-8 times a month probably. He smokes several times a day. At least the only thing I need for round 2 is more food for the plants!
Keep it Up! And definitely let us see the Progress once you got rid of that Lil spider mite Problem so you can make some nice Pics of the ladies😉
Keep it Up! And definitely let us see the Progress once you got rid of that Lil spider mite Problem so you can make some nice Pics of the ladies😉
The mites are gone! Now I have leaf septoria! I never paid attention to it before but a lot of the trees on my property line have it, and mold.

This pic is from 7/23/24, right before it got septoria.

These were taken 8/4/24, when I discovered septoria

And today......I have been spraying it with copper fungicide and removing infected leaves. Looks like it is coming around. And stretching for flower!


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