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I should have done this sooner since I have already posted a question for support. Let me say, I am very grateful for all the helpful and kind responses!

I am not a big consumer of cannabis. I might take a couple of hits with my hubby between 2 to 4 times a month at nighttime when we are alone and trying to spend some time together. My hubby on the other time is a big consumer and my parents are hippies so I have been around it for as long as I can remember. I am also a super picky consumer when I do decide to partake. I will only smoke really good stuff and it needs to be a hybrid. Too much indica and I am couch-locked and too much sativa and I am paranoid. And I have baby lungs. The only thing I like to smoke out of is a little bong we have that is the size of a juice box.

I am currently doing my first grow. My husband came home with a plant one night and just sat it on the counter in front of a window, giving it water now and again. The poor plant started leaning toward the window for more light and was only growing branches on the one side closest to the window. So, I decided to intervene. After making every mistake possible I finally started researching growing and became hooked, which has led to me buying a tent kit, soil, and seeds. I currently have 8 plants in the tent that are 4 and a half weeks old. Which I believe puts them in either week 1 or 2 of veg. They are looking great thanks to the help from this community. I wish I had a current pics to post but the other plant I mentioned earlier has spider mites. That one was in a bathroom closet and is now outside. I am in the middle of dealing with that so I am not opening my tent right now except when I need to give water to try to lower the chances of cross-contamination. And I will only water them right after I shower.

I am looking forward to being a member of this forum and taking in everything you experts have to share!

I should have done this sooner since I have already posted a question for support. Let me say, I am very grateful for all the helpful and kind responses!

I am not a big consumer of cannabis. I might take a couple of hits with my hubby between 2 to 4 times a month at nighttime when we are alone and trying to spend some time together. My hubby on the other time is a big consumer and my parents are hippies so I have been around it for as long as I can remember. I am also a super picky consumer when I do decide to partake. I will only smoke really good stuff and it needs to be a hybrid. Too much indica and I am couch-locked and too much sativa and I am paranoid. And I have baby lungs. The only thing I like to smoke out of is a little bong we have that is the size of a juice box.

I am currently doing my first grow. My husband came home with a plant one night and just sat it on the counter in front of a window, giving it water now and again. The poor plant started leaning toward the window for more light and was only growing branches on the one side closest to the window. So, I decided to intervene. After making every mistake possible I finally started researching growing and became hooked, which has led to me buying a tent kit, soil, and seeds. I currently have 8 plants in the tent that are 4 and a half weeks old. Which I believe puts them in either week 1 or 2 of veg. They are looking great thanks to the help from this community. I wish I had a current pics to post but the other plant I mentioned earlier has spider mites. That one was in a bathroom closet and is now outside. I am in the middle of dealing with that so I am not opening my tent right now except when I need to give water to try to lower the chances of cross-contamination. And I will only water them right after I shower.

I am looking forward to being a member of this forum and taking in everything you experts have to share!
Welcome! 8 Plants is quite a big undertaking. You'll have your hands full come harvest time. Sorry to hear about the mites on the bathroom plant. I look forward to seeing some pictures when you can.
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend. :welcome:
Anything I can help with let me know, I'm always around her somewhere. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

I should have done this sooner since I have already posted a question for support. Let me say, I am very grateful for all the helpful and kind responses!

I am not a big consumer of cannabis. I might take a couple of hits with my hubby between 2 to 4 times a month at nighttime when we are alone and trying to spend some time together. My hubby on the other time is a big consumer and my parents are hippies so I have been around it for as long as I can remember. I am also a super picky consumer when I do decide to partake. I will only smoke really good stuff and it needs to be a hybrid. Too much indica and I am couch-locked and too much sativa and I am paranoid. And I have baby lungs. The only thing I like to smoke out of is a little bong we have that is the size of a juice box.

I am currently doing my first grow. My husband came home with a plant one night and just sat it on the counter in front of a window, giving it water now and again. The poor plant started leaning toward the window for more light and was only growing branches on the one side closest to the window. So, I decided to intervene. After making every mistake possible I finally started researching growing and became hooked, which has led to me buying a tent kit, soil, and seeds. I currently have 8 plants in the tent that are 4 and a half weeks old. Which I believe puts them in either week 1 or 2 of veg. They are looking great thanks to the help from this community. I wish I had a current pics to post but the other plant I mentioned earlier has spider mites. That one was in a bathroom closet and is now outside. I am in the middle of dealing with that so I am not opening my tent right now except when I need to give water to try to lower the chances of cross-contamination. And I will only water them right after I shower.

I am looking forward to being a member of this forum and taking in everything you experts have to share!
Welcome to the 420 Magazine family @Lovie. @Sierra Natural Science has the best cure for pests and is organic. You can use it up till harvest. CL🍀. :thumb: :welcome: :cheer::party::cheer::theband:
Welcome! 8 Plants is quite a big undertaking. You'll have your hands full come harvest time. Sorry to hear about the mites on the bathroom plant. I look forward to seeing some pictures when you can.
Thank you for the kind response about the one with mites. Honestly, I want to scrap that one but my husband doesn't want me to. My husband had a choice of plants to choose from and he picked the runt because he likes an underdog. That plant has been through a lot and is still going through it. I am afraid it's going to hermaphrodite and if it doesn't hermaphrodite I still don't think the quality will be great. The plant has had the mite problem for a while too. I didn't realize what the problem was until I started researching pest control for my plants I am putting outside. I read a study done by Vtech to see what pest I should be most concerned about in VA and found out 2 of the 3 I need to be most concerned about are more of an indoor problem than outdoor. Until then I didn't even think about my indoor plants needing pest control.

4 Plants will stay in my tent the entire time and 4 are going outside. I estimate the ones in the tent will be harvested 1-1.5 months earlier than the 4 I am putting outside. According to the notes from where I purchased the seeds I expect 1.5-1.7 lbs from the ones in my tent and 5-8 lbs from the ones outside. It will probably be closer to 5lb....maybe a little less because they are not going in the ground but into 25-gallon planters (most of the reviews I read about the seeds said they hit or exceeded the amount expected). Also, I had planned on them being outside by now but I am waiting for the outside temps to stop dropping into the 50s at night. I live in VA. During the summer we normally get 2 to 3 severe thunderstorms a month that normally will generate a tornado warning so I went with planters so I can move them to safety if need be. When it is time to trim I will be recruiting some help. I did help someone trim a long time ago, so I know it's a very tedious task. I have been contemplating getting a trimmer. I have read mixed reviews on them, so I am still on the fence about deciding whether or not to try it.
Thank you for the kind response about the one with mites. Honestly, I want to scrap that one but my husband doesn't want me to. My husband had a choice of plants to choose from and he picked the runt because he likes an underdog. That plant has been through a lot and is still going through it. I am afraid it's going to hermaphrodite and if it doesn't hermaphrodite I still don't think the quality will be great. The plant has had the mite problem for a while too. I didn't realize what the problem was until I started researching pest control for my plants I am putting outside. I read a study done by Vtech to see what pest I should be most concerned about in VA and found out 2 of the 3 I need to be most concerned about are more of an indoor problem than outdoor. Until then I didn't even think about my indoor plants needing pest control.

4 Plants will stay in my tent the entire time and 4 are going outside. I estimate the ones in the tent will be harvested 1-1.5 months earlier than the 4 I am putting outside. According to the notes from where I purchased the seeds I expect 1.5-1.7 lbs from the ones in my tent and 5-8 lbs from the ones outside. It will probably be closer to 5lb....maybe a little less because they are not going in the ground but into 25-gallon planters (most of the reviews I read about the seeds said they hit or exceeded the amount expected). Also, I had planned on them being outside by now but I am waiting for the outside temps to stop dropping into the 50s at night. I live in VA. During the summer we normally get 2 to 3 severe thunderstorms a month that normally will generate a tornado warning so I went with planters so I can move them to safety if need be. When it is time to trim I will be recruiting some help. I did help someone trim a long time ago, so I know it's a very tedious task. I have been contemplating getting a trimmer. I have read mixed reviews on them, so I am still on the fence about deciding whether or not to try it.
I know a few people who have bowl trimmers that they like to use. I think I would try one if I had the volume.
:welcome: to the forum @Lovie :passitleft:

When it is time to trim I will be recruiting some help. I did help someone trim a long time ago, so I know it's a very tedious task. I have been contemplating getting a trimmer. I have read mixed reviews on them, so I am still on the fence about deciding whether or not to try it.
If this is what you're thinking about :smokin:it's well worth it :thumb: I've trimmed more than 22 Oz in a single day with it...

:welcome: to the forum @Lovie :passitleft:

If this is what you're thinking about :smokin:it's well worth it :thumb: I've trimmed more than 22 Oz in a single day with it...

Some comments I have read said it knocks off the trichomes.....others say it doesn't. Maybe it has to do with which one they are using? I know I will pay someone to do it for me or get one of those before I trim that much bud!
Some comments I have read said it knocks off the trichomes.....others say it doesn't. Maybe it has to do with which one they are using? I know I will pay someone to do it for me or get one of those before I trim that much bud!
All processes are going to take trichs, that's what the 2nd pic is showing, but instead of it building on your glove I'm able to keep and use the kief, the wife and I sprinkle it on top before we roll a doob :passitleft: it actually increases the potency :lot-o-toke:
All processes are going to take trichs, that's what the 2nd pic is showing, but instead of it building on your glove I'm able to keep and use the kief, the wife and I sprinkle it on top before we roll a doob :passitleft: it actually increases the potency :lot-o-toke:
I am a light weight so that may be a bit much for me, but my hubby would love that!
Welcome to @420 Magazine Lovie.

What kind of light do you use for your indoors plants?
How long do you plan on vegging?

Here's some helpful info: Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link.

This is where you place your grow journal.

Journals in Progress: Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contests to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests: Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, if you like mushrooms we can help you learn to grow them.
Welcome to @420 Magazine Lovie.

What kind of light do you use for your indoors plants?
How long do you plan on vegging?

Here's some helpful info: Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link.

This is where you place your grow journal.

Journals in Progress: Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contests to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests: Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, if you like mushrooms we can help you learn to grow them.
I am using 2, 200W Aerowings SE by Vivosun. I am growing 3 Sour Diesels, 2 Green Crack, 1 Blueberry, 1 Chocolate Thai, and 1 Do-Si-Do. 2 of the 3 Sour Diesels and both Green Crack plants are going outside. Harvest for those should be at the beginning of October. Since the 4 that will be staying in the tent are each a different strain I figure a Scrog will be best to maintain an even canopy. I don't have a specific time on veg time. Once my Scrog is 70%-80% filled, I will switch to flower. I am guessing that will be between the 6 to 8 week mark but I am not sure. According to where I got the seeds from flower time is 53-61 days. It varies a little by strain.

I am doing an organic grow using Coast of Maine Stonington blend soil and recommended products based on their feeding chart. I am transplanting so there is not such a big soil investment at once. According to their feeding schedule if using a 3-gallon pot the first feeding should be around 21 days. If in a 5-gallon container the first feeding should be around 30 days. Currently, they are in 1-gallon containers so I feed them around them once they were in the 1-gallon containers for 12 days which seemed to really accelerate their growth (or mayby this is normal growth for this period.....not 100% sure). I just know they are bigger every time I look at them!) I ordered more soil which should be here 4 to 5 days from now. Once it arrives they will be transplanted into 5-gallon containers. I started them using Rapid Rooters in a humidity dome. When they were ready to come out of the dome I put them in Jiffy Pots using FoxFarm Ocean Forest blend. Coast of Maine advises not to put seedlings in their soil because it is too hot for them and it will stunt their growth. My outside plants will get one more transplant to 25-gallon containers later, except for the one that was in the bathroom closet. That one is already in a 5-gallon container. I will be transplanted into a 50-gallon one since it already has some size to it (assuming it survives the spider mites). Yesterday I sat the planter inside a trash bag and tied it closed around the stalk to keep the soil from getting too wet and falling mites out of soil. Then I gave it a bath. I sprayed and wiped both sides of every leaf to manually remove as many as I could (I probably missed a couple. It's hard to keep track with a bigger plant that needs to be pruned. I have been holding off pruning until the plant is in better health). Once it dried from its bath I sprayed it with insecticidal soap. In a few days I am going to spray it with neem oil. I don't even know how old that plant is. I know I have had it for 2.5 months now, maybe a little longer. When my husband brought it home it was in a solo cup. It had a little height but not many nodes, so I assume it was a clone.

I did start a journal using an app. I think I might have been over-documenting because I was finding it to be very time-consuming. Before I knew it I had fallen behind on my entries. I decided for this grow to document in my calendar what days I transplant and reminders for when to feed. Before my next grow I will look into the best journal practices because I want to keep a journal.

Sorry if I gave you more info than you asked for. And thank you for all the info!
After an inspection of my plant that started in the bathroom closet I am still seeing spider mites. I know they say you shouldn't prune an unhealthy plant but I did anyways. I am hoping the aggressive pruning will cut down the population. Tomorrow I will rinse and wipe every leaf again and coat in neem oil. I didn't think to take a before pic but here is an after pic.

Them leaves were like the plants lifeline especially when being attacked now she's got less to survive on and damage becomes more critical. Just food for thought but she still healthy 👍

I used Castile soap and mine was gone in a week or two
Them leaves were like the plants lifeline especially when being attacked now she's got less to survive on and damage becomes more critical. Just food for thought but she still healthy 👍

I used Castile soap and mine was gone in a week or two
I know......I am hopping she survives. I figured if I don't get the mite problem taken care of they are going to take her down slow death by mites or quicker death pruning if she doesn't survive. A couple of days ago I sat the planter inside of a trash bag and tied it closed around the stalk. I then sprayed and wiped both sides of every leaf. I am sure I missed some since the plant was so bushy, but I did the best I could. Then I sprayed it with insecticidal soap. I figured an aggressive pruning would remove a lot of the mites and make my plant less inhabitable for the ones that remained. Tomorrow she will get another bath and sprayed with neem oil. Fingers are crossed!
I know......I am hopping she survives. I figured if I don't get the mite problem taken care of they are going to take her down slow death by mites or quicker death pruning if she doesn't survive. A couple of days ago I sat the planter inside of a trash bag and tied it closed around the stalk. I then sprayed and wiped both sides of every leaf. I am sure I missed some since the plant was so bushy, but I did the best I could. Then I sprayed it with insecticidal soap. I figured an aggressive pruning would remove a lot of the mites and make my plant less inhabitable for the ones that remained. Tomorrow she will get another bath and sprayed with neem oil. Fingers are crossed!
Also, this plant has had mites for a while now. I didn't realize what the white spots on the leaves were. I researched every nute problem and that did fit and at the time other than the tiny white spots the plant appeared healthy. It wasn't until I was researching pest control for my outdoor plants that I realized indoor plants need pest control too. The first leaves I removed were the ones that were already dying or had a significant amount of white spots. Then I cleaned up the bottom of the plant and removed any that couldn't get light.
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