Newbie Growing: What Have I Done!

Damn man, nice rhymes. I love it, you must have spent a long time writing that *applause*

When using coco you have to water much more often (each day and even twice a day later in the grow), with much lower nutrient levels (as Pennywise said). @Asesino85 also has a lot of experience with coco and understanding of nutrients. Here he explains how to figure out how much nutrients to use and here is his nutrient schedule. I highly recommend that you read these posts, they helped me so much with understanding nutrients! And now I can even figure out my own N-P-K instead of using the manufacturers recommendations, which are WAY high.

I'll be following your grow, hope the best for you! :goodluck:

Okay, so I just made a gallon (uk = 4.5l) for the little ones and followed @Asesino85 chart, which for the first week was 250ppm with 150ppm calmag, as I didn't add calmag (or ANY nutes to the coco beforehand.. thanks YouTube/grow weed easy etc etc!!) I gave them 190ppm calmag, topped up with some sensi grow formulas to 225 and thought that I better err on the side of caution! Now this really surprised me: I was a bit under, so thought I'd add some root boosters and silica to it... didn't change the ppm! I always presumed that adding anything to the feed would up the ppm! Either that or my pen has had it after a month! Tried it 3 times though... can anyone confirm this??

Now here's a question about my sad looking plants, is it worth me using the 250ppm feed I have for the little ones and use on them too, but use it every day, or feed them with a stronger mix every few days and water in between? As they don't look too well as you can see from the pictures, just until they look a bit happier! Really don't think it's lockout as I flushed them with half a jug of 5.6 water followed by half a jug of 5.8 (were leftover in bottles) and have given them a reduced feed after, or maybe its not enough nutes now it was on 175ppm. So many 'could-be's'!
Okay, so I just made a gallon (uk = 4.5l) for the little ones and followed @Asesino85 chart, which for the first week was 250ppm with 150ppm calmag, as I didn't add calmag (or ANY nutes to the coco beforehand.. thanks YouTube/grow weed easy etc etc!!) I gave them 190ppm calmag, topped up with some sensi grow formulas to 225 and thought that I better err on the side of caution! Now this really surprised me: I was a bit under, so thought I'd add some root boosters and silica to it... didn't change the ppm! I always presumed that adding anything to the feed would up the ppm! Either that or my pen has had it after a month! Tried it 3 times though... can anyone confirm this??

Now here's a question about my sad looking plants, is it worth me using the 250ppm feed I have for the little ones and use on them too, but use it every day, or feed them with a stronger mix every few days and water in between? As they don't look too well as you can see from the pictures, just until they look a bit happier! Really don't think it's lockout as I flushed them with half a jug of 5.6 water followed by half a jug of 5.8 (were leftover in bottles) and have given them a reduced feed after, or maybe its not enough nutes now it was on 175ppm. So many 'could-be's'!
I'd say simply follow Ase's recommendations — he gives them nutrients every day and whenever it's time to change the ratio entering a new phase of growth he waters a lot to make sure he flushes out the previous nutrients. So when changing from Veg, where he's used 3-2-3, to Flower, he waters with a double or triple amount of 1-1-1, same ppm of course! That replaces everything in the coco with exactly what the plant needs. I hope that makes sense :D Just water with the right ppm tomorrow and make sure you don't let the coco dry out again and you should be good!
I had the exact same problem, also using Advanced Nutrients. I don't have a phosphorus rich nutrient. Luckily I had bat guano (1-10-1), so I managed to get the phosphorus I needed with that. Wish I would have understood all of this before I bought nutrients :rolleyes: Now I'm looking forward to running out so I can buy better ones :p
Just get close guys! It’s just a guide I setup. It specifically works with General Hydroponics nutrients so if using another line just get in the ballpark.

Also I may water often but I don’t actually use a ton of water when I do so. Just enough to get a little water out the bottom. Also if your plants have problems I recommend a heavy watering of 1-1-1 ratio. I rarely will ever dump straight water in my plants in coco.

@newty uses AN nutes, maybe she can chime in on if she followed my schedule with them or not. I know she kinda tried.
will see what I........ okay so I've looked at everything I have.. I can make a ratio of 1-1-1.2 with sensi coco but with the bloom nutes. I don't think it makes a difference if it's grow or bloom, nutes are nutes regardless?
Makes no difference indeed (better than my bat guano lol)! Glad you found a nutrient with the right ratio :D
Just get close guys! It’s just a guide I setup. It specifically works with General Hydroponics nutrients so if using another line just get in the ballpark.

Also I may water often but I don’t actually use a ton of water when I do so. Just enough to get a little water out the bottom. Also if your plants have problems I recommend a heavy watering of 1-1-1 ratio. I rarely will ever dump straight water in my plants in coco.

@newty uses AN nutes, maybe she can chime in on if she followed my schedule with them or not. I know she kinda tried.
Soil wants lots of runoff, coco not so much. Good advice there Ase. AN nutes don't quite work like that no... I originally didn't think that I could get some of the GH products here (CALiMAGic, RapidStart, Liquid and Dry Koolbloom, Floralicious Pro etc.), but I called my local growshop that I have ordered from in the past and the owner is super chill and helpful. So he's gonna order in some GH products for me in a few days, stoked!
Just get close guys! It’s just a guide I setup. It specifically works with General Hydroponics nutrients so if using another line just get in the ballpark.

Also I may water often but I don’t actually use a ton of water when I do so. Just enough to get a little water out the bottom. Also if your plants have problems I recommend a heavy watering of 1-1-1 ratio. I rarely will ever dump straight water in my plants in coco.

@newty uses AN nutes, maybe she can chime in on if she followed my schedule with them or not. I know she kinda tried.

Hi mate, thank you so much for the advice, I found my bloom sensi a+b equals 4-4-5 so going to use that :) Going to follow your guide as mine are nearly 3 weeks and look crap, so hope it helps :D Also when you say a heavy watering, twice the amount of the pot should be okay? :)
So my little ones are looking good! Gave the coco a good soak but with no run off, since I was only spraying inside the cup and now where else, hopefully now I gave it a ton of calmag, some grow nutes and root boosters along with a smidge of silica, it'll find it in the soil and will be happy days for these guys :) Going to move them to the tent in a couple of days :)


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Hi mate, thank you so much for the advice, I found my bloom sensi a+b equals 4-4-5 so going to use that :) Going to follow your guide as mine are nearly 3 weeks and look crap, so hope it helps :D Also when you say a heavy watering, twice the amount of the pot should be okay? :)

I water my plants so they have a little trickle of water coming out the bottom each time. I haven’t had to “flush” my plants in awhile but that’s what I did when I had to. Also I prefer “reset” rather than flush because flushing is with pure water and you should never do that in coco. Giving them 1-1-1 ratio let’s the plants choose what they need since there is even amounts to get it back on track.

I’d give them enough so water more than trickles out the bottom and then discard the runoff so they don’t sit in it. Then you have the reset feed in the coco and the runoff is gone and the plants should start looking better for ya! Twice the pot size seems like a lot so I wouldn’t do that much but really you are just looking for your new feed to shove the other stuff out the bottom and take over.
I water my plants so they have a little trickle of water coming out the bottom each time. I haven’t had to “flush” my plants in awhile but that’s what I did when I had to. Also I prefer “reset” rather than flush because flushing is with pure water and you should never do that in coco. Giving them 1-1-1 ratio let’s the plants choose what they need since there is even amounts to get it back on track.

I’d give them enough so water more than trickles out the bottom and then discard the runoff so they don’t sit in it. Then you have the reset feed in the coco and the runoff is gone and the plants should start looking better for ya! Twice the pot size seems like a lot so I wouldn’t do that much but really you are just looking for your new feed to shove the other stuff out the bottom and take over.

Yeah I'm mixing up a bottle of 1-1-1 later with the lowest amount so that I can add more to increase ppm if needed. One thing I didn't even think of when looking at my nutes yesterday was the calmag!! I think I have calmag extra which is 4-0-0 so can swap 1 bottle for another with the same npk, which I think one of the bloom does (bloom A i think) so will sub it in its place. When I feed I do it in the bath anyway, until there's run off and then leave them there for it to stop, then pop them back in. Thank God I'm doing something right!! :)

One final question for now.. do you leave the calmag at a 200ppm base through the whole lifetime, or increase everything as it grows?

These are from this morning. Not too bad, but still not seeing much growth from the ones in the tent. Others look ok, but my sour diesel still hasn't poked her head up out of the soil, getting worried she might never do :(


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I base every feed with 200 ppm of cal mag for the entire grow except the first two weeks when they first start out. That’s really for coco only though as coco really need extra cal mag.

Okay so I just did a quick experiment to jot down ppm per ml of nutrients in 1L, so did 1ml of Cal mag into a L of r/o water, the bottle says 4-0-0 but the ppm read 195ppm... I'm no physics whizz but that doesn't seem right?
So I had to move them all under the one cfl bulb as I had a few little visitors today, but considering that, they look okay. The big mass I have, I've no idea what is going on with it those leaves, but they are crazy burnt yet is only on 350ppm and 3 1/2 weeks old, will flush it with a 1-1-1 at 300ppm if it keeps like this for much longer.

Babies look good! Was wondering why the auto sour diesel was slow growing, it grew enough today to see the damn seed husk was right on top of the first leaves keeping them closed! Pulled it off and spread them so will see how it goes tomorrow.


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Haha I had to make sure you meant that or too dry & warm :D Well at least I now know that cbd mass needs nowhere near what the other ones do. I'll give it the seedling amount for now and boost it up next week if it looks okay :)

Checked today, you can see the little one just starting to open now. Pesky seeds, it's the fourth time I have had to pull them off of plants! The rest look quite bright despite the burn, so will top up a little drink later. A little bit concerned that the leaves on the Ice plant are droopy, will leave a few hours, if still drooping I guess it'll be from under watering her, as I'm not giving them loads, just enough around the edges of the pot so that there's no run off.


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