Newbie Grow of Reg

Kinda hard ta tell at this point SP, about strain. I love to grow bag seeds cuz it's like a box of choclates. The strain I'm growin now is bag seed x bubble gum kush. The mother ( bagseed, was 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide ) ! I have so far found better quality than I can buy. Keep on truckin SP, things look as good as they should.
Thanks much!!! Yea bagseed seems so much more fun.. Love the forest Gump aspect lol!!!!! Yea your girl was pretty stacked huh lol.... Well thanx for stopping by and good luck on your grow as well... Are you making a journal i will be sure to check it out
It's already been written that cannabis isn't addictive, *growing cannabis* is addictive. I am happy to see girls growing medicine.

Whatever you do, don't take advice from me! The conventional wisdom here on this site is spot on.

Good luck!
Day 13 guys :)

Have you had the zen like joy of working on your garden while medicated? It's cool when you think about it.

You feel the RELIEF, high and joy of a medicine plant that you yourself are growing to give you continuing RELIEF, high and joy.

True Love, health and wealth are all for the very lucky.

(Not counting starting a family)...Is there a better way to create your own happiness?
What a beautiful plant. I have a bunch of bag seeds myself, you're making me quite tempted to pop some for next time.

thank you hun!!! and GO HEAD GIRL DO IT!!!! lol its really exciting to see what you are gonna get :)
Have you had the zen like joy of working on your garden while medicated? It's cool when you think about it.

You feel the RELIEF, high and joy of a medicine plant that you yourself are growing to give you continuing RELIEF, high and joy.

True Love, health and wealth are all for the very lucky.

(Not counting starting a family)...Is there a better way to create your own happiness?

LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love::Love::Love::Love::circle-of-love:
i have not had this pleasure..... i have just started a family as well i have been breastfeeding and have been "sober" (if you will) the whole 8 months of breastfeeding and the 9 for pregnancy! lol but i will be weening soon which why i finally am growing :)
I would say witout a doubt indica, they grow small and compact and already branching from the nodes, looks like my old Emily, wait she turned into a he,lol but looks nice.

Lol!!! Thanx and sorry for your "Emilio" i hope mine doesn't turn out to have balls lol
Good for you SP, Congrats and congrats, looks like that weed is gonna take off!

Thank you thank you!!! And i surely hope so.... I've got a gut feeling it's gonna be a girl but it could be wishful thinking lol
hey guys day 15!!! :thumb::popcorn:

getting a lil taller now

close up of the new growth sprouting up.... :)
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