Newbie from Portugal Madeira: could I have some help feeling lost

Love doing some experiences hahah
So I have topped 2 of them and left the other to and just doing some LST and see what happens ...I topped them like one week ago they have been growing pretty good you will all say probly is to early and I have read about it to but I want to experience and see and using quantum medicine on them to ...they are all photos this ones ...Royal Ak ...Royal Medic ... Critical .... Amnesia...


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Hi guys .... need some help please ...
So this plant quick one never add any smell someting that frustrated me but i shose to wait and see to end it may change bit it never ded and she has 116 days i Believe shes ready for harvest but having doubts to i have been giving her just water for the last 2 weeks no nuts having mix fellings here i dont realy want to mess up ....what should i do guys ? Please help !!


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Then i have this one where a week a go it turn all sloppy and with the claws so for week i have been giving her just water no nuts but hse hasnt change anyting for better i havent been given her much water to actuly the first day i let her dry good and give her some water to see of she would change but noting ...


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Hey brother, have you got a loupe or magnifying glass to take a closer look at your trichomes?

I'm unsure what's happening with your clawing plant but i would not continue to give it just water or she may start developing deficiencies
Thank you brother ....i will start giving her some nuts then she has no yellows no discoloration or anyting of like just simply all clawing ...yea i do have one...the trichomes are all milky im gona wait a couple more days and see whats happen if she gets that mix of trichomes
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