New Website Bug Reports & Problems

re: 4/20 Site Update, Bug Reports, and Comments

We'll let it slide...THIS time... ;)

I'm not familiar with how well AOL's browser interacts with HTML/CSS code, I know IE is a bit handicapped compared to other popular ones like Firefox and Opera and "hacks" occasionally need to be used to make stuff display correctly in it...although I understand IE8 plays nicer than previous versions.
re: 4/20 Site Update, Bug Reports, and Comments

Do you have a screen shot we could see?

Towards the end of page 10 in Johnny's Basement thread, post #395.


NOTE: I didn't realize until posting this screenshot that NoScript was blocking scripts from this site. I think that was the cause of this issue for me. I guess I was assuming that since the screen layout is locked, that sizing of images wouldn't be a function of scripts that you have running on the users' computers. I can't remember whether or not I had given approval when I originally noticed it. I'll try to pay more attention next time.

EDIT: Hey, The Weed - Do you have script-blocking software running in your browser? Or does AOL block scripts from sites? If so, that's probably the reason you're seeing this issue too.
re: 4/20 Site Update, Bug Reports, and Comments

I know some of you are not digging the way the two rows of text links move over each other when you are not calculated with your mouse moves, however as far as I know, there is no other way to cram as many sections as we have, into the header, without doing it this way. If you have examples of how this can be done in a better fashion, without removing any of the links, please let me know. We are still developing the home page and dealing with a bunch of miscellaneous bug reports right now. What you are seeing is only what we were able to get done by our target launch of 4/20. We are still only about 24.20% done with what we have planned and by that time, it will be time to add/edit/change even more. We will soon be cramming at least 4.20 more times the content into the home page and investigating the fixed width vs. expand/contract issue. Once we get through these, we will begin investigating another solution for the two rows of header text links. Rome was not built in a day, neither was 420 Magazine. We are truly grateful for your continued patience, understanding and support.
re: 4/20 Site Update, Bug Reports, and Comments

Rob, It's great to see you guys are using this thread to help tweak the site.

Let me know if I can help.
chicagojoe is in the house
re: 4/20 Site Update, Bug Reports, and Comments

Might I suggest a buffer between the two rows of menus? Maybe put the ads between the rows of menus (I.e., row1 - menu1, row2 - banner ads, row3 - menu2)? This way the lower menu could be accessed from both the top and bottom instead of just the bottom (or side). Should be a very easy change in the HTML code and maybe minor changes in the CSS...I haven't looked at the source code to see exactly how it was done.
Re: 4/20 Site Update, Bug Reports, and Comments

on the AWESOMEBOX image viewer:
- the 'Click the image to open in full size.' does not work in any browser
- in Chrome Browser - the prev and next links do not show at all (works OK in IE and Firefox)
Re: 4/20 Site Update, Bug Reports, and Comments

on the AWESOMEBOX image viewer:
- the 'Click the image to open in full size.' does not work in any browser
- in Chrome Browser - the prev and next links do not show at all (works OK in IE and Firefox)

Is it working now Joe?

No sir, now the images do not open in the fancy way while the rest of the screen fades. Now the images just open, and the user has to hit the back button to get back to the thread.

PM sent
Re: 4/20 Site Update, Bug Reports, and Comments

Was this sarcasm or did my programmer actually add some type of buffer in there?
Just wanted to say I'm really digging the buffer between the top menu rows! It's making my life much easier already! T-H-A-N-K-S!
Re: 4/20 Site Update, Bug Reports, and Comments

We are working on a fix.
No sir, now the images do not open in the fancy way while the rest of the screen fades. Now the images just open, and the user has to hit the back button to get back to the thread.

The photos embedded in threads are wider than the page frame width, so the script is designed to resize the image to fit in the thread width, then allow you to click the photo and popup a window to view it fullsize,then click it again to go back, without having to use the BACK button. However this script is causing other images that link to pages, open the image in the script window, instead of going to the linked destination. Our programmer has been unable to find one script that gets past this unfortunate dilemma, so we put it back to this way until we find the right script or are able to tweak one of the pones we have already. Your patience and understanding are very much appreciated. If you have any knowledge of this stuff, feel free to send me a PM.

Thanks guys!
Re: 4/20 Site Update, Bug Reports, and Comments

Just wanted to say I'm really digging the buffer between the top menu rows! It's making my life much easier already! T-H-A-N-K-S! :thumb:

Good to know you're taking suggestions :)

Just some minor info...the buffer between the menus that appears in FF3 does not show up in Opera 10, but I doubt many of your viewers are using Opera.

Was this sarcasm or did my programmer actually add some type of buffer in there?

I thought the same thing. There's no buffer or time delay.

No sarcasm...1280 X 1024, FF3...there's a buffer zone although as I mentioned it does not appear in Opera 10. I have not checked it on Safari or IE but I can if you want. Here's a screenshot I just took from FF:

Re: 4/20 Site Update, Bug Reports, and Comments

I see what is happening there, the SPONSORS tab is carrying over from the top right side.

Can you please clear cache and temp files and see if it's still like that?
Re: 4/20 Site Update, Bug Reports, and Comments

Oops...medicated and forgot about this lol, sorry

Cleared the cache...still the same. Deleted the Temp folder contents...still the same. I didn't even see the word "Sponsors" in there until just now. Something like that would be great for alleviating the stacked menu issue though.
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