New Spider 16/8 Grow Journal 2015

Thanks. I knew it couldn't be 1440W. That's 11.8 amps @ 122v. You discovered it really has 829 W. Still that is good power to compete with a 1000 w HPS. congratulations! I'm jealous!

Thanks. I knew it couldn't be 1440W. That's 11.8 amps @ 122v. You discovered it really has 829 W. Still that is good power to compete with a 1000 w HPS. congratulations! I'm jealous!


i guessed about 880 range full lights on. running about 120v. main problem was wires were getting hot. you know , load vs amps holds alot heat in and causes things to burn. i begged them to add a fuse 3-4 inches away from the switch and make better switches. the tv3 wires was. just i couldnt let my friend burn her house up.
2 things in corner are tomatoes plants. Will run them up the coners. We have to eat too.
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i guessed about 880 range full lights on. running about 120v. main problem was wires were getting hot. you know , load vs amps holds alot heat in and causes things to burn. i begged them to add a fuse 3-4 inches away from the switch and make better switches. the tv3 wires was. just i couldnt let my friend burn her house up.

and that friend greatly appreciates it....:circle-of-love:
Well I can't find it but I'm sure Emily or Jason will be through here soon and answer it but I don't think 100 is right....:circle-of-love:

. I don't have a clue. They need to. I'll do my part post it if they tell me. Looks like about 100
I think with a fan and filter you will be able to control those temps quite easily and since your in the basement you might could just get away with a little a/c unit like I put in the back room.... It is working like a charm... I don't even unzip my tents anymore and can actually sit in the rest of the house without a coat on...:blushsmile:.....:circle-of-love:
What kinda fan I need . I have 2x2x6 2x2x5 and 4x4x7 if I want link all together. Need fan strong enough pull air through all of them
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