New Seed - Gotta Grow Again

Good Morning All

Today the lady was given 2.5 grams of MegaCrop. She really is getting bushy. I will up the feed to 3 grams next feed which is Wednesday.

@bluter @Bill284 @Azimuth


If you notice the leaves have turned darker since I upped the feed. I will up it to 3 grams Wed or Friday
Getting better.:welldone:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
looks a little better. you're still behind the feed schedule as far as i can tell from the color. you want a good deep green on the leaves in MC. you shouldn't see the veins at all.

have you read the green leaf nutrients tutorial on how to read leaf color yet ?
go to the website and look it up. it's on the same page as the feed schedule calculator. it's a good place to start on learning a read on the plant, even for folk who use other nute lines.

i wouldn't defol until the color is a little greener. at present the new growth is pulling from the lower leaves to accomplish its mission. pulling them will only make it a bit worse, i'd get it in better shape before it starts to flower. once flower hits you might not be able to pull it back.
Good Morning All

Today the little lady is on Day 30. Bud sites are beginning to form. She was fed 3 grams of MC.

Feedback good or bad. @Bill284 @bluter @HappyHazmat88



Still improving :thumb:
Not perfect yet but you can easily see the color going in the right direction.
Have a great weekend Amigo :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Not sure how but love to
So training is just moving stems to create better air flow and light penetration.... So there is really now "wrong" way to do it. Just have to be careful that you don't break stems/branches....and even then tape does wonders and they fix them selves 😂.

And just about anything can be used just needs to be strong enough to hold the stems in place without damaging it.

Here are to photos one showing before training and one after.


since you are growing an auto i'd just leave it be. training is best learned on a photo and started much earlier. you'll only stress the plant into flower at this point and wind up with less than the potential.

get something in the jars before tackling training methods.
Whats the max in grams to feed. I lost the bag but think 5, max @bluter

Thanks man

5.5g/gal is general in flower. it's an unofficial ceiling, there is no real max. i've been as high as 7g/gal on some plants.

read the nute schedule and adapt to that. don't use the bag, follow the online schedule. MC is one of the few nute schedules that is not overestimated by the mfgr.
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