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Hey all.. new to forum.. been creeping the site for a few years.. finally decided to jump in.. have read many many great journals from awesome growers.. just getting back into it after a long break.. using LED's and soil.. hoping to expand my knowledge and of course yields
Hey all.. new to forum.. been creeping the site for a few years.. finally decided to jump in.. have read many many great journals from awesome growers.. just getting back into it after a long break.. using LED's and soil.. hoping to expand my knowledge and of course yields

Glad you came in from 'creeping the site'. Don't be afraid to ask for advice in The Grow Room. And feel free to give the new growers (like me) some tips.

Any tips on growing for a newbie? I have purchased candy cane beans and would like some info from start to finish.

I suggest you cruise over to The Grow Room as well. One of the best places to start is reading some Grow Journals.

High there! New member and ready to put together a grow box (fridge) for the first time.. I hope to learn many things along the road, I enjoyed this forum the most out of google searches so I'm glad to join the community! Peace

Google always seems to lead growers in our direction. Jump in & read some journals. Also a lot of ideas in Cabinet, Closet, & Grow Room Setup.

High everyone!

And to you too. Have a look around & share the experience with us.

Long time toker here but new to hydro. With the pending legalization, I thought I'd learn how to grow my own rather depend on others for my herb. I have most of the items required except for seeds and nutes, which will all come about once I have my setup done.

Cheers and here's to continued learning and growing.
Welcome dabber & mitch56 :welcome:

For growing check out The Grow Room. The journal section alone will give you hours & hours of reading (and learning).

Hello everyone I'm new to growing my own meds and 420. I'm looking forward to gaining some much needed knowledge and sharing my trials and tribulations.
Welcome Newbtosay88 :welcome:

Nice plant! You should head over to The Grow Room & have a look at some Grow Journals. Start one yourself or just jump in to help others (and get help).

G'day guys, Gruff here. My story is that l'm using medical mj to treat my stage 3 malignant tumour. Was diagnosed on the 30 of Jan 2015 after l had a seizure while driving. Had 36 weeks of radiation treatment and chemo tablets. l had previously smoked a lot of weed when l was younger but had given up over ten years ago, l'm 47 now. After doing a lot of research l've decided to give mmj a go, was hoping to make RSO with it. l also drinking a lot of home made juice, in particular a lot of carrot juice. l have got GD-1 (Green Doctor) and Candida which is supposed to be all CBD, over 20% with only THC levels at below .1%. Any advice is welcomed.
Cheer's all.
Hey guys and gals! Just joined to do research on my first small scale grow room. Hopefully I can find everything I need through this site and the users on here.

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