New Here

Ok got up this morning and went to check on seeds and the papper towel was dry sprayed them. So maybe screwed up again. Really bummed. But new seeds on the way. I keep trying with the old seeds tell I get it right.
happy growing
ps sure wish I could get some clones
Balat I tried the vineger 1/8 of cup vin to 1 cup of water and the ph wont even read so I know that is to strong but wow what a drop in ph
happy growing
Kitty, yea I had them setting on top of my DVR for heat. I messed up again. Wet when I went to bed. Better to fail here before I get to payed seeds. ON the way. Monday I hope.
happy growing
just wish I could start
Kitty, yea I had them setting on top of my DVR for heat. I messed up again. Wet when I went to bed. Better to fail here before I get to payed seeds. ON the way. Monday I hope.
happy growing
just wish I could start

DEFINITELY feel you on that one... I was gifted a bunch (50-60) seeds by a guy I know locally who is working on breeding. Thank GOD because I killed quite a few between being eager and unprepared and trying to find my own method of germination that worked. I have some White Widow seeds I ordered when I was losing faith but now I am saving those for my next grow.

Well I tried to upload pics. of my grow tent. Now they are lost in space.
happy growing

It is MUCH easier to upload photos from the app version of the 420 forums. You can download it free onto your tablet/phone. If you are taking photos with your phone it is especially easy! You just put them right in your post instead of all the hoopla of adding your photos to the gallery and then coding them into your posts. Give the app a try. We'd love to see your setup!

I have the pics on my laptop. Can I do the app. from there. Ok great day seeds have come. So its real time to make it work. I have done enough testing.
happy growing

Heres my grow room setup
happy growing
Ok I took the 10 seeds of ramdon autos, fem and reg. seeds and out and put them on a paper plate and tried to arriange the size and colors looked though a mag. glass took the 2 smallest seeds and are now soaking at 6pm. They gave me 12 seeds. plus the 5 W.W.fem.Havent opened them yet. Wish me luck.
happy growing
I had my daughter help with pics. She rolled her eyes and really dad. Done 1 min. I hope all growing problems will fixed that easy.
happy growing
Ok per instructions by seed co. this what they say to do.

Many of our customers have 100% success rate with the method. However, the result may vary just like any other natural products out there.

Before you get started, you need the following:

a glass of distilled water
1 plate
paper towel
pill bottle


- Always use distilled water. Do not use tap water because it has many impurities that won’t do well with your seeds.
- Make sure that you germinate the seeds inside a closed room with a temperature of 18 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Germination Procedure

- Drop your seeds into a glass or cup of distilled water. Sink them to the bottom by using your finger tips. Soak them
for 15 to 18 hours. Do not over soak because too much water can kill them.
- It’s normal that some seeds don’t soak right after you drop them in the water. Leave them floating a few hours to
allow water to penetrate the shell . After a few hours, come back to it and use your finger tips to carefully
push them down.
- Check them every now and then to make sure that they are soaked in the bottom.

NOTE: This process will let the water or moist penetrate the shell which will trigger it to crack and germinate. The process is complete when you see the shell cracks and a tiny root appears.

- Fold a thick paper towel which is free from perfumes and dyes and position it on top of the plate.
- Pour the seeds and the water content in the cup of water into the paper towel. Make sure that the seeds have enough
space in between. Fold the paper towel to cover the seeds.
- Leave it in a warm, dark room area and let it set until they open. Check it every 5 to 12 hours to make sure that they
are kept moistened. Use a water spray to keep them wet.
- Do not give up as seeds may take up to 7 days to germinate. Each strains differ.
- Do not use any type of plastic bag or any other method not included in this guide as it will void the 80% germination
guarantee on our seeds.
- Once you see new taproot which is about 1/4 to 1/2 inch then the germination is complete. Now is the time for you to
transfer your newly germinated sprouts into dirt or rock wool cubes with the taproot facing down.

Reminder: Most cannabis seeds germinate within 1 to 2 days while others may take up to 7 days. This happens depending on how thick their shells are. Each strain differs in their characteristics including the thickness of their shells. Please be patient.

Here are some of the reasons why they fail to germinate:

1. They won’t germinate if you let the seeds to sit on the cup of water for too long.
2. You let the paper towel to become too dry or too wet.
3. They are exposed to extreme temperature.
4. You used tap water instead of distilled water.
happy growing
Ok has anyone used tomato cages to scrog and LTS. I do outside will it work inside?
happy growing

I've seen it done... My only qualm would be working with metal under hot lamps... I think that is why people typically don't utilize protects made of metal for training when indoor gardening. May be fine though. Just me thinking out loud...
Kitty didnt think of that but the LED isnt that hot. I have a hard time keeping my temp. up. So thats why I like the idea of cfl in the tent. I posted the pics. of my grow room.
happy growing
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