New Here

this is a test pic like my little campfire?

You keep me waiting my love, I will wait. Your beauty intensifies my passion, the aroma of your body swells my desire. As each day without you passes my longing for you grows stronger. I will wait. But beware, when the day comes and you finally surrender yourself to me, I'm gonna tear into you like a honey badger.
Bud nutes supposed to be here at two weeks into flower, they still gettin weak solution grow nutes weekly. Gonna give one more grow with weak flower added. Not gonna flush em for another week then all bud nutes a tad stronger. I have some bud candy from advanced nutes, any thoughts on that?
Well it has benn 3 days seance I took the cuttings and they all look great maybe some growth. Watered the girls going the last days for auto #2 seeing a few amber trics. so will dry out in 2 days then 2 days in the dark then trim cut and trim to hang. Really Happy!!!!
Happy growing
I think I am to reading to much in to this more for hrydro then soil soil is a buffer but can build up. Or I am I wrong.
Thx for all the help
Happy growing

Soil/compost, especially the better pre packaged stuff is often ph balanced and has natural ph buffers in it already. Most good quality compost will contain dolomite lime to act as a buffer, if it doesn't contain dolomite lime look into adding a little to your soil mix. Also do some research on soil ph buffers, there's many ways to raise or lower the ph. Have you checked the ph of your water supply? Also bear in mind adding nutrients often raises ph a bit but a buffer would balance it back out with regular flushing. Hope this helps.
Addin little tidbits like you shared Kush every time I check in here, lots of stuff will be done differently movin forward and incorperating new info into my so far so good foray into horticultural bliss is the way I plan to go. Two weeks into flower I am planning whats next and on advise and a little common sence now is the time although not sure of the future outcome of attempt number one I'm gonna scale it down a bit I hope I can have better healthier babies and still fulfill my needs thanks everybody that has added to the old brain bank. On a much much much better note just had a blessing since I been out a couple weeks and it shows in my writing most. I wish I would shut up!!!
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