New Here

Its wild I dont know what I am growing but what a way to learn. I didnt mean to make this hard on me. Its all good. I see why people grow the same plants.
happy growing
Yea wont veg. as much. But do I up pot to a 5 gal. pot or not and can I leave in a 2 gal. pot and nute it. My plan is out the window now. Looking for help I guess.
happy growing
I heard autos you dont want to up pot to many times.
happ growing

Are the roots at the bottom of the pots? If so i would up pot them they will grow a lot now once you flip
Using peat pots or cow pots can allow you to transplant as you like by just planting the whole pot. Other than this method I would NEVER re-pot an auto. They just don't have enough time to bounce back from transplant shock.
Thats what I thought. I fimmed it and trans. planted 2 times so I should use nutes and keep in my 2 gal. pot then. ? Messed with it enough.
I didnt know it was a auto. But has to be streching and budding like crasey.
happy growing
Happy holiday, babies are a week old, out for their first 15 minute taste of sunshine.
Hey everyone! I'm back! And I hope all is well! I am ready to pull the trigger right now on ordering the seeds! Recommendations on safe secure for me? I'm in a not friendly!!! Lol
Hey everyone! I'm back! And I hope all is well! I am ready to pull the trigger right now on ordering the seeds! Recommendations on safe secure for me? I'm in a not friendly!!! Lol

Seedsman's has awesome stealth shipping.
Lilome I say the more light the better.
RHUMP most seed CO. are very good at being stealthy. I had no probs. at all. I got mine from mjseeds 10 mystery seeds for $60.00 plus they sent 2 extra seeds and I got 5 white widow fems. for free. 17 seedsd in all. The bad thing is you dont know what you are growing its also the fun thing too. Learning how to change plans midstream. happy 420
happy growing
Hi all, I have 2 of my mystery seeds are auto have 1 indica female and my 2 sour ds. I moved the 2 sour my pool/green house I still havent planed a plan yet. I think I will leave the Indica fem in the tent for as long as I can then move her outside finish off the 2 autos then bring her back in the tent. But I have read that you dont want to up pot autos. So far used no nutes the 2 autos are in 2 gal pots. I have a go box from G.O. maybe I need to feed my autos I dont know. My plants look very healthy no probs. yet. I will up pot my Indica to a 5 gal pot. I messed with the autos enough I think they have to stay in the 2 gal pots. Hey oldschool grows them in a shot glass. Thats it for now I will try to post pics. tonight.
happy growing
Just got the weather forecast and not good rain and cold for the next 7 days temps going down to the 40 or lower. Might have to change plan again. Oh well.
happy growing
Ok went to the pool house and built a tent around the plants and put in a treble light for heat. Dont want to lose my 2 sour ds. and my 17 tomato plants. Growing is great.
happy growing
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