New Here

The 10 mystery seeds could be anything grab bag maybe autos are fem are reg. but got 5 white widow fems for free with the mj code. Seeds cost a lot.
happy growing
Hey sorry to butt in will somebody point me to the oh no its a new guy section?
Whoops didn't mean to thank lol. I was just going to say anywhere on the forum is great for being new. Very welcoming even if you just post out of nowhere and state your mind advice wise, or with questions. I'm sure there is an introduction thread in the index. I found my way around using the feed on the app home page. Looking through stuff, learning and questioning. Guess I butted in as well welcome!!
Whoops didn't mean to thank lol. I was just going to say anywhere on the forum is great for being new. Very welcoming even if you just post out of nowhere and state your mind advice wise, or with questions. I'm sure there is an introduction thread in the index. I found my way around using the feed on the app home page. Looking through stuff, learning and questioning. Guess I butted in as well . welcome!!

Hey welcome to 420, you will find your way around and people are more than helpful here, Good luck!....✌️
Ok maybe this will ease my ever so slight frustration, downloaded your app. Not "new" to growin but help and advise is the way to go if not sure, and I'm not sure.
A bit hard to tell but it would have shot hairs out first and not the "bulbs" / balls your seeing. Definitely healthy and strong never the less! I feel you on being so limited on seed. Good news is since that was your only seed, you'll now have plenty to utilize Take it as a positive omen from the green gods, as this one prospered well for you.
Dang, a nice and healthy looking plant. But male sacks there it looks like. Hey it happens and you learn from this one what to look for. Also on the positive side your grow looks good. Get ahold of a female and you got something to go on, green thumb..etc..Good Luck....:thumb:
Got femmed green crack seeds on the way, crop king, pricy, should get em goin and out in time, gonna put a couple out and go indoor too so I can get some cuts, I'm very rural and tons of sun, spring water. Still leary there was a chopper around last fall but I just got here so we shall see.
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