New Growth Twisting?


Well-Known Member
Ph? Light? Heat? Nitrogen Toxicitiy? I haven’t changed anything, about 1 month in, xs1500 pro at 50%, fox farm nutes…. Help!

This seems to be happening a lot these days, I've had it with one of mine an never really figured it out, I'm thinking my prob was mostly light related. I have older LED an they may not be preforming like when new, I also had reflectors that were reflecting light up under the leaves. all in all it never really had any adverse effects so I ignored it an it eventually grew out it. good luck. As the wise one said "plants in veg adapt"
This seems to be happening a lot these days, I've had it with one of mine a never really figured it out, I'm thinking my prob was mostly light related. I have older LED an they may not be preforming like when new, I also had reflectors that were reflecting light up under the leaves. all in all it never really had any adverse effects so I ignored it an it eventually grew out it. good luck. As the wise one said "plants in veg adapt"
Hopefully lol

Are you feeding any micros? Kelp, Fe, Zn, Mb, B etc

Yes I’m using wholly makarel by fox farms
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