@Bill284 , he was joking... he means the buds are great and there's no bugs. Others were telling him he's got an infestation. He doesn't.
Sorry I've lost track of things. :sorry:
Thank you for the update @cbdhemp808 :thanks:
I wondered because I looked really freeken hard and I didn't see anything. :rofl:
Glad it's working out for him.
With his garden at least.
So sorry things didn't go perfectly at the beginning. OP.
We all just want to help.
Some are just very enthusiastic about it.:Namaste:
Have a great weekend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Unfortunately Alex has decided to take his anger out on Emilya in PMs; insulting her, cussing at her and aggressively trolling her. As you all know, that's not how we roll here, so he's on vacation for a week to think about his behaviour and decide if he can play well with others here. If he comes back, we can try this once more, but we have a zero tolerance for trolling here. Thank you to everyone who patiently and passionately tried to help him. If anyone got advised in the mix, it was merely to let you know we handled the matter, you most likely did nothing wrong :thanks:
Hey Alex!! You're doing fantastic for your first grow!! Mine did not look that good at all😆
I run into this problem often! And usually it's because I need to fertilize more... or my water's ph is too high which I believe prevents the plant from absorbing the nutrients. I've learned EVERYTHING the hard way. Best of luck!!
Hey Alex!! You're doing fantastic for your first grow!! Mine did not look that good at all😆
I run into this problem often! And usually it's because I need to fertilize more... or my water's ph is too high which I believe prevents the plant from absorbing the nutrients. I've learned EVERYTHING the hard way. Best of luck!!
Hey @kristentreers :ciao: Welcome to 420 Magazine my friend.:welcome:
If you want to say hi and meet everyone here is a link

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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