New Grower, Need Help

everyone is throwing me back and forth, the guy i talk to said i could even get a 250watt HPS, attach a compact fan to it, Flower afte rlikr 5-7 days and i should be fine. i would just get a 250 W HPS to MH SunMaster Conversion Bulb for the veg state. and fan that attaches will help the cool down the place.
See the problem with the fluoros as i see it, is that i want to grow like 5 plants but small ones in this area, i dont think the fluors will give me the yield or quality im looking for.
flourals can they could just need more.. you probally talked to smokey about the mh conversion bulb and that would work perfect i was lookin for one but all i saw they made where like 400watt conversion bulbs...but go ahead man do it just keep and eye on temps.
i just got a 150 watt HPS survalence light from home depot that came with a bulb, for like 80 bucks. I bought a wire and a plug head, attached the white to white and black and ground, and in the plug itself i attached balck to the gold screw, and white to the chrome screw, and the ground to the green. I plugged the hps in and only the middle of the bulb lights up, like some sort of fusion is happening, but the bulb doen not light up itself. ONly the middle bar has a shine. What coujld be the the problem?
Those security lights come with the ballast built in. As for the reason it's not starting up, if you could post a pic of your bulb and tells us from that what it is doing we might be able to suggest a cause.
Also did you clean the bulb before turning it on? Any fingerprints, oils, or water on the bulb can cause it to blow. Or it could just be a bad bulb being shipped in the same container as the fixture.
i was just going to get a 150 watt MH bulb and put it in the survalence lamp during my veg period
They are not interchangeable. There are special MH conversion bulbs but I've never seen one for that low of wattage. If you put an MH bulb in an hps system it will explode. Just pick up a couple cheap lamps from the salvation army and a coupl of flouro coil bulbs and you will be set. Probably cheaper for that whole setup than for a MH conversion bulb.
went to home depot got a new bulb started to work, bought 2 33 watt flouros t combine with the HPS during veg, should i use both lights during veg and both lights duinr flowering?
i wouldnt even worry wiht the hps during veg i would use the flourls during veg then i dont see why it wouldnt hurt and use the hps and flourals for flowering.. your going to need good ventaltion because it probally going to get hot.. :allgood:
Yeah what he said^^^. flouros only for veg both for flowering. And you should be ok with a good circulating fan fan. if you can open the grow room a few times a day to let new air in that would definitely help. The HPS does put out alot of heat so with how small your area is you should try to get some external airflow to cool the area and rid the grow area of extra moisture that can cause mold during flowering. Or you can mount it to the top of your grow box so that the light shines down into the aea but the light is outside of it so the heat is left outside for the most part.
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