New Grower - Der Kommissar

Damn, this is inspirational. Subbed.

Just wait for me to run it at capacity. It's currently running at less than half capacity. I designed it for 24 plants but 21 is probably more realistic space-wise. Right now I'm just running 9 plants.
Anyone care to venture a guess as to what dried weight will be? Currently 9 plants; 5 Barneys Critical kush, 4 Bomb THC. Last pics were about 4 weeks flowering.
I'm personally hoping for something in the 32 oz area. given their current size I hope that's achievable.
Having some serious issues. Got a great deal of burning which I mistook for deficiency... and probably made it worse. So when I realized it the plants were in pretty sad shape. Drained the whole system, flushed it out out and ran PHed rain water for 2 days. Flushed the whole thing out again and running half strength (2ml/liter) base and half strength supplements (1ml/L, b52, Overdrive, Nirvana and Bud candy). Fuck I hope this straightens up.

I planted some new seed and had issues with that. Put 10 barneys Critical Kush and 10 Bomb THCs all the fucking Bombs ...well, bombed. I used rapid rooters and frankly i think they are turds. The seed hole is to big and the light hits the roots, they are to course so water either drains or pools. Going back to root riots. actually, i might stuff a root riot into some rockwools I have ...hmmm....
Anyways starting whole grow over. Got only 6 Kushs up. Not worth it. So back to Herbies....

Sometimes a problem is complex like nutrient ratios, light emissions or diseases. Sometimes there simple but hard to diagnose like a bad timer or bad pump. Then there's those problems that unless you are at the right place at the right time with the right mind set.
As I have said, my plants have been suffering. My wife and I have been panicking trying to figure out whats wrong. We have tried lots but we could never agree on what the problems was. Burn? Deficiency? we agreed it was nutrient based. I have even been entertaining that a bad batch of B52 might be possible (the only bottle freshly opened during this grow). we tried nitrogen, potassium, flushes and the plants physical look never changed.
So this morning I had that right place right time moment. I think.
Algae plugs.
I can't take pics right now, as I discovered the problem about 10 minutes before lights out but this pic shows my connections from hard pipe to the bucket. Clear vinyl tubing.

I had noticed they were green but never once considered they might be blocked until today. I pulled a plant and stuck a piece of wire and fished out a gelatinous green plug of algae that if not completely blocking the passage at least blocking the vast majority of the flow. I have a modified shop vac I use when i flush the system to suck out the lines as well as possible so i pulled another plant and used it to suck out another plug. Then the lights went out.

So this eve at the very least all those plugs are getting sucked out. We plan on pulling all the plants out of the room and "cleaning" the roots in multiple buckets of water. We fear they are either sitting wet or dry, either way this rinse will help. While they are out I'm going to try to replace as many of the clear lines with opaque hose as I can. Lightly bleach the system, and flush the shit out of it, clean the floor and put it all back together in under 2 hours.

Does anyone think the addition of Piranha would help? This issue has been going on for probably about 3 weeks and It seems growth has stalled. I was thinking it would possibly help the roots.....

Tonight I will try to take some pics of the issue and the fix.
yep anything with hydro and res or water you don't want anything clear darker the betterwhy have black buckets if you got clear tubing letting light in?

if not just put black duct tape over the hose you have now most people have some laying around
I usually have black duct tape

Happy Weednsday DK :thumb:
Achh. The troubles are bothersome. Just remember you are building a complex machine. Some snafus in the begining are to be expected. You are a smart and intelligent and inovative individual. Might take some time to get it all dialed in, but I have no doubt it's going to sing some sweet music.
I wasn't sweating the fact I missed that, i was sweating the fact I my plants were going tits up. I am actually very surprised i haven't had more problems. The ones I have had were fairly obvious and generally easy to fix. This one just stumped me at Evey turn. I red everything I could find yet it never seemed to be exactly nitrogen or nutrient burn, for example. Turned out to be straight deficiency of everything but light. Maddening...
Replaced control bucket tubing with black line (it's odd, i have like 500 feet of the shit laying around and yet i still went out and bought clear stuff) I will get the individual buckets after the harvest. That will require a few hours of work.
I sucked out several of those snot-turd plugs. I'm pretty confident that was the problem.
Plants have had 2 days of cleaned system and I can already see a difference. in fact, flower growth is dramatic to the point I had to stake&tie 3 of the plants because of new growth and re-saturation. I didn't realize how much they had 'stalled' out. Hopefully long term damage will be minimal.
Now on to the seed starting issue....
Plants, if not fully recovered, have recovered as much as can be expected. They actually recovered quicker and more thoroughly than I imagined they would. I'm stable at 1500 ppm, i might bump it up to 1800 but they look so nice right now I might just let them be... Still fighting PH though, an everyday battle. I added a little N to the mix and it greened things up nicely. I'm at week 7 right now so I'm paying attention to trichomes (auto correct fixes 'trichomes' to ostriches). I need a better magnifier. Anyways, pics!




Yeah, they're pretty for sure. You can still see in the pics some of the killing that occurred. I've since trimmed most of the dead parts off. I was actually embarrassed to post pic of them sick.... They looked terrible!
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