New Grow

Good Morning All

Today is Day 22 for the ladies



Good Morning All

Today the ladies are on Day 24 and the little coffee cup one is on Day 4.

The little cal mag I gave them both Monday appears to have stopped the the browning of leaves from continuing.




Beautiful color😍 Im glad you kept Gimpy, shes turning out well. The baby has fantastic color!
Good Morning All

Today the ladies are on Day 27 and growing well. The smallest is on Day 7.

Gonna let them go another day before feeding/watering them.

Feedback is appreciated



How is the air circulating where your grow space is? Those leaves look way over saturated in my opinion. Root rot is a concern.
Im not an auto grower at all, never grown one, but I am lurking auto grows and I may be way off base as I don't know but, I see a lot of autos looking droopy and over nitrogened. Nitrogen attracts and requires water so the 2 go hand in hand. I think that if you sprouted autos in full on flower soil instead of higher nitrogen vegging soil, they would be happier. Just a thought though. I will try it when I get around to autos. It would alleviate uppotting too. But I could be 100% wrong🤣
Because what? I water usually once per week
I was asking why and how you were watering. Proper watering trips up a lot of growers, and not just new ones. If you're going with the standard wet/dry cycle you shouldn't be watering on a set schedule but rather when the plant has drained much of what was given with the last watering.

For small plants and especially large containers that interval can start out at more than a week but should shorten by a day or so every cycle. Do that until you have to water every day or two and it's time to uppot. The pot should be surprisingly light when you pick it up before you soak the container again. That will give you a dense rootball.

I grow In SIPs so don't do it this way except at the very beginning when a new plant is just getting established. But at that point too much water will slow it down.
Now I understand. After reading yours and others replies I believe I do overwater and will wait a few more days. I once grew a photo in a 5 gallon container with coco. That I had to feed/water everyday or every other day
Yeah, coco is different from soil so watering everyday seems to be what's recommended. In soil, if you rewater too soon the lower roots never dry out to get a hit of oxygen and that's when root rot sets in.

So some sort of good watering practice is essential.
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