New Grow Journal After Police Took My 2 Finished Plants & My Other 9

Some essentials for the grow !

Bamboo cane 90cm and wire
Dehumidifier with humidistat build in keeping it at 40-80% humidity range

Just ordered so at the mo humidity is 60-65% I'll get it down to 50% as it's the 1st week of flowering soninnthe 2nd week I'll have the humidity at 50% n lower it to 40% on week 3 leaving 3 or 4 weeks flowering at 40%

Exceptable ranges 50-40% humidity do you think for flowering ?

1st full week of flowering they started 1 week ago yesterday or today n tomorrow is week 5 the temps now the weather has cooled down a bit are 74-77f n the humidity is 62% lights on garter I gave them water yesterday!

I had a bit of nut burn still so I gave them 2 litres of fresh water each !

Looking forward to getting the dehumidifier n getting it down to the 50s. Humidity n keeping it stable as well

Buds are looking good also will take a few pics tomorrow evening to mark week 5 and 3 or 4 others are behind that

Seed to harvest are 11-10 and 8 weeks on the plants 13 ! I started the autopounder late n it's been in the shade. Blocked out by other plants so don't expect much from that
Update after 1 week of flowering on the 5 weeks and 25/21/17 days on others all looking good !

I've removed one of the biros of the main stem n take n left the one supporting it n the plant is pointing up n problem !

Next week I'll add the bamboo cane n dehumidifier n get it down to 50% humidity consistently as it's ranging from 61lights on 74% lights off far to much but plenty of ventilation with an oscillating fan and 2 clip on fans

Good buds for only 1 week due you think ? Here's some pics ....


Happy plants . ...
Thoughts on the 900watt led light please ! Do you think I should move it down a lil or keep it up there ?

The light is approx 15 inches from the tallest bud you can see me 20 inches approx from the top of the rest n I see the one at the back left Colorado cookies or Brooklyn sunrise is shooting up also!

I think 15 inches is the max closeness I can go lower because if that tbh n don't want to burn the buds etc

It's 110cm approx in height that plant night queen auto n the rest are most likely 100cm etc
Thoughts on the 900watt led light please ! Do you think I should move it down a lil or keep it up there ?

The light is approx 15 inches from the tallest bud you can see me 20 inches approx from the top of the rest n I see the one at the back left Colorado cookies or Brooklyn sunrise is shooting up also!

I think 15 inches is the max closeness I can go lower because if that tbh n don't want to burn the buds etc

It's 110cm approx in height that plant night queen auto n the rest are most likely 100cm etc

I'd pull that tall cola down away from the light and drop it 5". You will get better light penetration down into the plant.
Ok thanks I'll have to be careful though because it's got a broken stem n fixed up I'll see what I can do with it

I moved the planted swapped the sides put the largest on the left n pulled it across n put the other front centre n dropped it by about 5 inches

Thanks .
Lmarfo 13 plants in there on the right 4 front right smaller 25 days and at the back 5 week n a small autopounder that has been robbed of light

I think 13 plants under 900 watts is pushing it for a 1.2x1.2x2 m

What are your recommendations for amount of plants in that size tent with 900 watt led please ?

For my next Grow etc in 25 litre pots I put 2 plants in each 1 has 3 in it
Oh and another question !

Auto flowering ! Do you think I should do some defoiling of the leaves at some point or just leave them ?

Thoughts appreciate last time I did take quite a few leaves off but not sure with autos etc
Hers a couple of leaves of #2 Tundra Dutch passion ! Thoughts on appearance ? To much nitrogen ? Or you okay ?

2 pics I removed them to uncover some bud sites
Question ?

Feeding 2 or 3 times in a row I've fed my plants now ! So should I just give them water the next feed like a lil flush ? And then back into feeding again ?

Also the plant at the back Colorado cookie or Brooklyn sunrise has gone crazy reaching for the sky so I've bent it right over from the back and down into the canopy.

Here's some pics .

Gone to town on all talk plants n pulled them all down into the canopy so it's more level now they all have great light on them and as there bent over the rest of there plant is exposed to more light ... 40-45cm distance the 900 what light from the top of plants now and light penetrating better I feel !

Thoughts on this anyone ? Thanks pics way I've done

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