New clone growth?


Well-Known Member
Hey 420 peeps!! Long time grower and once in awhile cloner.
I transplanted 2 clones yesterday that are in peat pods. Good root system starting.
They are now in final 3 gallon pots with soil.
I am misting and keeping them under a dome.
Where and when should I look for new growth? Thanks!!


Hey 420 peeps!! Long time grower and once in awhile cloner.
I transplanted 2 clones yesterday that are in peat pods. Good root system starting.
They are now in final 3 gallon pots with soil.
I am misting and keeping them under a dome.
Where and when should I look for new growth? Thanks!!


Looking good my friend.
I’d gradually start taking the dome off and acclimating her.
The new growth has started.
Red arrows.
Nice work.

One thing I forgot to mention.
It looks like she has been topped.
So that is the only growth you will get from the main stem.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
One thing I forgot to mention.
It looks like she has been topped.
So that is the only growth you will get from the main stem.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks a lot Bill !!
So new growth is found at the nodes and top of the clone?
The reason it looks topped is because I removed the small growth that was curling and yellowing. I guess I did accidentally top both of them :-(
When I remove the dome and stop misting those fan leaves dry out and wilt immediately. I guess I can expect a joint out of them. lol
It's no problem those two branches can sprout many side branches, just guide them out horizontally until you have enough buds, and then you can top those two ends as well to boost all those branches.
Trĺue !! Thanks again!!
LAny thoughts on this question?
When I remove the dome and stop misting those aux leaves dry out and wilt immediately.
Hmmm not sure.. stem is also very dark and red/purple.
Too much humidity is bad, euhm put them in the shade no direct light with clones and new growth as that won't work well... ambient lighting, and that soil looks horrible imo !!! that looks like some heavy claggy wet stuff that will kill your plants.
Do you have perlite? break the soil up as fine as you can mix it with 40% perlite and repot.

edit :Oh and not that it IS horrible soil, it's just for cannabis application it doesn't look right, you want light, loose and aerated soil texture not a heavy wet one..
Trĺue !! Thanks again!!
LAny thoughts on this question?
When I remove the dome and stop misting those aux leaves dry out and wilt immediately.
Start misting less.
Then get a dome with a adjustable vent on top.
Or lift it a up a couple inches letting air in.
Slowly bringing the rh down until she a can withstand a few minutes at first of open air.
Then gradually give her more time until she doesn’t need it.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
ah yes if you use a dome make sure air can get in and out. Closed domes can snuff out little plants.
If you can get those sprouts to take off you're in business!
Thank you!! The soil was damp to start with and I think the dome is wetting the soil too much and causing clumping.
I think I will take your advice. Replant and place in shade without the dome. Corner of the tent or away from the tent with ambient room light ?
Thanks Fender!
Start misting less.
Then get a dome with a adjustable vent on top.
Or lift it a up a couple inches letting air in.
Slowly bringing the rh down until she a can withstand a few minutes at first of open air.
Then gradually give her more time until she doesn’t need it.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Start misting less.
Then get a dome with a adjustable vent on top.
Or lift it a up a couple inches letting air in.
Slowly bringing the rh down until she a can withstand a few minutes at first of open air.
Then gradually give her more time until she doesn’t need it.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

Start misting less.
Then get a dome with a adjustable vent on top.
Or lift it a up a couple inches letting air in.
Slowly bringing the rh down until she a can withstand a few minutes at first of open air.
Then gradually give her more time until she doesn’t need it.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks Bill! I'll keep you posted!
Thank you!! The soil was damp to start with and I think the dome is wetting the soil too much and causing clumping.
I think I will take your advice. Replant and place in shade without the dome. Corner of the tent or away from the tent with ambient room light ?
Thanks Fender!
Yeah I think avoiding light intensity on those leaves will prevent them from drying up and also don't have the fan blasting over them, so if you still want to use the dome for protection you can just make sure it's ventilated like Bill says, some air can escape through the top and fresh air can get underneath it.
Thanks Bill! I'll keep you posted!

Yeah I think avoiding light intensity on those leaves will prevent them from drying up and also don't have the fan blasting over them, so if you still want to use the dome for protection you can just make sure it's ventilated like Bill says, some air can escape through the top and fresh air can get underneath it.
Done, I also aerated the soil. We shall see!
I will update you. Thanks again for your help!
I transplanted 2 clones yesterday that are in peat pods. Good root system starting.
Were you able to get any photos?

Replant and place in shade without the dome.
Clone roots can be very delicate and easy to break when first starting. When I see a cutting with the start of roots I will plant it in a small container of soil and just water it until it shows several nodes worth of new growth indicating that it has a strong healthy root system.

If the new leaves are growing larger than the previous set of leaves then a root system has kicked in. But, if the new set of leaves is the same size or smaller then the plant is existing on what little bit it can pull in though the stem which means no new roots.

Any thoughts on this question?
When I remove the dome and stop misting those aux leaves dry out and wilt immediately.
"...immediately" is awfully quick ;) . If the leaves show signs of wilting within a few hours or the next day then I figure it is a sign that the root system was still weak and not able to draw in enough water to compensate for the water that is lost through the leaves.

The more water put on the soil and on the leaves the longer it will take to grow roots. Practice watering the soil with the minimum amount needed for forcing the cutting to grow roots. If the soil stays wet there is little reason to grow new roots since water will be absorbed by the stem.

I start my cuttings in either a cloning machine or cloning bucket. Once a cutting starts to show roots it will be gently transplanted to a small container of soil. Sometimes I stick the cutting into a small glass of water and wait. It can take two weeks or a bit longer before new roots start to show. When ready the cutting gets transplanted into soil. Sometimes I have put a fresh cutting directly into moist soil with the occasional watering about every 3rd day or so and then wait.

Done, I also aerated the soil. We shall see!
I will update you. Thanks again for your help!
I take it that this means you already transplanted again. Hopefully this time everything falls into place.
Were you able to get any photos?

Clone roots can be very delicate and easy to break when first starting. When I see a cutting with the start of roots I will plant it in a small container of soil and just water it until it shows several nodes worth of new growth indicating that it has a strong healthy root system.

If the new leaves are growing larger than the previous set of leaves then a root system has kicked in. But, if the new set of leaves is the same size or smaller then the plant is existing on what little bit it can pull in though the stem which means no new roots.

"...immediately" is awfully quick ;) . If the leaves show signs of wilting within a few hours or the next day then I figure it is a sign that the root system was still weak and not able to draw in enough water to compensate for the water that is lost through the leaves.

The more water put on the soil and on the leaves the longer it will take to grow roots. Practice watering the soil with the minimum amount needed for forcing the cutting to grow roots. If the soil stays wet there is little reason to grow new roots since water will be absorbed by the stem.

I start my cuttings in either a cloning machine or cloning bucket. Once a cutting starts to show roots it will be gently transplanted to a small container of soil. Sometimes I stick the cutting into a small glass of water and wait. It can take two weeks or a bit longer before new roots start to show. When ready the cutting gets transplanted into soil. Sometimes I have put a fresh cutting directly into moist soil with the occasional watering about every 3rd day or so and then wait.

I take it that this means you already transplanted again. Hopefully this time everything falls into place.
And? are those branches growing?
There is still life proceeding slowwwwly.
If they pop, they pop. Not going to stress myself anymore Fender. I messed up by removing some new leaves and accidentally topped that aux branch.
Quality Afghanistan genetics. On a positive note I cloned the topping, did the routine but placed this in ph balanced water. It is 2.5 weeks old and producing roots about an inch long. Will transplant to final pot in about a week. Thanks for your help! Will keep you updated.
Photo: the topped clone (there are a few nice pre flowers in there) & the top of that plant that vegged inside and is now outside heading into flower. Northeast.


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