New City Grower 2.0

Sept 26, 2014​

Who needs to clone when you have a Magic Tree...

The gift that keeps on giving...

Day 1




Damn Reg,

Plants are looking great!

You've got a lot going on! I love the camo on the balcony girl!

Who was it you said I need to ask about using the name Stack A Dollar?
Thanxx for the compliments & Reps everyone and the name Stack A. Dollar is open game Sweets.
Wow what a pik update. Nurse betty ur re veg cloner woulx be monsterous if you flowered her out. I notice youv grown them all at such different time scales short almost no veg to very long cdg times. Was this to get a feel for what works best for you. And that magic tree is priceless..... long may the kids smoke weed by the tree :)
Something like that Macca. There's just so many great Growers here with so many different methods of growing that it's hard to try just one. Basically I'm a Newbie with a hard head willing to try a lot of them with my own twist to it & lucky enough to have found 420 to guide me. But I also decide a lot of these moves as I go along...

Like right now.

I won't call this little thing a harvest, just a Chop. It took nearly 3 months (87) days to get what I can smoke on a lunch break.
Street Girl #4 from the First Wave of Rescued Street Girls this year & is showing amber trichs (which coincides with Norcal's "Older School Method"), Most hairs have turned brown.




Baby Girl says "Thank You" Monster & Fifi...
Oh, & I forgot. Welcome aboard Macca...
Thsnks reg. Whats the density of bud like off your led pannel? Is that one of smokesara's ?
The density of the buds are much better under LEDs & yes it's one of Sara's; Top Led 96x3w reflector...

I'm not sure how much longer they'll keep sprouting out there Stealth. It's starting to get quite chilly at night here.
Good morning weed BAR. Which LED did you get and do you wish you had bought a bigger one or different one?
Good morning weed BAR. Which LED did you get and do you wish you had bought a bigger one or different one?
Sara's; Top Led 96x3w Reflector. It was donated to me Bill by a couple of great members here who I consider personal friends & I'm more than happy with it.


Does anyone have an idea of what type of critter this is and will it cause any problems in my grow area? It resembles a spider but looks weird.

Looks like jumping spider of some sorts. I don't think they cause any problems. I need to catch up and maybe see what the problem is Keepem Green
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