New City Grower 2.0

I think you should give Kumiko IV 1 more week or so,then if she is still not showing anything,(as hard as it may be) take a few cut's and ditch her/him and try your hand at some practice clone's.Then again if the did root,will they flower?.lol
That's a great idea Jimmy! It turns this into a win/win situation. Either she/it get's her act together or I get to practice clonning techniques. Brilliant.

Are you sure there's no pistils on Kumiko IV? I'm squinting really hard on some of those nodes and could swear I see them.....
At the very least it appears to have pre-flowers.

I was somewhat rushing this morning. I'll give a closer look this evening.

I'm in. Hope KI turns out for you
Welcome aboard NGK. That's a bold name you have there. It caught my attention. From the sound of it you must have grown a few beast in the not so distant past.

Happy Munchday BAR :thumb:

From now on Cronic, when I receive your daily greetings I'll return your neighborly ways.

Happy "hate to be back at work" Day...
So here's a closer look at KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze), the mutant. Do you think those are pre-flowers or new leafs developing?




And QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) is just bursting at the seams! But if you notice the RH meter in the 2nd pic you'll see I have to get the RH up in the Veg tent. I think my next purchase is a couple of small humidifiers. Any suggestions?




The 2nd SLEESTACK (Regular) has sprouted. We won't drop this one. It's already in it's permanent pot.

Dusty, Hi-5 back atcha but what do you think? Pre-flowers or new leaf development.
if you notice the RH meter in the 2nd pic you'll see I have to get the RH up in the Veg tent. I think my next purchase is a couple of small humidifiers. Any suggestions?

If you are still Broke Reg what about starting off with a jar or jars of water before buying anything! :thumb:
So here's a closer look at KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze), the mutant. Do you think those are pre-flowers or new leafs developing?




It looks like Kumiko is showing you she wants your relationship to continue, BAR. She's decided she wants to please you with her Geisha skills.
If you are still Broke Reg what about starting off with a jar or jars of water before buying anything! :thumb:
Hey AJ, what's the dealio? I already have a medium size plastic bowl in there. The RH was fine b4 I moved the other plants to the new tent along with the meter. The new RH/temp meter just arrived yesterday so it's probably been that low the whole week. I believe it's because the tent was some what full when I had the 12/12 cycle plants in there. Now with the Smaller 18/6 cycle plants in there I need a more humid density to fill that open space.

Dude she is trying to show you some love and look at cha... dis'in her all the way out the Man I don't know what to say here other than you need to get your eyes checked cause that girl is in flower!!!!........:high-five:
After SHIRLEY/STEVE pulled that crap I have no patience for those games. LOL
But really, I thought I seen pistols a few times on her & they turned out to be new growth. As weak as she is the leafs start that skinny.

LOL Denise. You got it all wrong. If he hadn't gotten tough with her she might have played coy and hard-to-get forever.

I think you're right PJ. After two feeds in a row & the fear of being kick out She's getting her act together.
I already have a medium size plastic bowl in there.

What about a putting something in the bowl to hold a tea towel with one end in the water and some held up out of the water, put a jar of water wrapped in a tea towel into the bowl? It’s called a ‘swamp….’ Thingy!

Congratulations on finding your Thai Lady was a Girl! :cheer:

It's called a 'swamp cooler'
You mean like a water wick type thing AJ?
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