New City Grower 2.0

Yo lb :high-five: they come from full packed bowls of pollen & crushed seeds, sucked down in one hit, :roorrip:

:lot-o-toke: Any questions? :circle-of-love:

This created way too vivid a picture in my mind and a chill of EWWWW went down my back. Darn early harvest, quick dried bud. Way too vivid sometimes.

I missed something, what happened to Oz?

Yeah, I read back and couldn't find anything. Doesn't sound positive though, is there a different thread to find out?
Chronic Weekend to you BAR :thumb:
only journal im gonna come to and just say that :high-five:
Hey gardenfaerie I am an Initiated Vaishnava I was given the name I use in 2009 by my Guru Sri Om Visnu Pad Sriman Bhakti Vaibava Puri Goswami Maharaja
he left this world a few years after at the age of 96 he was the most wonderfull Personification of Peace When in his home town Jaganatha Puri me an Padmavati also initiated by Gurudeva we would go to the ashram every morning by 6:00am an spend till about 8:00am chanting Mantra and doing duties for our beloved Guru deva My full name is Jagamohan it was (like well I know ) he read my heart because he gave me one of our Lord Jaganathas names Jagamohan Dasa Anu Dasa as seen in my signature it means Jaga /Universal Mohan /attractive or Cupid and every one male receives Dasa as there last name this means servant Dasi for women I will try to serve him till the day I leave this mortal frame an well ???
I was at Bodgaya the place which Lord Buddha received his enlightenment Thanks for the opportunity to share that GF Jai Jaganatha the Deitie of Lord Jaganatha is worshiped by all faiths you can google Jaganatha puri it is a major place of pilgrimage an its where my heart still sits:circle-of-love:

Thank you. I have taken lay vows and given my spiritual name of Thubten Wangmo. It means Buddha Strong Woman. Wang, woman, mo, strong. My Lama gave that name to me after giving me refuge vows. I have also taken highest yoga tantra empowerment at Kalachakra by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as well as lower tantric empowerments of Medicine Buddha, Amitbha, Green Tara, which I got from Tsori Gyurme Rinpoche, Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and His Holiness. I too will always serve my Gurus.

Thank you for sharing your Guru's lineage with me. It's always nice to see when someone say they are something and they actually are that thing they say they are! Many people her I am Buddhist and say, oh me too. Then I ask them what I asked you and they say, oh, I take from here and there. Uh, no. We need to stay in lineage to achieve realizations. It's just the wise thing to do.

Thank you. I have taken lay vows and given my spiritual name of Thubten Wangmo. It means Buddha Strong Woman. Wang, woman, mo, strong. My Lama gave that name to me after giving me refuge vows. I have also taken highest yoga tantra empowerment at Kalachakra by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as well as lower tantric empowerments of Medicine Buddha, Amitbha, Green Tara, which I got from Tsori Gyurme Rinpoche, Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and His Holiness. I too will always serve my Gurus.

Thank you for sharing your Guru's lineage with me. It's always nice to see when someone say they are something and they actually are that thing they say they are! Many people her I am Buddhist and say, oh me too. Then I ask them what I asked you and they say, oh, I take from here and there. Uh, no. We need to stay in lineage to achieve realizations. It's just the wise thing to do.


Thanks GF]
thats a wonderful name given to you I am really interested in the Rainbow Lamas there was one leave in early 2000 I heard from a tibetan in Puri she was telling me that as they start the proses of leaving there bodies They start to shine TRUE STORY FOLKS a monk will come and cover the Lama with a cloth
over his head as well as his life force leaves he shines more and more until the only thing left of him are his nails an teeth or hair I cant properly remember
Anyhow in the village that he left a rainbow and a very colourful vibrant one that gave a joy and peace for all that saw it !!!
Not only that but the folks from the village experienced a change in there Karma IT BECAME VERY GOOD I no I just told the story and I no that not very many folks even Buddhists will no about it I wondered if you may no or could ask one of the Lamas about I Totally understand that the Tibetans are the last race of Rakshas on the planet they are noted in the vedic history books as Magic folks some even to this day have mantra that is so POWERFUL it can bow a mans head off his shoulders . Such is the power of sound when a mantra is correctly chanted it changes the ether,,,for the good or bad depending onwhat the purpose is
I love the name GF I love the fact that you are what you are if you do no any more about the rainbow Lamas please send me a line OM TAT SAT
And have a great Sativaday :thanks::circle-of-love::Namaste:
Thanks GF]
thats a wonderful name given to you I am really interested in the Rainbow Lamas there was one leave in early 2000 I heard from a tibetan in Puri she was telling me that as they start the proses of leaving there bodies They start to shine TRUE STORY FOLKS a monk will come and cover the Lama with a cloth
over his head as well as his life force leaves he shines more and more until the only thing left of him are his nails an teeth or hair I cant properly remember
Anyhow in the village that he left a rainbow and a very colourful vibrant one that gave a joy and peace for all that saw it !!!
Not only that but the folks from the village experienced a change in there Karma IT BECAME VERY GOOD I no I just told the story and I no that not very many folks even Buddhists will no about it I wondered if you may no or could ask one of the Lamas about I Totally understand that the Tibetans are the last race of Rakshas on the planet they are noted in the vedic history books as Magic folks some even to this day have mantra that is so POWERFUL it can bow a mans head off his shoulders . Such is the power of sound when a mantra is correctly chanted it changes the ether,,,for the good or bad depending onwhat the purpose is
I love the name GF I love the fact that you are what you are if you do no any more about the rainbow Lamas please send me a line OM TAT SAT
And have a great Sativaday :thanks::circle-of-love::Namaste:

Yes, I do know of many instances of high Lama's doing some very highly advanced practices and have very advanced meditative methods to achieve many levels of subtle mind. Milarepa was a very great magician in Tibet, look him up. A nice movie was made about first half of his life. Here is a link to what you are talking about, but it is not uncommon for a high Lama:

TheNON2 | A thousand year's heritage
Yes, I do know of many instances of high Lama's doing some very highly advanced practices and have very advanced meditative methods to achieve many levels of subtle mind. Milarepa was a very great magician in Tibet, look him up. A nice movie was made about first half of his life. Here is a link to what you are talking about, but it is not uncommon for a high Lama:

TheNON2 | A thousand year's heritage

GF thanks so so much I think that this could even be the same one I was talking about thanks for the link VERY interesting:circle-of-love:
This one's for you Stacks...
March 15, 2014

Part 1
The Veg Tent

Not too much going on here. The SLEESTACK X SKUNK (Regular) is temporarily in the Bloom tent for sexing.


STACK A. DOLLAR (Cotton Candy "re-veg") Day 5 back under 18/6

The 2nd half of her harvest was completed this week & today I have the total dry weight; 29.1 grams

The top half, harvested on Feb. 13, 2014


The bottom half, harvested on March 10, 2014




(Feminized) Day 18

She's looking a tad bit livelier since the transplant. The white particles you see is nothing to get alarmed about. It's Vermiculite. I added an extra layer of soil mix this morning.



Part 2
The Bloom tent



LAVERNE (Re-veg) Day 157 / Day 90 under 12/12

Well I hope everyone has enjoyed the ride with her as I have. She'll be chopped next week & put to sleep. I owe everything I know about growing to her, first & foremost. If I would have never found her I would've never been growing and never found 420 Mag.
Since this is her last PHOTO SHOOT I'd like to give you a couple shots of our rough starting relationship.

It all started on June 24, 2013. Back in the day:




Today: We've come a long way baby...







KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze) on the cris-cross: Day 98 / Day 70 under 12/12

It appears after all her faults, weird leafs, and just plain old ugliness she's going to be a runway model. She's enjoying the nutes, the lights, and the cris-cross.






QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) Day 50 / Day 4 under 12/12

She's by far off to the best start I've had yet.



(Regular) Day 12 / Day 2 under 12/12

She's just visiting the Bloom tent. We need to make sure she's a she.


Thanxx all.
wooweee BAR Lookin real nice, Grats on ur harvest

How did you like the re veg ? Myself I got pretty excited with the idea of reusing a harvested plant but it wasn't as great as people had described it to me. I much like the method of monster cropping, Once you get them growing vegitativly they smell woo do they smell and sticky stalk lol. Taking clones from flowering plants goes against all that has been said about cloning cannabis and might therefore seem a bit confusing at first but the science behind the technique is sound and the results speak for themselves.

You start by taking clones of a plant that is about 21 days into flowering. This seems to be the best time to do it but you can also takes clones at a later stage with the same results. The lower branches make better clones as they have not yet become rigid and will also root faster and more easily than say the top cola. Move the new cutting into a glass of water and let it sit for a while in order to make sure that no air gets into the vascular system during handling, as this can be fatal to your new plant.

The clones might be a sad sight at first but as soon as they root, they will also revert back into the vegetative stage and start growing again. Once the clones have rooted properly and started growing again, they will put out single unserrated leaves at first but the normal leafs are soon to follow. It might be a good idea to apply some training at this stage, tying down some of the tops will encourage even more branching. You can also provide some heat underneath the clones as this will speed up the rooting process considerably. When the plant starts growing again, the incredible branching power of the flowering clone becomes apparent and I mean like enough branches to make a scrogg grower's head spin!

Hope all is well with you and your girls, have a great day everyone!
Wow! Slow down there Lamb chop. You must not know about some of the titles I hold. I'm the President & CEO of the DEAD CLONE SOCIETY. LOL...

I didn't sample LAVERNE (Re-veg) at all but she stinks good & the trichs look about 70/30, cloudy/amber. One of the things I was working on with her was experimenting with a complete defol. I stripped her butt naked & went from there.

Jan. 11, 2014


What I've concluded so far is it adds to your flowering time. I wouldn't recommend a total strip like that if your on a time schedule. But the buds are the biggest I've grown yet & it's funkier than it was in the first grow.
I'll be giving her the ax this week.
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