Needing info on Super Skunk strain

That's me!!!! Hey man, got a hot question,....when I water my 3 gal pots in the am, how do I do that? Do I water around the stem or the entire pot?
You want to kinda pour it around the plant in the beginning... when the roots haven't grown yet from a transplant you want to be careful about the plant moving around from the water. Its not a huge deal just take it easy in the beginning. When the plant is established you can kinda water how you like, just make sure there are no dry spots. In a 3 gallon, that shouldn't be a problem.

You may not need to water every day. Go by your soil dampness. When you stick your finger in the soil, is it wet, damp or dry. Water only when the soil is lightly damp to almost dry. You can also pick the pot up. If its heavier than it looks you're probably good for a while. I know all this is subjective, you'll get the hang of it.

You won't need to feed the plants every watering. Fresh water is good for the plant for a few reasons.
Yeah I've been buying the water at Wally World and it's about 7 which is good I'm has a 7.0 ph which isn't very acidic at all....I think I'm correct on that. So, just around the plant in the beginning and then a bit later start full watering/fertilizer....I'm doing 3 fertilizers and 1 regular watering.....I hope that'll help wash them nutes out along the way and of course I'll have to do it during flowering until they show signs of turning brown of the pistals…thanks!
Yeah I've been buying the water at Wally World and it's about 7 which is good I'm has a 7.0 ph which isn't very acidic at all....I think I'm correct on that. So, just around the plant in the beginning and then a bit later start full watering/fertilizer....I'm doing 3 fertilizers and 1 regular watering.....I hope that'll help wash them nutes out along the way and of course I'll have to do it during flowering until they show signs of turning brown of the pistals…thanks!
7 is good. It may drop a little when you add nutes, but thats not a bad thing. Cannabis likes it a little acidic. Target is usually 5.5 to 6.5. Hydro is different. My ph target window is 5.8 to 6.4
Just an FYI... ph affects bioavailability of elements (nutrients) to the plant At 5.0 Magnesium is difficult for the plant to acquire, But at 7.0, Magnesium is very available to the plant. This is true for all elements, but at a different ph

The only things you need to watch are 1. Only think about this one in the beginning. Don't water so aggressively that the plant moves around. 2. Don't leave any dry spots. Thats a lot of nutrients, you may want to consider 2 feedings or less. I used to push the nutes. My leaves always had burnt ends. I rarely go over 1000 anymore.

These plants are about a month old. The only issues on the leaves were from me and the scrog.

Don't use the pistils to measure the ripeness of the plant. Look at the trichomes. The tiny mushroom shaped "hairs" on the bud. They start out clear. Then a little later they get cloudy. Then, finally the trichomes start to turn amber colored. Thats when you pull them.
7 is good. It may drop a little when you add nutes, but thats not a bad thing. Cannabis likes it a little acidic. Target is usually 5.5 to 6.5. Hydro is different. My ph target window is 5.8 to 6.4
Just an FYI... ph affects bioavailability of elements (nutrients) to the plant At 5.0 Magnesium is difficult for the plant to acquire, But at 7.0, Magnesium is very available to the plant. This is true for all elements, but at a different ph

The only things you need to watch are 1. Only think about this one in the beginning. Don't water so aggressively that the plant moves around. 2. Don't leave any dry spots. Thats a lot of nutrients, you may want to consider 2 feedings or less. I used to push the nutes. My leaves always had burnt ends. I rarely go over 1000 anymore.

These plants are about a month old. The only issues on the leaves were from me and the scrog.

Don't use the pistils to measure the ripeness of the plant. Look at the trichomes. The tiny mushroom shaped "hairs" on the bud. They start out clear. Then a little later they get cloudy. Then, finally the trichomes start to turn amber colored. Thats when you pull them.

Here's a graph of what I was talking about regarding Ph bioavailability
The hydrponic version of this chart is very different
7 is good. It may drop a little when you add nutes, but thats not a bad thing. Cannabis likes it a little acidic. Target is usually 5.5 to 6.5. Hydro is different. My ph target window is 5.8 to 6.4
Just an FYI... ph affects bioavailability of elements (nutrients) to the plant At 5.0 Magnesium is difficult for the plant to acquire, But at 7.0, Magnesium is very available to the plant. This is true for all elements, but at a different ph

The only things you need to watch are 1. Only think about this one in the beginning. Don't water so aggressively that the plant moves around. 2. Don't leave any dry spots. Thats a lot of nutrients, you may want to consider 2 feedings or less. I used to push the nutes. My leaves always had burnt ends. I rarely go over 1000 anymore.

These plants are about a month old. The only issues on the leaves were from me and the scrog.

Don't use the pistils to measure the ripeness of the plant. Look at the trichomes. The tiny mushroom shaped "hairs" on the bud. They start out clear. Then a little later they get cloudy. Then, finally the trichomes start to turn amber colored. Thats when you pull them.
Dang...your month old plants are much further along than mine month old plants!
When I was watering the girls in seedling stage, I noticed that I put too much at once and the plant seemed to move a bit...almost raised up in the little that what you’re referring to?
Dang...your month old plants are much further along than mine month old plants!
When I was watering the girls in seedling stage, I noticed that I put too much at once and the plant seemed to move a bit...almost raised up in the little that what you’re referring to?
Hydro helps a ton. Dont feel like you're doing something wrong. Seeds always seem to have their own agenda. Of the 4 I have 1 is really slow compared to the rest. Thats just how is goes.

Yup. Until your roots are established your baby plant just might float away if not careful. When the water subsides just make sure the dirt around the plant is sorta packed down a little bit so it won't dry too fast. Glad you saw that. In a few days it won't be an issue anymore
Damn....this humidity is kicking my ass....I have 2 humidifiers and constantly putting up wet towels just to bring up the humidity level....any other suggestions ?
Damn....this humidity is kicking my ass....I have 2 humidifiers and constantly putting up wet towels just to bring up the humidity level....any other suggestions ?
You can put a tent over the plants. A 2 liter bottle with the bottom cut off for smaller plants, a large ziplock, or any clear enclosure that will hold the moisture in. When you have the enclosure sorted out mist the inside with a sprayer. You can control the humidity to some extent by removing the cap on the bottle, or lifting the bottom edge of the bag.
You can put a tent over the plants. A 2 liter bottle with the bottom cut off for smaller plants, a large ziplock, or any clear enclosure that will hold the moisture in. When you have the enclosure sorted out mist the inside with a sprayer. You can control the humidity to some extent by removing the cap on the bottle, or lifting the bottom edge of the bag.
Awesome....hopefully, before too long the humidity here will reverse course and then I'll stick my new dehumidifier in there to take care of that problem...hey thanks for the info!
Awesome....hopefully, before too long the humidity here will reverse course and then I'll stick my new dehumidifier in there to take care of that problem...hey thanks for the info!
Nice!. Yeah. Anytime! Pictures! haha
Yeah, I'm dumber than you when it comes to video... sorry., the girls are doing good so plant seems to be dialed-in and looking awesome....the other girl seems to be doing well also but she doesn't drink very fast,....the other plant is outpacing her 2 to 1....I have a running tab to be sure which plant gets either water or notebook keeps me straight.
I have a very short video of my operation, however I'm too stupid to knoq how to do you do that?
Hey dude. I did some homework on the video thing...

So, what you need to do is create, or download the video on/to YouTube, then insert the URL. to your post. I havent done it yet, so if you need trouble shooting support I may not be of any help. Hope this works out for you
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