Need info on using CO2 in grow room

Sounds about perfect! That’s 30c so you’re pumping gas and got big HPS (I recently ran a 1000w HPS in a 4x4 tent with Co2 had a 315w CMH in there as well at one point 🤣) 84/30c is your sweet spot. The science says above 1400 is just wasted gas. Need to get to 12,000 ppm to hurt the plants I think. But like I say 4-5000 ppm can kill you real quick and we have a multi-storey piped system in our house so we set for 1300, fails to off and multiple sensors. Its great for yield, but its mega dangerous you don’t take care.

We have two 80kg tanks and use Inkbird controllers. Just plug in behind an swing fan and let it spray the room. Dead easy.

High there, I just bought a 50-lb. Co2 Tank, Regulator & 25' of laser drilled tubing. Found the complete set up on Offer Up for $100 with a Full Tank so couldn't pass it up.
Anyways, I want to use it in my 4' x 8' x 7' tent. My tent will reach into the low 90's if I close it up completely. I usually leave it open some to keep the temps down in the low 80's. For this reason I decided it might be beneficial to use Co2.
The problem is, .... I'm not sure how to use it. Hoping you guys will help me out with that.
1st off, Do I hang my drilled tubing from the Top of the tent or closer to the Top of the Plant Canopy?
What kind of Temps does my tent need to be for Co2 to be beneficial?
What range does the RH need to be in the tent? This I have a lot of trouble with. I run a small 1-Room House Humidifier 24/7 but play hell trying to get the RH over 25%.
How do I know how much Co2 to give them? I don't understand how the PPM thing works because I haven't found any info on it.
Somebody please post a thread "Understanding PPM & how to adjust it".
I still need to buy a Co2 Controller with timer.
Do you run the Co2 24/7 ? Just when lights on ?
Do you use Co2 during the entire grow or just during Flower?
Anyways, I need any & all info I can get on this. My current grow will be done in about 7-10 days so I'm looking to get this hooked up & working for my next grow.
I just started 6 clones for a side by side test. Going to use GH Products on 2 clones, AN Products (Voo Doo Juice, Big Bud & Overdrive) on 2 Clones & on the last 2 I'll just use the 3 Base GH Nutes until the last couple weeks of Flower & then I'll use Molasses Water.
Just want to see what the difference is if any at all. Figured it best to do it with clones so all plants will be equal from the start.
Looking forward to your replies & learning how to use Co2.
Thanks All !!!
What's the levels in your tent now?? Run with lights on only the plant uptakes c02
High there, I just bought a 50-lb. Co2 Tank, Regulator & 25' of laser drilled tubing. Found the complete set up on Offer Up for $100 with a Full Tank so couldn't pass it up.
Anyways, I want to use it in my 4' x 8' x 7' tent. My tent will reach into the low 90's if I close it up completely. I usually leave it open some to keep the temps down in the low 80's. For this reason I decided it might be beneficial to use Co2.
The problem is, .... I'm not sure how to use it. Hoping you guys will help me out with that.
1st off, Do I hang my drilled tubing from the Top of the tent or closer to the Top of the Plant Canopy?
What kind of Temps does my tent need to be for Co2 to be beneficial?
What range does the RH need to be in the tent? This I have a lot of trouble with. I run a small 1-Room House Humidifier 24/7 but play hell trying to get the RH over 25%.
How do I know how much Co2 to give them? I don't understand how the PPM thing works because I haven't found any info on it.
Somebody please post a thread "Understanding PPM & how to adjust it".
I still need to buy a Co2 Controller with timer.
Do you run the Co2 24/7 ? Just when lights on ?
Do you use Co2 during the entire grow or just during Flower?
Anyways, I need any & all info I can get on this. My current grow will be done in about 7-10 days so I'm looking to get this hooked up & working for my next grow.
I just started 6 clones for a side by side test. Going to use GH Products on 2 clones, AN Products (Voo Doo Juice, Big Bud & Overdrive) on 2 Clones & on the last 2 I'll just use the 3 Base GH Nutes until the last couple weeks of Flower & then I'll use Molasses Water.
Just want to see what the difference is if any at all. Figured it best to do it with clones so all plants will be equal from the start.
Looking forward to your replies & learning how to use Co2.
Thanks All
BGet a get a good level meter and a CO2 controller don't do it on a timed cycle use a controller that reads the level of the tent or room .I have a titan controller I'm looking to get rid of it works good! Email me on here if interested.
I quit using c02 1 because we have enough c02 in the air and 2 my room wasn't sealed enough 3 I didn't see much of a difference in yield to justify the expense 4 when I cooled my room the fan's suck out all the c02 then I have too raise levels again. Now I did see a slight difference in yield when I kept levels about 800 ppm (lights on only) ! But I did notice a change in flavor when I used it to close to harvest.
Conclusion from my experience on c02 is not worth the added expense and to be honest I'd focus more on tweeking in your soil or hydro nutrients and lighting and humidity and temp , container moisture levels, IPM's and so on ,then once you got those PERFECT 🤣🤣🤣🤣 go after the c02 because you can probably achieve what you are looking to do (higher yields) Alot quicker and more cost effective starting with that!
Because without those of what I mentioned above c02 won't do you any good other to than waste your $$$ and maybe make you end product be less than desirable! But I'm just giving my 2cents and I wish you the best on your endeavors ✌️
What's the levels in your tent now?? Run with lights on only the plant uptakes c02

BGet a get a good level meter and a CO2 controller don't do it on a timed cycle use a controller that reads the level of the tent or room .I have a titan controller I'm looking to get rid of it works good! Email me on here if interested.
I quit using c02 1 because we have enough c02 in the air and 2 my room wasn't sealed enough 3 I didn't see much of a difference in yield to justify the expense 4 when I cooled my room the fan's suck out all the c02 then I have too raise levels again. Now I did see a slight difference in yield when I kept levels about 800 ppm (lights on only) ! But I did notice a change in flavor when I used it to close to harvest.
Conclusion from my experience on c02 is not worth the added expense and to be honest I'd focus more on tweeking in your soil or hydro nutrients and lighting and humidity and temp , container moisture levels, IPM's and so on ,then once you got those PERFECT 🤣🤣🤣🤣 go after the c02 because you can probably achieve what you are looking to do (higher yields) Alot quicker and more cost effective starting with that!
Because without those of what I mentioned above c02 won't do you any good other to than waste your $$$ and maybe make you end product be less than desirable! But I'm just giving my 2cents and I wish you the best on your endeavors ✌️
I'm curious what the other parameters of your grow were when CO2 didn't work for you.

You say it didn't work for you but the rest of your statement says that you didn't work for CO2. Your rooms weren't sealed enough. You had to exhaust your space hence having to refill the space. You state that "we have enough CO2 in the air". CO2 average readings these days are around 420 ppm. You need to sustain a level of 1200 or more to see results. Did you run your temps in your space higher? CO2 requires higher temps to work.

You may not have included data that would show you know how to use CO2 but from your post it seems like you haven't quite grasped how to fully use it effectively.

IMO, running CO2 in a tent would be labor intensive and very hard to contain as you mentioned so I would not do it but your reasons are different in that you are saying CO2 in general doesn't work or did I just misunderstand your post?
That’s how you run a closed loop Co2 system with AC in a tent with irrigation in a 4x4 under 1000w and 315 CMH in the tropics where the temperature day or night never drops below 25c or 75% Rh but is generally much higher. Big ass Co2 tanks, eh?

Use a fucking controller or die. We have many. We have secondary sensors.

Whole story in my Solo Cup journal marked completed - in my sig. a note - we’re in all seedling stage so the return pipe to the top of the AC is not connected, its not on. My electricty bills are $1000 a month. The 60 or so plants down there are all good no gas and 30c and 80% Rh right now at 1:30am.

But never say it can’t be done. Took a couple of evenings. Doing it again but that’s way more complex.

Nick & Co
I just realized what the rack was for!! 😆

Nice solo run! Not mine but I thought you might find interest.

SOG Solo.jpg
Yeah even with that - probably the holes need to be a touch bigger. Then when they got to over 1m - they went to about 1.2-1.3m we needed rocks to keep them straight.

These ones in the 5x5 should be OK



These are 110oz Solos. Big enough to irrigate with collars. We use garden type drippers on the 16oz Solos
If you're eager to try C02 consider using C02 pads. They are relatively inexpensive and do not require too much attention. You do have to use them in a sealed environment for any benefit just like any other C02 and they will increase the humidity.
I run CO2 in my 4 x 4. It works great. I run around 1100 PPFD/PAR and around 1100 PPM of C02. My tent runs around 88 degrees. My AC kicks on every now and then but my CO2 system still maintains the proper level. My 20lb tanks last about a month. I run one tubing line into the tent and I tee it into 2 runs. I attach them to the back of my 2 oscillating fans so they blow the CO2 on top of and under the canopy. Seems to work well.



Any good CO2 controller will come with a combo CO2 sensor/photo cell that shuts down the CO2 system during lights off. Plants don't need CO2 at night. Adding CO2 to my tent has definitely increased the quality and quantity of my grows. Like someone said though, things were pretty dialed in before I added it. I wouldn't have added it if I was still trying to figure other things out.
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