Hi everyone...I know Maryland you cant really get a script as of yet ..to use marijuana legally for medical use or otherwise, but I am looking for a dr. that will give me a recomendation. I have used Marijuana since 1980 and I am a professional. I use it for depression and FM.. It relaxes me and I want to be able to obtain a recomdation by a Doctor that is willing to put it in writing. A fine of $100 is better then any time you could serve. I live in Hazzard County..as we call it. The cops here are crazy..I know a friend who got charged with manufacturing just for a seed found on the floor of his car. I know many more stories, and here it is a 90% conviction county..so we really need some help here, but, all the stuffy law makers here, are apauled by the marijuana laws. They just want to put ya away for the use of it...or put ya on probation, so you smoke and screw up and go to jail..hang ya on probation like a nuce.... The cops still arrest and raid homes here for people who use it. I would like some protection for my use, because I really do use it for medical use, just not prescribed. Can anyone on here help me find a doctor in Maryland who will help?