Need advice to trim or not to trim?

yeah it has some nuts in the soil.

When after switching to 12/12 will i see the plant start blooming?

My concern except for the yellow leaves at the bottom is the plant in general now.
Is it possible I am over watering it?
some of the leaves sort of curled to the side, some looking down, and one fan leaf had a dry tip...
the only other thing i did was add tinfoil on the walls to reflect the light better.

Any advice what could be the issues with the curled leaves to the side and how often should i water a plant in bloom phase and also should i ever spray water on the leaves?
You should see signs of blooming in about a week after switching. I would get rid of the tin foil, it just doesn't work. Makes things worse in my opinion. You should only be watering when the planter feels light when you lift it up. No don't spray water on the leaves, you don't want to create a humid environment for the buds and cause mold issues. Keep it on the dry side. Put up some pictures and we can get a better idea on the leaf issue.
You should see signs of blooming in about a week after switching. I would get rid of the tin foil, it just doesn't work. Makes things worse in my opinion. You should only be watering when the planter feels light when you lift it up. No don't spray water on the leaves, you don't want to create a humid environment for the buds and cause mold issues. Keep it on the dry side. Put up some pictures and we can get a better idea on the leaf issue.

Thanks for the quick response.
So I just went and made some pics.

So here are the yellow leaves I mentioned

And here are the side curles

Also had this fan leaf with this brown stuff nearly since the start

and when inspecting today, realized that this leaf was weird looking compared to other
I wouldn't worry about the yellow leaf, they get used up and die off. Looks like might of been over watering, but not to bad. They usually take a week to recover after transplanting. She could use some more light.

Took your advice, and put another small very weak bulb lower down near the plant, and thought since it's really low power, that I am can be close, and well one leaf got a bit burnt/ dried, it's that very bad for the plant in general?
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