Hi All
I apologize for the delay in posting.
Thought I could keep up but there just isn't enough hours in the day.
Week #11
I thought the girls were doing great. They with stood 2 storms in a week, extreme temperature changes
and unbearable humidity. Then finally we had a nice week of dry weather and I thought we were in the clear.
They were bulking up nicely and starting to get more amber in color daily.
This is the point where I start to get anxious and even get a lil anxiety.
Timing is everything.
Then this... Unfortunately we had 2 solid days of rain and no sun. At the end of the second day I
found 2 of my girls were covered in bud rot. Very little was salvaged.
see pics below
As of Today:
With no shelter for these girls and rain in the forecast for the next 3 days I decided to take them down.
I hung them in the camper with 2 fans going and I am watching the temperature and humidity.
I will post more pics as I go.
Thank you to everyone who has helped me thru this endeavour.
Your knowledge, care & love is so greatly appreciated!
Wishing you all a Happy Healthy Grow!
~ Never underestimate the power of the seed.