nadalem's pic page

whatshesayin said:
wow definatly some of the best pics ive seen posted on 420:bongrip:

You got to look around homie.:bong:



How are those hooka flavors? I love hookas but havent bought one yet. I'm going to buy one after I spend all my money on a bong, bong first hooka second. Just curious about the flavor on those though.
NoDirtWeed4Me said:
Is that aluminum foil on the bowl?

yeah it is, its a great way to burn your hookah, you put that foil ontop of your bowl (with the tobacco or weed inside).. poke a bunch of holes all around the bowl so that it burns evenly, and but a hot charcoal ontop. wait about 10 minutes and you dont ever have to light it, it just burns. i wouldnt use just like... grill charcoal, he had like some kind of incents charcoals, it was fucking sweet.

and as for that hookah tobacco, i only tried the rose one because my friend said the other wouldnt burn well. it was one of the best non-weed smokes ever. the taste was so intense it was crazy. its in this molasses shit so it burns so fucking slow.
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