
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Mythbusters

Gram per watt per hour is a much better efficiency measurement than "gram per watt". Wattage is itself a rate of energy dissipation, meaning Joules per second. So, the gram per watt per hour gives a simple ratio comparison as it will remove the time element. Most of us get electricity measured in kilowatthours, so a good efficiency ratio is weight divided by electrical usage (grams per KWH).
Re: 420 Consumer Reports - Mythbusters

15. Are plants stunted by starting them in 16oz cups and keeping them in those cups until they can be sexed before transplanting?

Not that I seen. I hold plants in 16 oz cups till they show sex.
But I start them in plastic trays you buy your tomato or pepper plants in.
Then upcan when they have out grown they trays and then some.
They take off nicely in the 16ers and start showing sex in a week.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports - Mythbusters

i'v read marijuana plants produce cannabinoids as a defense mechanism like mushrooms
Mushrooms have no nutritional value other than trace minerals which you get from the water that you drink. I have never seen an animal dumb enuff to eat any 'sroom except hominins, rarely nematodes, and the porcine set. Better to eat something with some energy, no? What makes you think that "psychedelic effects" are a deterrent to organisms that lack the neural complexity and receptors to 'trip'? The active compounds in these fungi have one of the lowest LD50s ever tested. The are only toxic in large quantities [20#s +] dropped on your head from a height greater than 20 feet up. Plants don't really have 'defense mechanisms', but the ones that produce nasty tasting and smelling compounds as metabolic byproducts will differentially out compete those lacking these deterrents over time based on the exclusionary principle. Evolution is not directed, it is a process of elimination, what's left after the party is what works best in a given environment.


Uhm I think wild boar and even pigs will eat mushrooms though so maybe that explains why boars are all messed up .
Okay I kinda thought that the psychotropic effects of cannabis are what actually made it attractive to humans and why it was culitvated at first in my honest opinion and the other uses came second because the very first humans who ever came across cannabis would have been primitive they would have smelled it and then tasted it and some no doubt enjoyed the effect. From there its medicinal effects were probably quickly found and it is also in my opinion probably the very first medicinal herb ever found just because of its obvious effects and its scent no doubt would have attracted attention to itself just as it does now. So I kinda think cannabis thrived on this planet mainly because of mankinds attraction to intoxicating substances so in effect its defense mechanisim to ensure it survival was by evolving to be so useful to be nearly indispensible to early man.
many hominids have been unnaturally selected
Fathers Day in my hood is one of mass confusion :Rasta:

Evolution is not directed
Galapagos finches evolved independantly to fit different opportunities presented naturally.

Corn was bred by the hand of man, selecting desired traits through thousands of generations. Such an awkward seed packet seems very unlikely to occur by the process of elimination of the less fit.
By the results, 'evolution' and 'breeding' are more similar than different IMO.

Cannabis evolution has been directed to serve many uses. 70,000 years was enough time to find, claim and tame this useful plant. I thank my ancesters.
Still responding to selective pressures, only dif is that we direct it towards our short-sited goals buy selecting cultivars for commercial purposes. Monocultures [and our food supply] can be wiped out by a simple, well-engineered virus. There is a lot to be said for genetic diversity.


There is a lot to be said for diversity in general.

"don't surround yourself with yourself"
Gator, have you found the bare bulb to require minimum distances be honored for leaf protection? Pardon if this was already discussed ;)

There is a lot to be said for diversity in general.

"don't surround yourself with yourself"

Citation: Jon Anderson, 1971, I've Seen All Good People. A reference to chess game theory ;)
Gator, have you found the bare bulb to require minimum distances be honored for leaf protection?
Thanks for asking, Soniq. This topic is at the heart of vertical HID growth.
The short answer is no. Greedy fan fingers have no honor, and get burned back righteously, but... I should have attentively pruned them back sooner.
The radiant level gradient is especially steep from the smaller, 250w bulb.
Nominal clearance IMO is 8", and the max penetration is another 8". Even with the sideways light presentation's inefficiency on leaves evolved to be lit from above, little light passes through the canopy. The problem near the bulb is of equal distribution. Greedy fingers too close to the light are taking more than their share, and Eddie Scissorhand has something for them.
400w clearance is 10", with another 10" out for the sweet zone. You get an additional bit of vertical height coverage, but the main thing is increased diameter of the torus shaped lit zone of potential growth.
3D sweet spot

"don't surround yourself with yourself"
"don't get too comfy in your own shit"

I haven't been humiliated on a chess board in years; haven't played.
It's a head phone moment, I'm inspired to pull the CD out ;)

Thanks Gator, I can see the need to prune or tuck those ambitious fan leaves. I guess I was thinking that either UV or heat would be detrimental. It does make sense that when optimized for distance pi winds the distribution argument ;)
Thank You to everyone for all the information! You guys should have a frikkin show on the History Channel.
bmarduk I suggest checkin out a documentary called The Botany of Desire". Talks about how some plants have evolved to be attractive to humans that in nature was not thriving until we started tampering with it. For instance apples, wild apples are garbage. Humans through selective breeding have made a number of varieties of apples now.
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