Mystery Grow

Well I was reading Smokin Moose's trichome thread in the guides in the grow room part of the forum, and apparently I've been checking the trichomes wrong. It said that I should be checking the middle of the plant. I've been checking the top.
Well I was reading Smokin Moose's trichome thread in the guides in the grow room part of the forum, and apparently I've been checking the trichomes wrong. It said that I should be checking the middle of the plant. I've been checking the top.
Good morning my friend @AscendedMasterKief hope your having a good day my friend.
Just wondering why your checking tric's ?
The ladies have a good 3 weeks to go minimum probably more. :Namaste:
Your talking about the buds you just changed back to the Mars Hydro?
What day of flower are you on?

Stay safe
Really good to know thank you both. I honestly don't know what day of flower this is because they were already budding when I got them. Also these are autoflowering, and I've never grown autos before.
Really good to know thank you both. I honestly don't know what day of flower this is because they were already budding when I got them. Also these are autoflowering, and I've never grown autos before.
That nice bonnet of white pistols will turn red and crinkle in eventually.
Then they are done flowering and building for you.
Then you check trics.
You might want to ease up on the nitrogen going forward.
But other than a minor hiccup you corrected already everything looks healthy.
Keep up the good work. :thumb:

Stay safe
I should have started it long ago but I'm going to start marking everything on the calendar for growing
Tonight's medicine is some Runts. I got two nice joints out of it. Any loose medicine left over after rolling, goes into my rolling tin. Y'all should see it after about 6 months.


Lunch break photo time. I fed and watered the girls this morning. Today orchid bloom. Tomorrow I should be getting my other nutrients that has extremely little nitrogen and pretty high p and k. Going to have to be careful with it. At the moment I can't remember what it's called I'll find out when I get back on my PC.


Tonight's medicine. Going to try and see if I can watch any of the Olympics as long as it's not figure skating. Edit: bloody hell it's figure skating. Bonus props: anyone recognize the mug?

Got my fertilizer. Can't sleep tonight, herb a friend smoked with me was straight sativa. Drank coffee to cure the cottonmouth. Found out my light timer was acting up, turning lights on at 1am, instead of 4am like I set it. Swapped it out. Hope it's not a neutral wire problem like I had before. Will check voltage in the AM with and without a load



I think this is my favorite photo I've taken of the girls so far. Second photo shows new calyxes forming.


Had to give the one plant a little bit of support because the top was getting a little heavy and leaning down below the rest of the plant. Everything else seems pretty good this morning. Happy Friday everybody.



Yesterday I found out my tent has another vent at the back of it. After 4 hours of lights on, still decent weather inside the tent. In the future I'm going to need to get active ventilation in there though.
The oldest girl is starting to lean, and still growing, and the younger one, as you can see in the third photo, is real spindly, so I had to twist the branches together a little bit to make them support each other. I'm a bit biased but I think they look real pretty. It helps to look in on them to keep my mind off of being infected with covid at the moment.




Girls seem to be doing well. I'm still recovering from covid. I think our older girl will be done soon.



Harvested the older plant, but the other one of this grow is still going though. I'm really pleased with this harvest, and in not too much time there's going to be another one! I don't know about y'all but I would like to do trimming before chopping. To me it's easier on my fingers and trying to hold a stem and twist my arm about. In this case the plant holds itself up



Here's a better shot of the hanging buds. Yeah I might still trim them up a little more. The lower branches were harder to get to.

There's one bud missing from this photo and it broke off while I was trimming so I went ahead and put it in a bowl full of the sugar leaves that I stuck in the fridge that I'm going to make edibles with. I'll probably do that with some of the lower buds as well, and I technically ain't got to dry out the buds that I'm going to use for edibles. It might help the flavor though if I dry and cure. We'll see.
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