My work in progress

all the seeds I sprouted were at least 2 years old and were not kept in ideal conditions. lets see how many females to males I get. not saying it will work but thats why i started to post grows to try and share and gain info. data was taken from Henk the owner of Dutch Passion Seeds and there huge grow archives.

Well I would imagine Henk & Co. probably know what they're talking about. Interesting. Thanks.

(And I missed the Jorge Cervantes byline on your book too. He has cred as well. I guess I need some schooling. ;))

I worked on a ranch in northeast Washington State one summer when I was 16 (which was a long time ago...). I loved it there. Seems like a great place to grow some giant Sativa outside. :)
The blueberry is a very tall plant and it stretches a lot in Blooming almost three times its size

I'm growing some blueberry now so that's good to know. I read it grows tall but to triple in size is something I will keep in mind for myself. Thanks .

Dang, that looks like a huge nug just waiting to be cured on the middle plant. I'm giving fluxing another go on 2 and topping a few times on the other 3 plants so hopefully that will help with the stretch.
I don't use topping a lot I like to stress strain why plants I will wrap them around their part two or three times here's a picture of a few small ones
After dispensary they call it so I've got 30 holes around each plot with a string ran through it as the plant link Missing Link I run it through each Loop and then after it reaches all the way around I will connect it to itself and let it go around again the reason for this is when I cut them loose and throw them into blooming they jump and stretch it cuts my growing time and half
After dispensary they call it so I've got 30 holes around each plot with a string ran through it as the plant link Missing Link I run it through each Loop and then after it reaches all the way around I will connect it to itself and let it go around again the reason for this is when I cut them loose and throw them into blooming they jump and stretch it cuts my growing time and half

Sorry, but I simply can't make sense of this! If you could add some capitalization and punctuation to form sentences rather than just stream-of-consciousness verbiage that would be a big help.
these pictures may help it's difficult for me to explain basically I am trying to turn the planet into a spring I'm holding her down till Bloom time when I cut her loose she will attempt to stand back up straightening the stem like the top picture the plant is preoccupied trying to stand back up versus starting to stretch the blue pot was held down the Plant in the red pot with top and let go
these pictures may help it's difficult for me to explain basically I am trying to turn the planet into a spring I'm holding her down till Bloom time when I cut her loose she will attempt to stand back up straightening the stem like the top picture the plant is preoccupied trying to stand back up versus starting to stretch the blue pot was held down the Plant in the red pot with top and let go

Ok cool, I'll spend some time looking into 'sowing'. I've come across a few growers who poke holes into the rim of their pot/container then use what looks like string going vertical and horizontal to tie down the plant. I just never thought to ask what that type of training was called. Thanks for sharing that method of training.
If it works call it whatever ya'll like!!!
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