My seedlings are yellowing once again. Why am I cursed with this?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

So in my newest attempt, I got some Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect (Grow/Bloom/Micro), with voodoo juice and b52 as additive. I got it for dirt cheap, so I didn't think twice. I wanted to use this in combination with a soilless substrate, which is Plagron Pro Mix (Peat Moss, small amounts of wormcastings for WHATEVER reason, and that's it pretty much). I added 30% perlite to that mixture.

I use 7gal fabric pots, and 420fastbuds autoflowers. Germinating was as easy as it can be. Transplanted into final pot already. I watered with ~50ml of plain water at first. This was enough until the first set of leaves came out.

Next watering I did use 1L of dechlorinated tapwater with an EC of 0.3, and added 0.25ml of each grow, bloom, and micro, and 1ml of Voodoo Juice and B52. AN recommends 1ML in the first week of each (and 2ML of Voodoo / B52), but I heard this will pretty much kill most autos, so I lowered the dose to 1/4th of what it has to be. I PHed the solution to 6.3 at the end.

I then watered each seedling with 60ml of a very low nutrient solution, in a circle, around the width of the first set of leaves. And now the second set of leaves are trying to come out, but they're starting to yellow again. As always. I am absolutely CURSED with this problem, and I feel like I'm the only person on this planet who had the exact same symptoms in DWC, Peatmoss, Coco, and literal soil. It's ALWAYS the same freaking problem, and I'm so sick of it. New growth just yellows, plants die or are severely stunted, goodbye plant.

I just don't understand what's wrong here. I followed every rule of my last grow which yielded me 7oz with one auto, just that I'm using a different nutrient line this time. My environment is absolutely perfect and stable, I can literally control the 0.X numbers of humidity and temperatures. I'm currently at 78°F / 25°C, and 70% humidity, 24/7 stable. Air exchange is top notch, PPFD is at 350, but that stuff literally never mattered at all with this kind of problem, as I tried every environment in the past 12 months, and had ~15 dead plants with exactly this problem (only 2 survived til the end).

Why? Just why. I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong here. I have 2 PH pens, an expensive one and an average one to always have 2 opinions, I got an EC pen, I got everything. I'm not taking lots of care, I pretty much do everything as chill as possible, I just really always check my PH with this kind of stuff, as it isn't organic. That's it already. I'm just insanely traumatized by this yellowing new growth.

Please help me!


Hey Acid! Wow truly hate you are having problems.

Let’s look at this a different way. You’ve got a soilless mix with bit of castings, plus cut by 30% of nothing. So it’s an inert soil mix (there’s nothing to sustain a plant) with some small amount of castings plus more inert perlite.

Where’s the beef? It drains fast for sure but what’s a girl to build nuggets with? Yes I get it, it’s intended to be all bottle fed but when the media is inert then you’ve got to provide everything the plant needs, meaning casting alone isn’t cutting it so you defs can’t skimp on nutes.

I could be wrong here but I think soilless is more like coco so you should probably feed every time, that means no plain water… Hmm at 6.3 you might even be in the wrong ph range I believe soilless get treated same as coco or hydro at 5.8

New growth often comes in with lighter shade of green but yep she looks a bit yellow.

I’m going to ask @smoking Wings to stop by and jump in
Sounds like the only thing you haven't tried is feeding the plant according to the manufacturers recommendation? You know what AN recommends, but you 'heard' something else and went with it. Feed your plant.

Well it's what everyone says about AN, so I followed that advice for autos. It's a hydro nutrient like, it does work in substrate, but apparently you gotta go a bit lower with that stuff, especially with autos.

The reason you keep getting the same result is because you keep doing the same thing
Something fundamental needs to change, soil mix or nutes are good suspects
pH +/- 6.0 works for me

I went though biobizz, canna, and now AN, and they all show up with the same symptoms. That's the weird thing.

Soil mix has been biobizz, canna, normal garden potting mix, and now empty peat moss. All showing the same symptoms.

That's why I'm going a bit crazy, I don't know what the suspect is when I go through 3 different nutrient lines and several substrates, yet still end up with the exact same problem - yellow new growth in the seedling stage.

I did succeed in my last grow, and I literally did the same things I always do, and for whatever reason it worked out. I wish I knew what's wrong, that's why I'm asking you guys, you know best
Looks like iron deficiency. My water is naturally high in Iron so I never need to add it, your water may not carry alot of mineral content. When in doubtabout a plant being able to draw nutrients thru its roots, I use a foliar spray with nutrients at 1/4 recommended bottle strength.
Well it's what everyone says about AN, so I followed that advice for autos. It's a hydro nutrient like, it does work in substrate, but apparently you gotta go a bit lower with that stuff, especially with autos.

I went though biobizz, canna, and now AN, and they all show up with the same symptoms. That's the weird thing.

Soil mix has been biobizz, canna, normal garden potting mix, and now empty peat moss. All showing the same symptoms.

That's why I'm going a bit crazy, I don't know what the suspect is when I go through 3 different nutrient lines and several substrates, yet still end up with the exact same problem - yellow new growth in the seedling stage.

I did succeed in my last grow, and I literally did the same things I always do, and for whatever reason it worked out. I wish I knew what's wrong, that's why I'm asking you guys, you know best
But 1/4 is not 'a bit' lower.
You rang?

Had noticed the intro to the thread yesterday while still in lurking mode. Since I do not grow using the more traditional hydro methods, not even any of the new fangled methods, I was putting some ideas together for today. But, I do find hydro fascinating and an important part of our farming and raising of food crops.

And, here we are, today.

I’m going to ask @smoking Wings to stop by and jump in
My bad on the tag - thanks Roy!!
I noticed the tag but not the little glitch but I knew who you were calling. So, again, "you rang?" We gotta find a small gif with Lurch saying that for the collection of little icon faces. (;))

I just don't understand what's wrong here. I followed every rule of my last grow which yielded me 7oz with one auto, just that I'm using a different nutrient line this time.
The issue seems to be that the fertilizer was changed and is not working the same way. If the growing medium is the same as the previous grows with auto-flower plants it has to be something with the way the Advanced Nutrients products are working or not working.

Yet, you mention following the same 'rules' as the previous grow which yielded 7 oz with one auto-flower but also mention "And now the second set of leaves are trying to come out, but they're starting to yellow again. As always. I am absolutely CURSED with this problem, and I feel like I'm the only person on this planet who had the exact same symptoms in DWC, Peatmoss, Coco, and literal soil. It's ALWAYS the same freaking problem, and I'm so sick of it. New growth just yellows, plants die or are severely stunted, goodbye plant."

And, after re-reading the opening msg it really sounds like there is too much happening at the same time. A peat base with extra perlite added, the new line of fertilizers, the measuring and the numbers, the pH not sounding right for a hydro style, the reduced amounts of the new fertilizers. They all seem to be working against a successful grow. Kind of want to say it is a case of overthinking which does not work whether it is a hydro or mineral dirt/soil grow. Sort of what happens when a mineral soil grower starts to add all the goodies they can think of to a pile of soil because they are gong to build a super-soil and then buy fertilizers they are not familiar with.

At this point, if the yellowing is what has happened several times before, consider upping the fertilizers to 3/4 of the recommended amounts and pouring so that the immediate area around the seedling is properly moist.

Gotta say that this is an interesting one to be thinking about.
Hey guys!

So in my newest attempt, I got some Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect (Grow/Bloom/Micro), with voodoo juice and b52 as additive. I got it for dirt cheap, so I didn't think twice. I wanted to use this in combination with a soilless substrate, which is Plagron Pro Mix (Peat Moss, small amounts of wormcastings for WHATEVER reason, and that's it pretty much). I added 30% perlite to that mixture.

I use 7gal fabric pots, and 420fastbuds autoflowers. Germinating was as easy as it can be. Transplanted into final pot already. I watered with ~50ml of plain water at first. This was enough until the first set of leaves came out.

Next watering I did use 1L of dechlorinated tapwater with an EC of 0.3, and added 0.25ml of each grow, bloom, and micro, and 1ml of Voodoo Juice and B52. AN recommends 1ML in the first week of each (and 2ML of Voodoo / B52), but I heard this will pretty much kill most autos, so I lowered the dose to 1/4th of what it has to be. I PHed the solution to 6.3 at the end.

I then watered each seedling with 60ml of a very low nutrient solution, in a circle, around the width of the first set of leaves. And now the second set of leaves are trying to come out, but they're starting to yellow again. As always. I am absolutely CURSED with this problem, and I feel like I'm the only person on this planet who had the exact same symptoms in DWC, Peatmoss, Coco, and literal soil. It's ALWAYS the same freaking problem, and I'm so sick of it. New growth just yellows, plants die or are severely stunted, goodbye plant.

I just don't understand what's wrong here. I followed every rule of my last grow which yielded me 7oz with one auto, just that I'm using a different nutrient line this time. My environment is absolutely perfect and stable, I can literally control the 0.X numbers of humidity and temperatures. I'm currently at 78°F / 25°C, and 70% humidity, 24/7 stable. Air exchange is top notch, PPFD is at 350, but that stuff literally never mattered at all with this kind of problem, as I tried every environment in the past 12 months, and had ~15 dead plants with exactly this problem (only 2 survived til the end).

Why? Just why. I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong here. I have 2 PH pens, an expensive one and an average one to always have 2 opinions, I got an EC pen, I got everything. I'm not taking lots of care, I pretty much do everything as chill as possible, I just really always check my PH with this kind of stuff, as it isn't organic. That's it already. I'm just insanely traumatized by this yellowing new growth.

Please help me!


😐 I don't see what you're upset about. It looks like a healthy baby sprout. Mine sometimes have the yellow-green new leafs and it just grows out and goes away. I personally wouldn't feed them til they're a tad bit outta that 1st week.
Thanks Smoking Wings!!!

You always bring relevant perspective even if it’s not your grow style! Guess the main question was confirmation on ph setting for soilless media, it gets treated same as hydro at 5.8 right?

But mostly to get expert eyes cuz I still pretty much suck at diagnosis

thank you for jumping right in, you are awesome!!
Guess the main question was confirmation on ph setting for soilless media, it gets treated same as hydro at 5.8 right?
I have been reading science fiction for decades so people traveling off this rock and setting up colonies has fascinated me. Most likely they will not build the colonies on earth-like planets so hydroponic grow operations will become normal and that created the interest in hydro.

Way too many times I have read that a 5.8 pH is needed for this plant when grown with a hydro method so when I read 6.3 (recommended soil pH) or even as high as 7 or 7.5 pH it catches my attention.
I agree with @Sueet these plants look hungry and misfed. @013 touched on it. There’s almost zero nutrition for the plant in the medium. If your environment is dialed in like you say then those plants are working hard and growing fast, they’re hungry and want to be fed. I would use the manufacturers feed chart and feed as directed.

The only thing that would need changing is feed frequency. I would start with every other watering, and see where you go from there. I’m also going to tag @Bill284 since he has soilless experience as well
I agree with @Sueet these plants look hungry and misfed. @013 touched on it. There’s almost zero nutrition for the plant in the medium. If your environment is dialed in like you say then those plants are working hard and growing fast, they’re hungry and want to be fed. I would use the manufacturers feed chart and feed as directed.

The only thing that would need changing is feed frequency. I would start with every other watering, and see where you go from there. I’m also going to tag @Bill284 since he has soilless experience as well
Hey Keffka :ciao: thanks for the tag Amigo, hope your weekend is going well. :high-five:
Pro mix requires feed/water/feed/water every day to run off at 5.8 ph.
Full strength nutrients, next day water then full strength nutrients next day water.
Never let it dry and always to runoff.
That will help the girls.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey guys!

So in my newest attempt, I got some Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect (Grow/Bloom/Micro), with voodoo juice and b52 as additive. I got it for dirt cheap, so I didn't think twice. I wanted to use this in combination with a soilless substrate, which is Plagron Pro Mix (Peat Moss, small amounts of wormcastings for WHATEVER reason, and that's it pretty much). I added 30% perlite to that mixture.

I use 7gal fabric pots, and 420fastbuds autoflowers. Germinating was as easy as it can be. Transplanted into final pot already. I watered with ~50ml of plain water at first. This was enough until the first set of leaves came out.

Next watering I did use 1L of dechlorinated tapwater with an EC of 0.3, and added 0.25ml of each grow, bloom, and micro, and 1ml of Voodoo Juice and B52. AN recommends 1ML in the first week of each (and 2ML of Voodoo / B52), but I heard this will pretty much kill most autos, so I lowered the dose to 1/4th of what it has to be. I PHed the solution to 6.3 at the end.

I then watered each seedling with 60ml of a very low nutrient solution, in a circle, around the width of the first set of leaves. And now the second set of leaves are trying to come out, but they're starting to yellow again. As always. I am absolutely CURSED with this problem, and I feel like I'm the only person on this planet who had the exact same symptoms in DWC, Peatmoss, Coco, and literal soil. It's ALWAYS the same freaking problem, and I'm so sick of it. New growth just yellows, plants die or are severely stunted, goodbye plant.

I just don't understand what's wrong here. I followed every rule of my last grow which yielded me 7oz with one auto, just that I'm using a different nutrient line this time. My environment is absolutely perfect and stable, I can literally control the 0.X numbers of humidity and temperatures. I'm currently at 78°F / 25°C, and 70% humidity, 24/7 stable. Air exchange is top notch, PPFD is at 350, but that stuff literally never mattered at all with this kind of problem, as I tried every environment in the past 12 months, and had ~15 dead plants with exactly this problem (only 2 survived til the end).

Why? Just why. I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong here. I have 2 PH pens, an expensive one and an average one to always have 2 opinions, I got an EC pen, I got everything. I'm not taking lots of care, I pretty much do everything as chill as possible, I just really always check my PH with this kind of stuff, as it isn't organic. That's it already. I'm just insanely traumatized by this yellowing new growth.

Please help me!


Here's a hand drawn illustration of your plant.
PS Your plant is next to the fat kid.


  • starving marvin.jpeg
    starving marvin.jpeg
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Hey Keffka :ciao: thanks for the tag Amigo, hope your weekend is going well. :high-five:
Pro mix requires feed/water/feed/water every day to run off at 5.8 ph.
Full strength nutrients, next day water then full strength nutrients next day water.
Never let it dry and always to runoff.
That will help the girls.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
And if you do let it dry too much, say bye-bye to your lower leaves.
Thanks already for all the answers.

I followed the guide by Bill, and all my seedlings died by damping off / rotting away in a few days. I'm used to them dying at this stage, so it's all good.

So now I went back to the roots, got two new bags of my familiar "organic" Biobizz substrate once again, and everything seems fine so far. I'm on day 4 since sprout, and all 4 plants look good so far. I put the Advanced Nutrient Trio into my basement, and kept all the organic AN additives for this grow, and bought 2 new bottles of Bio Grow and Bloom. I'm sure it'll work this time, as it worked with my last finished grow with the same nutrients / substrate. At least I hope so.

Here they are, day 4 after sprout. I feel like the two autos in the front from Fastbuds seem a bit tiny for 4 days, the other cheapie seeds seem to be slightly larger:


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