My Room - Perpetual LED Soil

no typing

but how about a few thousand words?

ww bb rpk



blue dream
ah yea i just was helping him spread the 420 dayz :thumb:
one thing i had to stop him on was the weedend
the weed shall never end lol :rofl:
Have a Chronic Weekend :high-five:
hi mate, im a few pages behind so you might of mentioned this already, with the pm issues on page 225 i have reearched pm problems a few times and the best solution i came across was spraying the plants with a mix of water and milk, not sure on ratios so you would have to check, chances are you know this already.

the other product which i have tried is the sns product its sns 244 natural fungicide, on one of my plants i had some stems in the middle with fungus/mold growing on them and also on some of the inner buds, so i used the sns 244 before it got to bad and the problem went away over night and never came back, i thought id end up throwing some bud away but that product solved the problem, in the past i had one plant that produced big fat buds but it took ages to mature and when i checked the buds some had rotted in the middle so i harvested and binned most of it, but that plant wouldnt mature and trichs remained clear for many weeks past harvest date.

so for me the sns product worked well, ive never tried the milk as ive not had pm issues mine was more a fungus type problem but im thinking the product might work for pm as well, ill read the bottle and see what it says, maybe bid can offer some advice on the milk and water solution, i know you use a certain milk and add a small amount to water then spray the plant and or buds, not tried it so cant comment to much
I thought your name was Confused for a second there. Those who know know what I'm talking about!
hi mate, im a few pages behind so you might of mentioned this already, with the pm issues on page 225 i have reearched pm problems a few times and the best solution i came across was spraying the plants with a mix of water and milk, not sure on ratios so you would have to check, chances are you know this already.

the other product which i have tried is the sns product its sns 244 natural fungicide, on one of my plants i had some stems in the middle with fungus/mold growing on them and also on some of the inner buds, so i used the sns 244 before it got to bad and the problem went away over night and never came back, i thought id end up throwing some bud away but that product solved the problem, in the past i had one plant that produced big fat buds but it took ages to mature and when i checked the buds some had rotted in the middle so i harvested and binned most of it, but that plant wouldnt mature and trichs remained clear for many weeks past harvest date.

so for me the sns product worked well, ive never tried the milk as ive not had pm issues mine was more a fungus type problem but im thinking the product might work for pm as well, ill read the bottle and see what it says, maybe bid can offer some advice on the milk and water solution, i know you use a certain milk and add a small amount to water then spray the plant and or buds, not tried it so cant comment to much

I am using a copper fungicide now from Bonide that works well... but from what I read this mold morphs and becomes resistant so I will be swapping up with SNS and I am looking at a product called Oxidate as well. I am trying to visualize spraying milk all over would not be able to see the mold after that through the film left all over everything I am guessing plus what is that going to smell like in a day?

Horrible. HORRIBLE looking plants. Whatever you are doing, you're doing it WRONG!

haha. Wink. /sarcasm


I thought your name was Confused for a second there. Those who know know what I'm talking about!

I guess I am not in the know

sounds like you got a few product to try, the milk mixture is mainly water with a small amount of milk in it, so it contains very little milk, apperently something in the milk kills the fungus and stops it spreading.
hopefully the products your using will do the trick.
one grow i had mould forming on the tops of the soil in my pots, i found this was down to the air not moving much at pot level, so i used some 12v computer fans and made sure i had good air exchange under and over the plants and the problem went away, bud rot is tough to stop once it starts though, i have high humidity where i am so its something i always check for but as long as my fans are working i dont have to many problems

this link is from someone who tried the milk method, im sure theirs many more on here who have tried it, i cant comment to much as it something ive not tried,
Milk/water spray to stop powdery mildew
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