I've been using a Hanna Checker 1 PH meter for a year now, I put a new electrode in it about 3 months ago when the old original one hit the limits of the calibration adjusting screws.
I was Ph-ing some water today when seemingly all of a sudden the numbers began jumping. Going from over-range to numbers in the 2's, whether the electrode is in water or not.
I took out the electrode and made sure everything was clean, and put it back in, and let it sit for a while. Still has the problem.
With the new electrode, I'd run rinse water up and down the sensor tube to clean it out each time I was done using it. The people at the hydro shop said water won't hurt the seal inside, could they be wrong? I might have gotten water too far up in the sensor tube too many times.
Any ideas?
I was Ph-ing some water today when seemingly all of a sudden the numbers began jumping. Going from over-range to numbers in the 2's, whether the electrode is in water or not.
I took out the electrode and made sure everything was clean, and put it back in, and let it sit for a while. Still has the problem.
With the new electrode, I'd run rinse water up and down the sensor tube to clean it out each time I was done using it. The people at the hydro shop said water won't hurt the seal inside, could they be wrong? I might have gotten water too far up in the sensor tube too many times.
Any ideas?