My outdoor plant chernobyl putang


Active Member
BY LIBERTY SEED flowing since July 2



I'm really confused by what I'm seeing. Your plant looks like it's been in flower for a few weeks, but you say both that it started flowering July 2, and then you also said 6/14. Either way, that is 8-10 weeks. What else happened in between to make your flowers look so immature? They should be finishing up if they started that long ago.

Where are you in the world? Where I am, outdoor flowering started around mid-august, and even that would put your flowers ahead of where they currently are.

Is it an auto? That would at least explain flowering ahead of the suns' schedule, but I am still flummoxed about the relatively low visual age of your flowers >.>

ETA: I just noticed you have several threads with different plants, perhaps these pictures are the wrong ones?
Well, I'm in Massachusetts,
My plants... I have several at one point I had 23 I have to sent several plants to my friends house, the one you see on the pictures are putang chernobyl they are on the ground since early May and started to flowing by july I have those seeds from liberty seeds about 2 years they told me is a photoperiod plant, about the llok at the plant I honest have no clue it's my first time growing weed and I'm really pround of I did and impressed with the size of the plants same of them are over 8 foot, a lot of classical music for them all day and now I'm applying some MELASSO, reading a lot about Brix, to see the final result I will keep posted, sorry for any inconvenience,
Same strains can flower up to 12 weeks, I choose these strains and germinate all they one of each strain on 04/20/24 fat bastard auto Gg4 auto glookies auto gorilla GOO auto blue runtz auto all done and cured already fire after fire, Glookies I called a NARCOTIC buds come out horrible but was outdoor toke 80 days or so, autoflower as you know have a short life span,
Four weeks would put your start of flowering squarely in August, not June or July. Perhaps you mean you started seeing stigma/pistils in June/July ? That would make sense, since the plant would have been showing you that she is mature and ready to flower..... but not actually flowering yet.

In Mass. you would be on the same sun schedule as me, so your flowering started around mid august and that would make perfect sense as to why your flowers only appear to be a few weeks old.... they are. Mid to end of October will be your finish times, maybe into November a bit, as cold can slow them down a bit.
Well I think the flower progress is realy good I can see a lot of colas and they getting fat everday as I said I germinate a lot seeds on April 20 some plants are on the ground since may 15 only chernobyl putang and purple punch on the ground, all my auto flowers that I started on April was done by late July I had 3 fat bastard gg4 and glookies ( is a NARCOTIC), now I have on 21 gallon bucket mimosa giant plant and a freebie from north Atlantic seeds is Acapulco gold just start flower 2 weeks ago and 1 bunzai auto flower gorilla GOO, is that a place here so we can post a video?, so far so good for wheater here in Massachusetts, about my chernobyl putang is huge and have lots of colas and been flowing for more than 6 weeks so far, I keep post more pictures thanks for the feedback I will posted a video on Instagram soon I'm off tomorrow see yah happy greetings 4u
BY LIBERTY SEED flowing since July 2
Looking good so far.

A bit of a change in the fertilizers and scheduling and your grow next summer could be award winning. The thing with the molasses (MELASSO) is that once the micro-organisms finish eating that then something else has to be available for them or they die off. The cost of any good fertilizer program is really not all that expensive and will be worth it in the long run when it comes harvest time.

As Sueet brings up the time they have been in flower does not make sense. Maybe miscounting the number of weeks or seeing something in the way the plant was growing changed and that made you think it had started flowering back in early June or July.

I'm really confused by what I'm seeing. Your plant looks like it's been in flower for a few weeks, but you say both that it started flowering July 2, and then you also said 6/14. Either way, that is 8-10 weeks. What else happened in between to make your flowers look so immature? They should be finishing up if they started that long ago.

Where are you in the world? Where I am, outdoor flowering started around mid-august, and even that would put your flowers ahead of where they currently are.
I agree. The buds shown in the photos in the first msg look like they are 3 to 4 weeks old and seem a bit small. Certainly not the best size after flowering for the 8 to 11 weeks since July 2nd or June 14th as mentioned in a different msg.
The buds looking huge to me, I don't know, it's my first time growing that is product I'm using at veggie stage I was feeding 2x a week on the flowing stage I'm using 3 times a week 1 x grow every week, I'm excited about the plant size and looking they do look good

She's looking fine to me, I trow baking soda on the plant 2, to prevent mold and other bad staff it's a huge challenge to grow outdoor (wilde), in the past I also apply cinnamon to spray and garlic, I'm keeping using MELASSO once a week,




This is my acapulco gold as a frebbie from North Atlantic seeds just start flowing 2 weeks ago on a15 gallon bucket, germ date 05.18.24 on that 15 gallon bucket since 06.04.24
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