My Kind of Thing

Hi Amelia, welcome to 420 Mag! It sure is nice to have another woman grower on the board! I look forward to seeing you start your first seed.
Welcome UncleBobo to 420 Magazine. Depending upon where you live you can order seeds inexpensively from many seed banks such as North Atlantic Seed Company or there are many seed sponsors here such as Rocket Seeds. Would recommend you have a few plants as there is often glitches along the way and more plants equal a better chance of having something in the end.
Welcome to 420 Magazine @unclebobo

Will you be growing indoors or outdoors?
Do you have all the equipment to start a grow?

Here's some helpful info: Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link.

This is where you place your grow journal.

Journals in Progress: Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contests to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests: Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, we now have a Fungi section if you would like to grow mushrooms.
Hey everyone, I'm new here! My name's Amelia, I'm just starting out with growing and was wondering if anyone could help me out with a single seed to get started. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!😉
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome: :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I've found the planet of expert growers and green gurus. Buckling in for an epic journey!😘
That's what we're all here for!!
Did you end up finding some seeds?
Also just curious, what made you choose the name unclebobo seeing as I assume you're a female? 🤔
Hey everyone, I'm new here! My name's Amelia, I'm just starting out with growing and was wondering if anyone could help me out with a single seed to get started. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!😉
:welcome:this really is a great place to be, are you beginning? I look forward to seeing you throughout the forums. if I knew of this when I was starting out I would have been so happy, I was all by myself to figure stuff out for years, years, years and years, just now figuring out to turn the lights off in the summer days lol.
I wish you well new friend, and I hope that you will stick around, you don't need to have a grow site to win one of @420 many contests, and giveaways, I wish you the best. message if you would like any help with research, definitely check out the content, and providers on this site, the sponsors are listed and have been helpful to me. Have an awesome day friend
That's what we're all here for!!
Did you end up finding some seeds?
Also just curious, what made you choose the name unclebobo seeing as I assume you're a female? 🤔
The good old Grateful Dead used to call Bill Grahm Uncle Bobo. (~);}
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