My first time.


New Member
hey everybody,

this is my first plant i grow this summer,
i seed this plant before a month i think and i live in Israel soo the sun already had the 12/12.

this is the pictures of the plant, his leaves burned at the tip and i don't know what to do.

i forgot the say that i gave him only water.





by the way.. the white marks is water
you plant is to small for nut's and it's budding ! let keep going or put it back to veg !~ ha I think oyu not going to do that . so when it changs yopu still need ot give some nut's some calcium is need to keep it grean when starting to bud ,this will keep your leafs green , now your in bud and it will live untel it can be harviested with only water. Read more dead more and try again next year ! good luck

you can lat it go and it will live and finsh budding . read up on post here it will help next year for you ,
You gave it no nutrients; it is feeding upon (cannibalizing) itself.
It's almost ready to harvest. Use a very mild dose of a full-spectrum bloom nutrient and then again 3 or 4 days later.
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