My First Time Growing

Just to keep PJ and all of you up to date, Here are some photo's I took of the plants, The first is Harley and Casey flowering:
Next is the Truthband (I had to transplant her because she was pretty tight in the cup):
Here is Jordan and then Minnie:


Finally is the Amnesia, Not a great pic, but best I could get under circumstances last night:
For your viewing pleasure!

Good Morning Smokey,

Just letting you know that there are problems with many members on uploading photos, and they are working on it. Just in case you've been trying to upload and have problems. Some people are able to, and some are not.

There have been bugs with other members on email notifications as well, so that is something they are aware of. :)

Here is the area to post problems:

Calling All 420 Community Members: Help Needed With Gallery Bug Reports

Hope you are feeling better everyday!

Good Morning Smokey,

Just letting you know that there are problems with many members on uploading photos, and they are working on it. Just in case you've been trying to upload and have problems. Some people are able to, and some are not.

There have been bugs with other members on email notifications as well, so that is something they are aware of. :)

Here is the area to post problems:

Calling All 420 Community Members: Help Needed With Gallery Bug Reports

Hope you are feeling better everyday!


It turns out I'm still sick (Since Friday night so far), But thank you for letting me know about the email notifications, I'm also not getting any again. I had figured since I hadn't received any notifications, no one was posting anything. I see that was incorrect.
I will log in today when I feel good enough too. I have posted about my problems with notifications in the link you pointed out for me, Thank you for that Canna. I will log in occasionally today to check up I just didn't know I had any posts since yesterday when it got worse and all notifications stopped coming completely. BTW, I am still feeling a lot better than I was, just can't seem to keep anything down.

Just look at that Smokey, very nice!!

Spend time just staring I bet?

When I can I do! Still a little under the weather, but if I wasn't I would probably be planted in front of the tent. They do look good! I'm so happy my first grow is turning out so well (Thanks to PJ and you guys!), I can hardly wait to try the first I've actually grown to help my pain.
But Man! I'm am amazed at how much they are drinking now, I have to give each of them about a gallon and a quart every 3 days. They are bone dry every time I check on the third day. That's not only with the stick, I also stick my finger into one of the holes in the bottom of the bucket and the soil is just moist enough to keep the soil from coming out the hole (unless when I tip it to check I bump it a little , then soil does come out a little). And after giving them all that water, only about a half and inch of water drains thru. I use my syringe and keep squirting it back thru until it's just running thru over and over.
Could someone leave a post please? I notified :420:that I have stopped receiving email notifications, which is how I personally tell if I received a post on the journal. I just need to see if an email notifies me I received a message since I notified them earlier. I would appreciate it even if you just post "Test". Thank you!

Hey Smokey, feel better soon

"CCOiler" AKA "RSOiler"

Hey smokie,
If you are having trouble with the signature I have instructions on the blog, I think I sent it before...but if not here it is again:

How to customize Links in your posts

I looked at the example, Tried what is the first part of the example in a post, but the second part shows me typing the URL. I'm completely lost, But take a look at the example to see what I mean, first it shows typing what I want as my signature, clicking the globe and loading my address and then it shows me doing a different post typing out the URL. I also don't have a place at the bottom of my post clicking on show your signature, Am I doing this in the wrong place?. If it's too big a deal, don't worry about it, I don't actually need a signature. Sorry to be so dumb as obviously everyone else has figured this out.
I looked at the example, Tried what is the first part of the example in a post, but the second part shows me typing the URL. I'm completely lost, But take a look at the example to see what I mean, first it shows typing what I want as my signature, clicking the globe and loading my address and then it shows me doing a different post typing out the URL. I also don't have a place at the bottom of my post clicking on show your signature, Am I doing this in the wrong place?. If it's too big a deal, don't worry about it, I don't actually need a signature. Sorry to be so dumb as obviously everyone else has figured this out.

I'm going to separate those examples into different Posts, so there is no confusion.

Go to your settings, then "edit signature". In that box Type what you want the link to read, then highlight that. Go to the little globe and put the URL in there. Click okay, or whatever it says there.
Then either preview your signature, or click on "save".
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