That's exactly right!
Also, you mentioned you would be interested in what I think after smoking it . . .
I had an experienced friend come over to try the buds with me for the first time. I was surprised at the potency, it actually seems 2-3 times more potent to me than the dispensary weed I've tried in the last year even though I know that's not possible. For me it goes up hard and fast initially like a sativa but then levels off into a beautiful more indica buzz that is actually fun and energetic somewhat like you described your weed recently. Although I have learned since if I smoke too much it puts me on the couch typing on the Internet. Lol I love this strain even if it never develops an aroma of cookies baking in the oven. In a way right now it's like who cares?
My friend made a big deal about it. He said this is what they called Chron or Dank or primo weed in college and would pay $80 for 3 buds when they didn't want to buy shit weed. He said just even smelling the buds took him right back to that time 11 years ago.
So between my experience and my friend explaining what dank and Chron/Chronic weed means I think it's possible that I've got some pretty high quality stuff here.