My First Grow!

Day 9! Today I got up and was super surprised to see how much it had grown. It grew a lot in one night! I'll probably upload pics tomorrow to show some day by day growth!
Day 10! The first big checkpoint. Today I spent a little one on one time talking to my girl (my plant, I'm single ladies) and discovered something that wasn't quite right. The third leaf node is off to a pretty good start, good enough to notice that one of the leaves is deformed. In my horticultural opinion, looking at how it is growing in at the moment, I don't think there is any chemical imbalance going on, it looks like a simple "birth defect" which is common in several plants. Looking at it now, I'm going to guess the leaf will have 4 leaflets, which is definitely odd, I'm thinking the main leaflet is fused unevenly between the two next to it, causing it to grow just a tiny bit downward but we should be able to tell what's really going on in a couple days. I'm not worried, it's just rather interesting.

Day 13; First legitimate problem. Hi guys, today I noticed the first little problem. A The second set of leaves on the plant appear to have some small dead spots growing with yellowing in the area, though it is very early in the development, the problem has been identified as a) Some contaminant found it's way into my mister and just hurt those few spots or B) there was a problem with the ph causing a manganese deficiency. While it is unclear as to what caused this, none of the other leaves appear to have this problem (yet) and needless to say, I have taken precaution in the case that it is either of these two issues. My equipment has been cleaned, as well as my water and soil has been re ph'd and flushed lightly. You can't see the issue in any of these pictures but as the leaves start to die (as they will likely) it will become more noticeable. This doesn't appear to be hurting growth at all and I will trim off the injured leaves soon to prevent them from wasting energy that could go to growth.

A couple issues I am really watching out for right now: nute lockout, calcium deficiency, mites & such, boron deficiancy.
A couple issues I am really watching out for right now: nute lockout, calcium deficiency, mites & such, boron deficiancy.
You are not overreacting now? they look healthy to me, perhaps slightly pale but that seems to be the light? (at this end of the world).. :blushsmile:

-Greetings from Scandinavia btw and welcome! :welcome:
@SwedishCloset haha, sorry I didn't mean to sound so panicky, but yes, I can tell there is definitely something wrong, no, you cannot see it in the pictures I posted today, I couldn't get a good one of the problemed leaves. Whatever the problem is, it isn't going to kill the plant, I have it well under control. It isn't the end of the world. Thanks for keeping me in check. lol
@SwedishCloset haha, sorry I didn't mean to sound so panicky, but yes, I can tell there is definitely something wrong, no, you cannot see it in the pictures I posted today, I couldn't get a good one of the problemed leaves. Whatever the problem is, it isn't going to kill the plant, I have it well under control. It isn't the end of the world. Thanks for keeping me in check. lol

Hey Nick, after reading your post I went back to see what kind of soil you were using. The only reference was to an "organic blend". I mention this because you have to look at all the factors, starting with your soil, to determine what your problem is, If you have one at all. While seedlings are quite resilient, they are particularly sensitive at this stage, they are developing root systems, and being transplanted in some cases. Make a mental checklist starting with what you are certain of, then addressing your questions will be much easier. #1. Hopefully you have a good soil, one you've used before, or one that it's just commonly known that it's good FOR GROWING CANNABIS, only a portion of soil mfgrs. understand our needs and address them with their products. OK, you know your soil is good. #2 You Ph"d your water and either you adjust it or it's good already. When you're looking at something with a seedling it's generally going to be the soil that affects it most. Look for the simlpest solution to your problem. #3 You're not over or under watering? You know all these factors are good, all your circulation and ventilation are in order. If evrything is in order, but you still think things don't look just right, give yourself some time to think about your concerns, then decide what you think the issue is, or if you have one at all. This is what I think, you may be overwatering a bit, you dont want your soil taking more than 3 days to dry out enough to water. Also, these are tender seedlings, if your soils a little hot you may get a little burn like you're describing, forget about deficiencies ( you started with good soil), DO NOT CUT OFF THE PARTIALLY BURNED LEAVES, if the plants going to burn more it will be those same leaves that get what's burning them, let those already damaged leaves absorb as much of the irritant as possible, rather than remove them and have that irritant directed to the rest of the plant. Use your fundamental skills and knowlege, nutiennt deficiencies are rare in complete, quality soils. That's it, I'm just here to remind you of what you already know bro.
Thanks mcloadie, I have taken the necessary steps and while I still don't know what cause the problem, I have a feeling it was in the soil. I use a peat moss/perlite/dry castings soil mix, one that is regularly used for growing cannabis. I think there may have been something odd in the soil that caused a tiny little burn. None of the new leaves seem affected so I think I can safely say problem solved. The ph tested out good and 3, the plant has been very strong so far as far as watering and ventilation go. I know firsthand what heat stress or light stress looking like and I don't think that's what this is. As far as the leaves go, I would only cut them once I was positive the problem had been completely solved. Probably when I start some defoliation techniques in a a few weeks to a month or so. You're right, I do know generally what I'm doing, but it's still a little different than plants I've grown before. Thanks again!!
Thanks mcloadie, I have taken the necessary steps and while I still don't know what cause the problem, I have a feeling it was in the soil. I use a peat moss/perlite/dry castings soil mix, one that is regularly used for growing cannabis. I think there may have been something odd in the soil that caused a tiny little burn. None of the new leaves seem affected so I think I can safely say problem solved. The ph tested out good and 3, the plant has been very strong so far as far as watering and ventilation go. I know firsthand what heat stress or light stress looking like and I don't think that's what this is. As far as the leaves go, I would only cut them once I was positive the problem had been completely solved. Probably when I start some defoliation techniques in a a few weeks to a month or so. You're right, I do know generally what I'm doing, but it's still a little different than plants I've grown before. Thanks again!!

Good, same thing just happened to me, a process that I've done many times didn't work and I was second guessing myself and my method. I think it was a miscalculation in the nutrient construction. I can just envision the people making this product with shovels out in the hot sun and one of em forgets how much he put in or whatever. If this ever happens again I'll let them know what's happening and they'll lose a customer. All I expect is to get what they say i'm getting, I pay for top quality products, and they aren't the only ones that produce them. I'm thinking of doing a grow using nothing but manure and urine, I have seen massive plants growing in just that. Keep up the good work, remember, you KNOW THIS STUFF, apply your knowlege, I have a ton of confidence in your abilities! Success, first time, every time! When these affected plants get over this tiny hurdle they are gonna explode! Study your defol plans closely, everything you do needs to make sense to you.
Day 15 (pics are from Day 14 & 15) While the pics are from yesterday and today, I do think the problem was a nute issue. It appears to have stopped although a couple of lower leaves do appear damaged, they should all be fine. The flush seemed to have worked.

Again you can't really tell from these pics. Once the small dying spots die completly It'll be obvious.
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
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