My First Grow: Pre Grow

Re: My first grow:pre grow

Poker Shark, DrTentgrow, Weedryder, ThecrimsonK20......

thank you to all of you for your replies and interest!
22 oz from 6 plants on your first grow....WOW. that's what I'm talking about!


I want this to start today....seems like it's taking forever. But, I've told myself to have discipline and patience....set it up right the first time, do my homework, and try to minimize trial and error. (minimize....not eliminate)

The reason I may choose Jack Herrer is because I have a friend who is a master grower.....that's what he grows. I'm sure there are easier things to grow....
Re: My first grow:pre grow

Also, how is "word getting out" about this grow. Isn't this site confidential? I mean, I see all sorts of pics from all sorts of people here.....did I do something wrong?

This site is public doc.

The admins do all they can to respect and protect our confidentiality, but everything we type and attach to these journals is public.

I try to be vague and general about personal details like my age, profession, exact location, etc., because IMO, it's safer that way.

I've been experiencing some increasing paranoia over my outdoor grow (which will now be indoor) and I think I may have transferred some of that over to this journal, but keeping those details vague and general is a good policy to have until weed is legalized.

You haven't done anything "wrong" technically or legally, since you are legal as far as California is concerned, but the feds don't care about that, and the assholes that would break in and steal your weed aren't really wondering whether your grow is legal or not.

Excrement occurs.
Re: My first grow:pre grow

This site is public doc.

The admins do all they can to respect and protect our confidentiality, but everything we type and attach to these journals is public.

I try to be vague and general about personal details like my age, profession, exact location, etc., because IMO, it's safer that way.

I've been experiencing some increasing paranoia over my outdoor grow (which will now be indoor) and I think I may have transferred some of that over to this journal, but keeping those details vague and general is a good policy to have until weed is legalized.

You haven't done anything "wrong" technically or legally, since you are legal as far as California is concerned, but the feds don't care about that, and the assholes that would break in and steal your weed aren't really wondering whether your grow is legal or not.

Excrement occurs.

Well, FWIW, I may have lied about my age....but I do live in Cali, and I do have a card, and I am within the limits of my recommendation. I don't believe I gave any indication of my location at all, and I don't intend to. :allgood:

Sumpin' tells me the feds aren't looking for a guy who grows 1 or 2 far as people coming in and stealing....I don't think so.

However, your post is a good reminder! So far, the only people who know of my grow---and know who I am----are my wife and my business partner, who also grows. No one else knows and I'm not talkin.


On another note, I just hung my ducting and fan, the 8" fan is now sucking air OUT via the Phresh filter. Intake is passive now.....I might just keep it that way, because just passively, when the exhaust fan is on, lots of air blows through. I may just pop a HEPA filter on the duct and leave it be.

Temps and humidity are perfect.....RH is 40, I figure with plants it'll go up to 50-60.
Re: My first grow:pre grow

Lot's of activity lately!

Floor is mopped, bleached, vents are in, should have lights, C02 and controllers in early this week.....but a friend gave me some they are:

Temp/humidity wth no AC (and no 1000watt light, just T5's.

Phatfilter, 8"can

HEPA filter, passive intake.

White Widow clone:

Blue Dream

Jack Herer


Blue Dream

Finally, the footprint for my Hempy grow. My Producer (BCNL) still hasn't arrived, but it will be on the other side of the room.

I'm gonna learn on these clones....they were free, and then I've got some really good clones coming in two or three weeks, along with some nice seeds.

But, I'm off and running.....and things look healthy.
Re: My first grow:pre grow

Looks like your on your way to a good harvest. What strain of plants are those ? Can't wait to see more. Good luck
Re: My first grow:pre grow

Looks like your on your way to a good harvest. What strain of plants are those ? Can't wait to see more. Good luck

Ace, Setting Sun, and everyone else. Thanks for the replies.

Those strains are:
WW, Blue Dream, Jack Herrer, and Flo.

They were free gifts from a friend so I'm going to learn on them.

I'll be getting some other stuff very soon. I'll hang my light tonight and check temps, etc.

should get Co2 tomorrow with a CAP 4. Then I'll have a very dialed in grow room. I'm going to run all the equipment for a few days and see where the temps/humidity is before I put any "real" plants out there.

Going back to my Chem/physics/biochem/botany labs in college, I'm also going to document everything I do in scientific lab-journal style, so I should get dialed in without killing too many plants.....:smokin:
Re: My first grow:pre grow

My plants have been doing well...

I put up the 1000wat MH yesterday, got her all dialed in.

I also transplanted from the little cups to 10litre Hempy buckets, watered 'em and put 'em under the big lite.

NUTEs: FoxFarm trio. 1tsp gro, 2tsp bloom per gallon. PH'd to about 6, PPM about 400.

So far so good, I know the plants will do well under the light because I had under yesterday for about 12 hours. (Under T5's for 12 hours after that.)

I've been lighting them for 24 hours so far, going to 18/6 as of today.

Here's a question for experienced growers:

My RH is about 30-40 percent when the AC is on....high temps under the light about 84 degrees.

Am I going to damage my plants?


Re: My first grow:pre grow

Things are looking a little droopy this morning....not burned or dry, but the leaves are drooping down. I watered the perlite well after transplanting yesterday, and gave them a little bit more this AM because the top felt dry.

It drains very well, of course, so I don't "think" I've over watered.....

Could this just be transplant stress?
Also, they were under the 1000w MH for 24 hours, humdity in the 30-46% range.

Any wise words?
Re: My first grow:pre grow

Things are looking a little droopy this morning....not burned or dry, but the leaves are drooping down. I watered the perlite well after transplanting yesterday, and gave them a little bit more this AM because the top felt dry.

It drains very well, of course, so I don't "think" I've over watered.....

Could this just be transplant stress?
Also, they were under the 1000w MH for 24 hours, humdity in the 30-46% range.

Any wise words?

When you filled the pots with the Perlite, did you rinse the Perlite first or put it in dry?

Perlite does hold water pretty well and can get soggy. They just look a bit over-watered to me. It's hard to check Perlite with a finger like you would check soil because Perlite always feels sorta dry to our skin, but still might be quite moist.

If you lay off the water and they improve, the diagnosis will declare itself ;)
Re: My first grow:pre grow

When you filled the pots with the Perlite, did you rinse the Perlite first or put it in dry?

Perlite does hold water pretty well and can get soggy. They just look a bit over-watered to me. It's hard to check Perlite with a finger like you would check soil because Perlite always feels sorta dry to our skin, but still might be quite moist.

If you lay off the water and they improve, the diagnosis will declare itself ;)

I mixed up the Perl/verm dry, then watered it.
The plants were in rockwool, and had been recently transplanted into a soil/perlite mix, and were doing well.

After transplanting, I again watered with a weak Nute solution, PH'd, etc....until water came out the hole on the side. They were perky until I checked this AM. They were drooping, so I re-wet the perlite and I haven't seen 'em all day.

I'm told I need to water daily until the roots reach the resevoir.

Also, I'm told rockwool isn't the best medium to root clones for Hempy buckets....but they were free, and my grow room isn't totally set up .....

Thanks for the reply
Re: My first grow:pre grow

I mixed up the Perl/verm dry, then watered it.
The plants were in rockwool, and had been recently transplanted into a soil/perlite mix, and were doing well.

After transplanting, I again watered with a weak Nute solution, PH'd, etc....until water came out the hole on the side. They were perky until I checked this AM. They were drooping, so I re-wet the perlite and I haven't seen 'em all day.

I'm told I need to water daily until the roots reach the resevoir.

Also, I'm told rockwool isn't the best medium to root clones for Hempy buckets....but they were free, and my grow room isn't totally set up .....

Thanks for the reply

Yeah, with hempy buckets, you do have to water them more frequently until the roots hit the res at the bottom, but you can still over-water if you get too zealous. You're not supposed to do that initial watering so that water comes out of the drain hole, however. Just water lightly around the plant, but not till it drains.

The symptoms of underwatering and overwatering look pretty similar with droopy leaves, so it's not easy to tell sometimes. As you mentioned, it might also be transplant shock.

If you're a careful observer, and you have droopy leaves, you can usually see the effects of watering a plant that's dry in an hour or two. They will perk up nicely. If they don't perk up, but rather stay droopy a few hours after watering, they're drowning.

I had a hempy grow go belly up on me because I heard you needed to rinse Perlite thoroughly to get rid of the dust and smaller particles, and I should have waited for the Perlite to dry before using it, but I didn't. Stuff was heavy and soggy and my seedlings were so stunted that I aborted the grow at 3 weeks.

I had read that it was impossible to over-water hempy buckets. That was before I got ahold of them, lol.
Re: My first grow:pre grow

Hey Settin'

How's it going? I just checked out your grow're doing great. They look very nice!

My girls perked right up, when I came home from work tonite, I checked 'em and not only are they looking good, I swear they've grown. Definitely lots of little bitty leaves sprouting out of the stem and all....they're going to be fine.

As for watering the Hempy's....I'm just following directions from a few of the Hempy people, and Hempy himself. I understand that the perlite wicks up moisture from the resevoir and the roots smell it and reach for it. So, I just give it a bit of water every day for about 10 days and I should be fine.

Here's my Nutes:

1tsp gallon FF grow
2tsp/gal FF big bloom

I'm using RO, ph'd to around 5.8-6.

When should I add CalMag?
Is there anything else I need to know?
Re: My first grow:pre grow

Actually, a lot of us are interested in grow room setup and equipment. It has a *lot* to do with successful grows and it gives us an opportunity to exchange ideas on efficiency, stealth, etc.

I'm excited for you! Setting up a grow room in anticipation of producing good meds can be a very energizing thing.

+1. I love seeing other people's setups.

Agree with SS, that looks like over-watering or under-watering.

Also, how far is your lamp from the plants?

edit: also, how long ago were they cloned? You got a lot of leaf there. Might not have the root system to support them. (honestly I don't know much about clones)
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